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I've seen it in three threads in three days.


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Lose ten pounds or loose ten pounds? What is it that you really want to do? If you lose the ten pounds, then we won't be able to find them. That would be a good thing. But if you loose the ten pounds, you set them free to roll about like a tumbleweed. Ten pounds on the loose would not be a good thing.

LOSE means to lack the possession of, to come to be without.

LOOSE means not tight.

LOOSEN means to unfasten something or make it less constraining.


The hockey team doesn't want to lose the game.

The girl had such a bad sunburn that she could only wear loose clothes.

Set the dog loose. Don't tie him up again.

I am so frustrated! I always seem to lose my keys. Loosen your hold on the bat. You are gripping it much too tightly!


9th grade grammar

Edited by Uncle Punk
added link to 9th grade grammar
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Lose ten pounds or loose ten pounds? What is it that you really want to do? If you lose the ten pounds, then we won't be able to find them. That would be a good thing. But if you loose the ten pounds, you set them free to roll about like a tumbleweed. Ten pounds on the loose would not be a good thing.

LOSE means to lack the possession of, to come to be without.

LOOSE means not tight.

LOOSEN means to unfasten something or make it less constraining.


The hockey team doesn't want to lose the game.

The girl had such a bad sunburn that she could only wear loose clothes.

Set the dog loose. Don't tie him up again.

I am so frustrated! I always seem to lose my keys. Loosen your hold on the bat. You are gripping it much too tightly!

Correct Sir! I almost copied the threads, but I thought that wouldn't be very nice!

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if we're grammar ranting...

"alot" is not a word. If it were, it would be pronounced as if it were spelled al-ut

"a lot" means multiple or many of something; or to a high degree. There are a lot of squids out riding today.

allot means to set aside. "allot some extra emergency room beds for all the squids who are going to crash today."

And one that pisses me off in classified ads: "good" versus "well."

You do things well. You are good at them.

"runs good" is incorrect. The bike runs well. It is a good bike because it runs well. The bike handles well. It does a good job of handling.

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I think I did this. Its not that I dont know the difference, It was just a multitasking must go faster error. :D I loose

I don't mind when people make mistakes - I mind when they don't bother correcting them "because you knew what i meant."

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