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Where the hell did spring go?

DTM Brian

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Yeah, this blows. I've only been able to ride twice so far. First ride of the season ended with a low-side. I finally got my parts and installed them at the end of last week and got to go for a short, albeit nice, ride...then this crappy-arse weather comes along! :mad:

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Ringo messed up the rotation of the earth and knocked it off its axis after doing 193mph on 270 which therefore put winter during summer and summer during winter. It saddens me. :(

If only he had been going the other direction on 270. He could have fixed the change in rotation caused by the Japan earthquake and we would be having sunny and 75 -80 degrees.

Edited by cmh_sprint
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This IS Ohio......the armpit of it all......so yeah, weather can change between meals much less throughout the course of a week.

Damn weather channel.......like the evening news anymore, just plain disappointing

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I think winter is back.

How do we go from temps in the 80's last week to temps in the low 50's this week.

Mother Nature is not cool.

No :shit:. Woke up sweating Thursday night, Came home from work on Friday and flipped the switch from "heat" to "cool." Thought, "so much for spring." Woke up cold this morning. Came home from work and flipped the switch from "cool" to "heat." Haven't opened the windows yet this year.

Damn weather channel.......like the evening news anymore, just plain disappointing

This too. Would had planned differently had I known those thunderstorms that were supposed to start 6p Friday and go through the weekend weren't going to start until 9p Saturday.

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Welcome to New Ireland. Cold and wet most of the time.

New Ireland is an Island, we're land locked.:nono: This has got to be New Seattle or We've been annexed into the Adirondacks less the mountains. :wtf:

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New Ireland is an Island, we're land locked.:nono: This has got to be New Seattle or We've been annexed into the Adirondacks less the mountains. :wtf:

crap, I forgot New Ireland was already taken.

ok, welcome to The Misty Isles Part Deux

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There's this phrase that pops into mind when trying to understand Ohio weather....

"If you don't like the weather now.... wait five minutes and it will change!"

I think it goes something like that atleast

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