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Kids on motorcycles...


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How come UP hasn't chimed in on this thread? He puts his infant on the back of his bike inside a backpack, with no more than swimming pool goggles for eye protection taking excessive risks regarding speed and route.

And he's probably the coolest guy out there.

God I miss the looks he got with the baby on board

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I was 10 when dad got his new nighthawk 650sc. I used to love to ride with him. That was the coolest thing ever.

But, yes completely the parents decisions to say yeah or neah.

I would say yes as long as it wasnt a kid that fell asleep all the time or could pay attention.

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Would he be less bothered by a bike that he doesn't have to glom all over you to stay on?

doubt it.

i missed the bus when i was 15 once and my dad was out on the bike and said he would come get me...i walked to my uncles house and had him pick me up there instead of at school....once you get to a certain age, riding bitch just doesnt seem that appealing lol....when i was a little kid i loved being on his bike, but once i hit 13ish - not so much

vmax with a sissy bar, so you could lean back on the backrest and there was grab rails on the tail to hold onto

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doubt it.

i missed the bus when i was 15 once and my dad was out on the bike and said he would come get me...i walked to my uncles house and had him pick me up there instead of at school....once you get to a certain age, riding bitch just doesnt seem that appealing lol....when i was a little kid i loved being on his bike, but once i hit 13ish - not so much

vmax with a sissy bar, so you could lean back on the backrest and there was grab rails on the tail to hold onto

Think u pretty much nailed it. He has me drop him off a few blocks away from school, other destination, etc. I do always give him the option of walking the entire way when he complains though:)

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doubt it.

i missed the bus when i was 15 once and my dad was out on the bike and said he would come get me...i walked to my uncles house and had him pick me up there instead of at school....once you get to a certain age, riding bitch just doesnt seem that appealing lol....when i was a little kid i loved being on his bike, but once i hit 13ish - not so much

vmax with a sissy bar, so you could lean back on the backrest and there was grab rails on the tail to hold onto

F that. He'll have two choices, get on the back of the bike with me, or I'll drive him there in a tan Festiva with embarrasing music played really loud so all his friends can hear. And I'll put a vynil wrap on the car of the pic of him when he fell asleep on the potty at age 3.


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My son has been on a bike with me since before he could walk...I use to ride him around on the property just to get him to go sleep. Fast forward 9 years and he is now 11. He's got more road miles under his belt with me by the time he was 10 than I had before I was 20.We really started to do miles when I got a touring specific bike quite a few years ago. (Venture Royale) I bought the new Wing a few years back specifically for us to ride together. I've taken him out a few times on the the sport bikes but I dont feel comfortable without him being wrapped in and he'd rather sit back there on the Wing like King SH _ _ and listen to tunes anyway. Always has all the gear on and I'm as safe as I can be...Yep, Its dangerous but so is everyday life. keep your kid in a bubble and and see what kind of kid they grow up to be. Take em' out and spend some quality time with them while we can, Hopefully my boy will be fortunate enough to take his kids out on his bikes and tell them his old man use to do the same with him.

Edited by 97af
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I know I've read this post.. can't recall if I commented though. (darn old age!)

I don't think it's too young. My dad used to put me on the back of us 85 Honda Magna.

He'd put a oversized helmet on me (looking back now.. bad idea) and then I would be silly enough to have shorts on.

So, for the rest of my life I have 2 wonderful scars from my leg touching the exhaust. :)

But no.. I still don't think 10 is too young.

However, like it was said, also depends on the riding skills of the parent. (Oh, and I think a helmet that didn't belong to the parent and actually was the kids size would of be a good move in retrospect.)

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I have someone on my street I see ocassionally with a young son/daughter on the back. He/she (child) wears a bicycle helmet while dad wears no gear. nothing like setting a good example from the beginning (insert sarcasm here)

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:nonono: You have to set that example early and stick with it.

The thing with riding with a kid is that you are 100% responsible for anythign that happens to them, and those consequences can last for their rest of that child's like (or it can end that child's life).

If the rider wants to choose to accept the risk of wearing little or no gear then that's his choice - he is old and experienced enough to understand and weigh the risks before making an informed choice abotu hos much risk he's willing to accept.

But when it comes to a child, they are totally dependent on the rider for guidance and protection. That child cannot weigh the risks or make an independent informed choice.

I'm ATGATT and so is my kid. I even handmade him denim overpants to put over his jean shorts in summer because nobody makes them and I won't take him on the bike with any bare skin anywhere where it can touch the ground if we wreck.

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I think kids should be allowed on bikes as passengers.........whether or not states should legislate for gear for them is up for debate, just like pilots (riders, drivers, however you wish to call them)

Edited by Das Borgen
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I have someone on my street I see ocassionally with a young son/daughter on the back. He/she (child) wears a bicycle helmet while dad wears no gear. nothing like setting a good example from the beginning (insert sarcasm here)

isnt this technically illegal? theres no helmet law, but i thought i heard that if the passenger has a helmet on, the driver is required to have one also?

Edited by Steve Butters
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I've been taking my now 12yr old daughter with me since she was 8. We've done 350 mile days numerous times. We ride ATGATT and utilize an intercom.

That said, it is important to consider each child separately. No two are the same. I have had 15 year olds on back that I would not ride again, and I've had 6 year olds that are great passengers; it all depends.

The fact that the writer of the article in the OP states: " But they can also be dangerous and are known for their ability to kill and maim, even the most skilled riders. A motorcycle is no place for a 10-year-old." is of great concern! Obviously this safety maven has no problem cramming her views down the throats of others....

How many children are maimed or killed EVERY YEAR while riding in the back of the family mini-van?? MAYBE we should OUTLAW transporting children in vehicles completely because it is so inherently dangerous!!

Personally I don't like to see youngsters on the back of motorcycles with an ill-fitting open-face helmet, T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops and will not consider putting a passenger on my bike geared up in this manner, but that's MY decision. Hell, mom and dad will pay big bucks for the uniform, cleats, chin guards, cup, etc so Johnny can play soccer but make little or no effort to protect their child while on the back of the MC??? WUWT??

In the end it's about personal choices. I CHOOSE to ride a motorcycle. I CHOOSE to ride ATGATT. I CHOOSE to teach my daughter about the dangers of both riding in a car AND on a motorcycle and we CHOOSE to accept the risks of MC riding.

I also CHOOSE to not read any more crap from Suzanne Murray....

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  • 3 months later...

Started riding on the back of my dad's Honda 750 at age 5. I remember falling asleep back there a couple of times and also remember arguing to not have to get off the thing after a few hundred miles and ride in the car with mom following the caravan of bikes. Started racing dirt bikes at 7 and stopped at 14 never to ride again until 3 years ago at 40. My 14 year old daughter begs me to take her on poker runs, but I'm leary. Am I a hypocrite? I've given short rides of less than 10 miles, but kind of worry about longer runs. I guess a bonus is that my ex flips out when my daughter rides.

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My 9 year old son does ride with me. FF helmet, jeans, boots. I have not been able to find a proper jacket that would fit him w/o going to a motorcross type. Do any of you know where I can buy the smaller size for him?

I found mens XS at Iron Pony that fits my 11 yr old

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My 9 year old son does ride with me. FF helmet, jeans, boots. I have not been able to find a proper jacket that would fit him w/o going to a motorcross type. Do any of you know where I can buy the smaller size for him?

My boy is 7, will be 8 in 4 months. Tall and skinny.

He wears:

- FF helmet (no modulars in his size that I could find)

- Dirt bike boots (high ankle, almost to his knee, metal toecap great shin and ankle inversion/rollover protection

- Dirt bike knee pads

- Home-made overpants (Bought a pair of heavy jeans two sizes too big, unpicked the seams down the outside of the legs and sewed a zipper all the way down the outside of both legs. Took me 2 hours and cost $20 for the jeans and $10 for the zippers) He wears these on top of his regular jeans. Couldn't find off-the-shelf overpants in his size.

- Dirt bike gloves with padded heels and armored knuckles

- Mesh jacket (ladies XS I believe) in grey with armored shoulders/back/elbows. It has cinches for the waist but he actually needs those because he's so skinny. He didn't ride with me in the cold last season so he only has a mesh. He start to not enjoy it below 50F at highway speeds.

- Scala teamset intercom so we talk while we ride.


Edited by Scruit
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