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WEAR your gear even if it's hot!!


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I haven't posted here in a while but I ride all the time. Even if it is 96 with a "suck" degree of a 100+, riding a bike is still an option AND you can be safe doing it. It does suck to be hot and wear your gear. But do you really have the "suffer" because you wear your gear?

Well yes..a little..but not so much. When it's hot as hell i wear a full mesh jacket with no shirt, full faced helmet, jean shorts (my bad) and bike boots.

The mesh jacket with no shirt feel like you are not even wearing anything at all (at speed, traffic kind of sucks) the Kevlar helmet with all kinds of ventilation is no problem and it's light and comfortable, keeps my head cool, the jean shorts are not preferable, but still add protection and I wear full boots.

Road rash is a horrible thing, and your melon is as fragile as an egg. Wear your gear, and ride another day :)

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I might ride a little less when it's 95 degrees... but when I DO ride, my gear is always on.

+1. I hate riding when its retarded hot out. Then again, You look even more bad ass wearing full gear when its hotter than the devils drawers out.

A guy at the grocery store the other day was staring at me as i'm putting on my helmet, buckling up my MX boots, zipping my jacket and pants, and putting my gloves on. I saw him out of the corner of my eye the whole time, I could just tell he was dieing to say something.

Him-"That has got to be hot, Looks like you're ready for some hard riding!"

Me-"Would you walk into a shootout without a vest on?"

Then i walked out dressed like i'm ready for laguna seca, and started my 38 year old 34 horsepower bike.

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I had a wreck on Sunday with full leathers on. Racing pants, jacket, gloves, and a helmet. Well, I went down hard and I got up right away, even as my bike continued to tumble. Injuries? Nada brothers and sisters. I hurt my shoulder at the gym awhile back, which flared up again after I hit the ground at 40mph during the crash. Even that is starting to heal up. Wear your gear. It's always better to sweat than to bleed.

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I had a wreck on Sunday with full leathers on. Racing pants, jacket, gloves, and a helmet. Well, I went down hard and I got up right away, even as my bike continued to tumble. Injuries? Nada brothers and sisters.

Sorry to hear; glad you are okay!

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I had a wreck on Sunday with full leathers on. Racing pants, jacket, gloves, and a helmet. Well, I went down hard and I got up right away, even as my bike continued to tumble. Injuries? Nada brothers and sisters. I hurt my shoulder at the gym awhile back, which flared up again after I hit the ground at 40mph during the crash. Even that is starting to heal up. Wear your gear. It's always better to sweat than to bleed.

What sold me on gear was when i crashed a few years ago, and was on my feet chasing my bike down the road while it was still sliding at a good clip. Not a single scratch on me from a 55 mph get off. I woke up in the morning with a slightly sore left wrist. The only reason i was wearing my gear was because it was cold out. Now, I wear it no matter how hot it is. I've got too many friends with nasty scars from slower crashes with no gear.

I still wear the same gear, and in the right pocket of my jacket is a piece of the turn signal from that nighthawk i crashed, just to remind me of what can happen.

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I was up and walking towards my bike before it stopped moving as well. If I was not wearing my gear, I may not have been able to get up, perhaps never. Not that gear always saves you but it will be a deciding factor in almost all of your crashes, if you have more than one. Hopefully, most people will never have to see if their gear works or not. I thought I wouldn't until I needed it.

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An old rider once told me that there's 2 kinds of people

" people that have layed their bike down"


" people that are gonna lay their bike down"

I donno if this rings true but I took it pretty seriously

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I will only tell this, basically because it needs to be stressed.

Circa 1977, I'm 20 and home from college. Hot Aug. summer day, myself and 2 friends from HS get on our bikes for a run on some of our local country roads.

I gear up in a side slit perf. leather jacket, jeans, work boots, work gloves and a Bell Star FF helmet. One of my frinds gears up about the same, the other is just pissed that it is so hot and gears up in nothing but his jeans and boots, His helmet, t-shirt and jacket are tied down to the back of his 650.

I argue with him that he should have on his gear, he tells me it is his decision, not mine, I wasn't going to win that discussion.

We hit a curve that we have ridden on many many times. I always lead, with my gearless friend in the middle, and 3rd, pulling up the rear.

I am a little more aggresive then the other 2, and hit the curve about 30 yrds ahead of the other two. A car is entering the turn but goes left of center in its inside turn, my gearless buddy dives into the bottom of the turn, into the garvel shoulder.

I am looking for his exit and see him flying over the bars and landing face and chest first onto the gravel shoulder. His front tire dove in and he went asshole over earlobes.

I turned around, the car was long gone, my othere friend was just looking at the huge pool of blood forming under is face down body.

We don't move him, my friend goes up the road to a house to call for help, remember, 1977, no cell phones.

It is 25 min. before help arives, he has a heart beat, but still unconcious. The medics roll him over once they decide his neck and back aren't broken. :eek:

His face was gone, no eyes, nose, teeth, or rt. ear. His cheek bones were exposed and gravel was imbedded in them, his jaw was fractured and jammed back, exposing his upper toothless jaw, his lips were gone, his collar bones were shattered and compound fractured. How he didn't destroy the veins in his neck was amazing.

He lived, with no face to speak of, he wore a mask with glass eyes. He had 57 surgeries to attempt some kind of human appearence, but none helped.

On his birthday each yr. I would gear him up and we would go for a ride, he lived with his mother until she passed on in 1997.

In 1998, I got a call from his caregiver and asked to come to his house. She met me at the door, crying and handed me a note.

It said:

"Thanks for all of your Love over the yrs, you never cared what I looked like, and you were always a great friend. Ride safe my friend,



After 4 attempts he finally was successful in taking his own life. 21 yrs of a living Hell, all because I couldn't convince him to put on his gear.

He never blamed me, ever. But I still sometimes wounder, what if?

I still miss him, his birthday is coming up, I think I'll go for a ride. :)

ATGATT, ride safe all.


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I will only tell this, basically because it needs to be stressed.

Circa 1977, I'm 20 and home from college. Hot Aug. summer day, myself and 2 friends from HS get on our bikes for a run on some of our local country roads.

I gear up in a side slit perf. leather jacket, jeans, work boots, work gloves and a Bell Star FF helmet. One of my frinds gears up about the same, the other is just pissed that it is so hot and gears up in nothing but his jeans and boots, His helmet, t-shirt and jacket are tied down to the back of his 650.

I argue with him that he should have on his gear, he tells me it is his decision, not mine, I wasn't going to win that discussion.

We hit a curve that we have ridden on many many times. I always lead, with my gearless friend in the middle, and 3rd, pulling up the rear.

I am a little more aggresive then the other 2, and hit the curve about 30 yrds ahead of the other two. A car is entering the turn but goes left of center in its inside turn, my gearless buddy dives into the bottom of the turn, into the garvel shoulder.

I am looking for his exit and see him flying over the bars and landing face and chest first onto the gravel shoulder. His front tire dove in and he went asshole over earlobes.

I turned around, the car was long gone, my othere friend was just looking at the huge pool of blood forming under is face down body.

We don't move him, my friend goes up the road to a house to call for help, remember, 1977, no cell phones.

It is 25 min. before help arives, he has a heart beat, but still unconcious. The medics roll him over once they decide his neck and back aren't broken. :eek:

His face was gone, no eyes, nose, teeth, or rt. ear. His cheek bones were exposed and gravel was imbedded in them, his jaw was fractured and jammed back, exposing his upper toothless jaw, his lips were gone, his collar bones were shattered and compound fractured. How he didn't destroy the veins in his neck was amazing.

He lived, with no face to speak of, he wore a mask with glass eyes. He had 57 surgeries to attempt some kind of human appearence, but none helped.

On his birthday each yr. I would gear him up and we would go for a ride, he lived with his mother until she passed on in 1997.

In 1998, I got a call from his caregiver and asked to come to his house. She met me at the door, crying and handed me a note.

It said:

"Thanks for all of your Love over the yrs, you never cared what I looked like, and you were always a great friend. Ride safe my friend,



After 4 attempts he finally was successful in taking his own life. 21 yrs of a living Hell, all because I couldn't convince him to put on his gear.

He never blamed me, ever. But I still sometimes wounder, what if?

I still miss him, his birthday is coming up, I think I'll go for a ride. :)

ATGATT, ride safe all.


^^ Powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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That just gave me chills!! I never think twice about not wearing gear!

My buddy just had multiple surgeries on his left side, broken and leg, and wrist attached by 10% of skin. Multiple skin grafts as well. A car with no brake or taillights did a nice brake check on him around a curve....front tire, forks, triple tree, and fairings all gone. At least he had a helmet and jacket on.

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That just gave me chills!! I never think twice about not wearing gear!

My buddy just had multiple surgeries on his left side' date=' broken and leg, and wrist attached by 10% of skin. Multiple skin grafts as well. A car with no brake or taillights did a nice brake check on him around a curve....front tire, forks, triple tree, and fairings all gone. At least he had a helmet and jacket on.[/quote']

Did they get the car?

Folks, these days cheap ebay HD dashcams cost under $100. Add $45 for a 32GB SD card and a little wiring, all you need. If you're ina wreck you can prove who's fault it is. Someone brake checks with no brake ligths and you have their license #. If some kentucky hillbilly in a red pickup wants to run your buddy off the road then you have the eivdence to send them to jail.

I'm sonstantly amazed by how many bike accidents wind up involving a car that flees the scene. Getting harder and harder to keep up my belligerant resistance against the concept of mandatory GPS tracking for all vehicles.

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I will only tell this, basically because it needs to be stressed.

Circa 1977, I'm 20 and home from college. Hot Aug. summer day, myself and 2 friends from HS get on our bikes for a run on some of our local country roads.

I gear up in a side slit perf. leather jacket, jeans, work boots, work gloves and a Bell Star FF helmet. One of my frinds gears up about the same, the other is just pissed that it is so hot and gears up in nothing but his jeans and boots, His helmet, t-shirt and jacket are tied down to the back of his 650.

I argue with him that he should have on his gear, he tells me it is his decision, not mine, I wasn't going to win that discussion.

We hit a curve that we have ridden on many many times. I always lead, with my gearless friend in the middle, and 3rd, pulling up the rear.

I am a little more aggresive then the other 2, and hit the curve about 30 yrds ahead of the other two. A car is entering the turn but goes left of center in its inside turn, my gearless buddy dives into the bottom of the turn, into the garvel shoulder.

I am looking for his exit and see him flying over the bars and landing face and chest first onto the gravel shoulder. His front tire dove in and he went asshole over earlobes.

I turned around, the car was long gone, my othere friend was just looking at the huge pool of blood forming under is face down body.

We don't move him, my friend goes up the road to a house to call for help, remember, 1977, no cell phones.

It is 25 min. before help arives, he has a heart beat, but still unconcious. The medics roll him over once they decide his neck and back aren't broken. :eek:

His face was gone, no eyes, nose, teeth, or rt. ear. His cheek bones were exposed and gravel was imbedded in them, his jaw was fractured and jammed back, exposing his upper toothless jaw, his lips were gone, his collar bones were shattered and compound fractured. How he didn't destroy the veins in his neck was amazing.

He lived, with no face to speak of, he wore a mask with glass eyes. He had 57 surgeries to attempt some kind of human appearence, but none helped.

On his birthday each yr. I would gear him up and we would go for a ride, he lived with his mother until she passed on in 1997.

In 1998, I got a call from his caregiver and asked to come to his house. She met me at the door, crying and handed me a note.

It said:

"Thanks for all of your Love over the yrs, you never cared what I looked like, and you were always a great friend. Ride safe my friend,



After 4 attempts he finally was successful in taking his own life. 21 yrs of a living Hell, all because I couldn't convince him to put on his gear.

He never blamed me, ever. But I still sometimes wounder, what if?

I still miss him, his birthday is coming up, I think I'll go for a ride. :)

ATGATT, ride safe all.


That couldn't have been easy to write. Thanks for sharing.

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That IS a pretty powerful and personal story. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Its very sad because he was your friend but you can't live for other people, they make their own choices. All we can do is learn from their mistakes and celebrate their lives.

- doesn't quite get as personal as your story but a friend of mine Josh Moore was riding an ATV about a year ago without a helmet. He wrecked and spent a week in the hospital in a coma from head trauma. After a week in a coma he passed away at the age of 19. Noone could even tell them they loved him or goodbye.

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Did they get the car?

Folks, these days cheap ebay HD dashcams cost under $100. Add $45 for a 32GB SD card and a little wiring, all you need. If you're ina wreck you can prove who's fault it is. Someone brake checks with no brake ligths and you have their license #. If some kentucky hillbilly in a red pickup wants to run your buddy off the road then you have the eivdence to send them to jail.

I'm sonstantly amazed by how many bike accidents wind up involving a car that flees the scene. Getting harder and harder to keep up my belligerant resistance against the concept of mandatory GPS tracking for all vehicles.

They didn't charge her with anything because they said he was following too close since He was trying to pass before the curve. I say shitty since he basically doesn't have much use of.his hand anymore.

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I stick out like a sore thumb around here with all my gear. Without an ABATE T-shirt and do-rag I might as well be going to a Halloween party.

More seriously, while it is true pretty much no one but me and my girl wear full gear around here, I think the full gear helps mask our presence to five-oh as well. By that, I mean they are less keenly on the scent when we roll by.

Sorry about the losses above.

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i try to wear my gear as much as i can but bout 98% of the time i have my herlmet and gloves one and pants....the jacket is always a ? due to the temp...ive been lookin a lil bit trying to find a new helmet and a newer/better mesh jacket....any reccomendations?

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