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Test rides


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What are your thoughts on people test riding your bike for sale?

I'm currently selling my 05 zx636 and this guy is going to come look at it and wants to ride it. I told him, $4000 cash in hand and he can.

But it still makes me iffy about it because the deal isn't completely done.

Am I just that careful and think that anyone will try and screw me?

I know that last part came out wrong haha but seriously, what are your thoughts?

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I have let people test ride my bikes but i take their cash first. Just hold the cash while he rides it, that way if he wants to jet with the bike you have the cash also if he crashes it you have the cash and he bought a wrecked bike. I would never let anyone ride my bike without cash in hand and them knowing they wreck it they buy it

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I did the same thing, cash in hand with motorcycle endorsement only! When I sold my ninja I actually rode it down the road and back so the person could see and hear it going up and down gears because the roads were wet and I didn't trust them.

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Years ago, I wanted to buy a Monster. He road my bike while I tested his. I thought that was a pretty good way to do it. I guess you have to trust your gut. I'd probably let someone test ride if they appeared to be serious.

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Years ago, I wanted to buy a Monster. He road my bike while I tested his. I thought that was a pretty good way to do it. I guess you have to trust your gut. I'd probably let someone test ride if they appeared to be serious.

I have thought about this and would probably do it. If the person rides up on a bike I am much more at ease about letting them on mine because they obviously know how to ride one, its the people who show up in cars that scare me. How do I know you didn't just watch a video on you tube and now think you can ride a bike? If your gonna use my bike as a test of your new found skills, your gonna pay me first. Even though I know that isn't the case for most people how am I to know?

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I appreciate your guys input a lot!

I told him it needs to be $4000 cash. All of it. Not some of it.

He claims he has ridden before, but I'm kind of "eh" about it. Also I'm eh about it because when people go "da bank" and abbreviate all words....I'm a little stereotypical. Sorry to offend if i did. That goes for all races though. But not to drift away from the real topic.

The next thing i'm wondering, meet in a public place or just let him come my apartment complex. The last guy who checked out my bike came to my apartment complex. He was sketchy, but cool with me saying no he couldn't ride it without cash. But he turned around and bought another because I would let him ride mine hahaha

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I appreciate your guys input a lot!

I told him it needs to be $4000 cash. All of it. Not some of it.

He claims he has ridden before, but I'm kind of "eh" about it. Also I'm eh about it because when people go "da bank" and abbreviate all words....I'm a little stereotypical. Sorry to offend if i did. That goes for all races though. But not to drift away from the real topic.

The next thing i'm wondering, meet in a public place or just let him come my apartment complex. The last guy who checked out my bike came to my apartment complex. He was sketchy, but cool with me saying no he couldn't ride it without cash. But he turned around and bought another because I would let him ride mine hahaha

If I am free I will meet the guy with you so your not alone especially if its walking distance :D

I wont buy a bike I cant test ride. I have test ridden 2 without even have cash in hand and drove to both. Guess I have a honest face.

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@Mykill, he's supposed to come check it out sunday sometime. We haven't figured out a time yet, but If you could do that. It'd make me feel a little better, plus i'd actually get to meet you and not just see you in gear haha. But I can always go somewhere else too and meet him and be around people

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@Mykill, he's supposed to come check it out sunday sometime. We haven't figured out a time yet, but If you could do that. It'd make me feel a little better, plus i'd actually get to meet you and not just see you in gear haha. But I can always go somewhere else too and meet him and be around people

I work both Sat and Sun nights so Sunday is prime sleeping time but I should be able to make myself free. PM info and I'll do my best.

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hahaha. yeah, I think we've all given out great advice but don't follow it ourselves.

@ mykill, i'll PM you sometime tomorrow and let you know what the game plan is. I have to meet with a rep sunday evening between 4 and 5 so i told him not later than 3.

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my insurance covered test rides when i put my bike for sale - but i still did cash in hand policy and made sure they knew if they wrecked it they bought it

the guy rode it down the street one time and it was on his trailer 5 minutes later, so it went nice and smooth

you mentioned living in apartments - unless you keep your bike inside at night, i would not let him come to your place....too easy to scope it out and come back at night and snatch it

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If I were you, I'd ride it elsewhere to meet him WITH AT LEAST one other person - just never know with all the scammers now days - its all about protecting yourself and your property - cash in hand prior to any test riding is a good idea too - glws!

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If I were you, I'd ride it elsewhere to meet him WITH AT LEAST one other person - just never know with all the scammers now days - its all about protecting yourself and your property - cash in hand prior to any test riding is a good idea too - glws!
If you have your concealed carry I would take that too, ya never know what your gonna meet on craigslist!


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When I sold my bike it was at my house. I store the bike indoors. Buyer did not ask for a test ride, although it would have been cash-in-hand only if he did. Plus the bike has a GPS tracker on it so if stolen the chances of recovery were higher.

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