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In the event of a non-zombie apocalypse... What would you do?


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The thread on Bug-out-bags prompted this. I firmly believe the collapse of society WILL happen.... finite resources we're using up too quickly, the food chain will be broken in one-too-many spots, etc. There are already "routine riots" in many countries... in the event of collapse of civilization, what would you do?

Imagine no electricity, meaning in a few days, no heat, water, gas... NOTHING. No help from government. Riots, looting, etc. Any zombie movie, just without the zombies.

Remember, EVERYONE will be roving around in groups with guns, killing those without, so keep that in mind.

Short term plans for survival? Long term?

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Use the remaining fuel in the truck to take my wood burning stove to bro-in-laws. We are ready for this. heat would be the only concern. His house is big enough the two familys would have space and the stove would supply the heat in the "compound".

Most my guns are already there. We split a massive safe so we are good.

Pond out back plenty of deer and wildlife. fresh spring in the bottoms for water.

After I shoot his neighbors we would have horses.

trying to keep my fiance calm would be the trick. She already knows she would not last long.

Real concern to me would be when everyone else started running out of food. You never really ponder the idea, but kids would be the toughest. I know the nephew eats constantly. The neice eats like a bird. But once all the looting was done and there was nothing else to loot. People would either drop like flies. eat each other or start shooting each other for food (one or the other).

My theory on this has always been. I will have my gun(s) with me. However, if I can get by using my bow I will, save the bullets.

I think the first winter would be the hardest. After that, it would expected.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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head directly to my office after gathering all my friends and family. Have everything here I would need to survive and defend ourselves. Its a good compound type setting and were directly next to a water tower.

Since we're an oil and gas construction company that is taken care of pretty easily. Electricity would be the hardest thing to keep going but we have natural gas generators so that alleviates that problem for the most part

The only downfall is that its about 2 miles from grocery stores and pharmacies and all that good shit to raid. The plus side, we have lots of heavy equipment to be able to make that 2 miles easy :)

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you know my friends (that really know me) and my family always said I was born a hundred years too late. I would have been fine in the 1870's through the 1900's :D

Almost forgot... It would be a biatch trying to round up the phesants and quail and stuff them in a cage/box to get them to their new home... (eggs and meat - last resort)

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It depends on the situation for me. If its a week or less I'm bugging in. If its longer than that I'm bugging out to our family farm. I have thought of this scenario to much honestly. The conclusion I keep coming back to is like Flounder said hide. Stay low and under the radar. If people think you have nothing then they have no reason to try to take what is yours. If they choose differently I can see people coming from far enough away that I can take care of a problem before it starts

I'm sorta a closet prepper so I thrive off the what if scenario. I have stiff ready to go at a moments noticei have my bug out bag (36hr) and a truck bag or a get home bag (12-24hr). I usually yell my wife and family if I'm carrying concealed everything is pretty much fine but once I sap on a drop leg holster get ready cuz the shit has hit the fan and is already flying.

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The only problem with that theory is most everyone has the same idea. I love the guys who say away hell ill just love off the land and shoot me some deer. Well deer were nearly hunted to extinction not to long ago in Ohio and it can happen again.

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I'd have to head back home to Cincinnati that's gonna be a pain in the rear to do. As for making a stand I have no idea what I would do but in the heat of the moment I'd find a way to survive with the family. Never really put much though into the idea maybe I should....

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We'd stock up on clothes, ammo, cartridges, powder, reloaders, canned goods, and candles - then board up somewhere riverside in the Tennessee woodlands where it's safer to be ;) Hunt in the fall for big game (meat keeps longer in the winter months) and small game/canned goods through the warmer seasons - Then I'd just headshot any dumbass on my property

Edited by Hellmutt
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Depending on where I was when dday occurred chances are will be either in minster or my gfs parents. In minster I have my dads house which would be easy to fortify. And he has a pool for water. In junction city its pretty far out there and her family is big hunters. With oil wells and natural gas on the property. I believe away from big city's is a good idea as most of the rioting and major looting will happen there. As far as heading for the hills that's what most people will try to do. The first winter will be the equalizer and everything will be a lot smoother after that. The old young weak ones and those dependent on medication will go first.

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I would hold out in the city (current location) and wait for the initial rush of people in pandemonium to cool off.

Odds are the roads will be packed so I'm not even going to try and leave the city in a vehicle only to get halfway out and be caught in a wall of traffic and inevitably surrounded by a large mass of people in panic. I'd make my way out of the city on foot at night.

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I have said for years now that ammunition is the currency of the future.

I laugh everytime I hear somebody talking about precious metals, I have been hording precious metals for a while now brass, lead, and copper screw gold and silver!

What would I do it?

Honestly it just depends, if the scneario is long term, I will head to my grand parents in laws they have a farm and a large house. It will suck to try and move all the firearms, ammo, and stuff.

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