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KSG's are in! And I lost all respect for Woodbury Outfitters


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Ive always heard that market value was driven by supply and demand.

Did you have a receipt for your special order or a written contract? Im sure they didnt want to take any money because they didnt want to commit based on the unknown. Look at whats happening now they arent selling for less than $1000. Sure you see them advertised on the web for less but anyone can advertise a price for something they dont have. I think people are forgetting a big factor in market value

MSRP is only a suggested price set by the manu based on what they foresee a reasonable price based on their costs of manufacturing and R&D remmember its Kel Tec were talking about just look at property costs beach front houses that are tiny cost millions sometimes and monster houses in the middle of nowhere cost pennies in comparison. I dont blame woodbury at all its just smart business

Id do the same thing and you would too

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Ive always heard that market value was driven by supply and demand.

Did you have a receipt for your special order or a written contract? Im sure they didnt want to take any money because they didnt want to commit based on the unknown. Look at whats happening now they arent selling for less than $1000. Sure you see them advertised on the web for less but anyone can advertise a price for something they dont have. I think people are forgetting a big factor in market value

MSRP is only a suggested price set by the manu based on what they foresee a reasonable price based on their costs of manufacturing and R&D remmember its Kel Tec were talking about just look at property costs beach front houses that are tiny cost millions sometimes and monster houses in the middle of nowhere cost pennies in comparison. I dont blame woodbury at all its just smart business

Id do the same thing and you would too

While I agree with 99% of what you said here, I don't necessarily agree with your last statement. I think that is where loyalty to your customer base comes into play. Price gouging isn't a good business practice, for this exact reason. People don't like to over pay on MSRP from businesses; from a private seller on a hard to get item, sure, but not a business. IMHO when a business goes over MSRP it becomes viewed as greed. When an individual wants twice the price for a Furbie it's far more acceptable.

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Ive always heard that market value was driven by supply and demand.

Did you have a receipt for your special order or a written contract? Im sure they didnt want to take any money because they didnt want to commit based on the unknown. Look at whats happening now they arent selling for less than $1000. Sure you see them advertised on the web for less but anyone can advertise a price for something they dont have. I think people are forgetting a big factor in market value

MSRP is only a suggested price set by the manu based on what they foresee a reasonable price based on their costs of manufacturing and R&D remmember its Kel Tec were talking about just look at property costs beach front houses that are tiny cost millions sometimes and monster houses in the middle of nowhere cost pennies in comparison. I dont blame woodbury at all its just smart business

Id do the same thing and you would too

Any chance you have an in with or are related to the douchebag business that pulled this stunt? Based on this post and your other one about your ACOG, you seem firmly entrenched up thier ass. They pulled a complete BS move because they saw $ signs in place of customer loyalty. Todd and others may not have had a written contract but they did have a verbal agreement which would hold up in court. I personally have never been in their store or done business with then but based on their actions i hope they fail miserably.

Edited by cmh_sprint
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I dont know the circumstances of the situation but Ive always had great experiences shopping at woodbury. I can tell you this, I had my name in their white book for a savage muzzle loader of which is one of the hardest guns to get a hold of at the time. they made it clear to me that it wasnt a special order or any sort of commitment it was just a "headsup" when the gun finally came in. i asked to put money down but they refused cause they didnt have a price for the MLII which at the time wasnt on the market yet. I dont know if this is a similar situation but long story short when they called i showed up only to find out it was sold 5 minutes before i got there to someone else who was also on the list for the same gun. I didnt blame them there wasnt any real commitment i just asked to get a call when it came in. Other than that theyve always taken care of me... just sayin

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MSRP is only a suggested price set by the manu based on what they foresee a reasonable price based on their costs of manufacturing and R&D

There are many manufacturers that will quit doing business with a company if they sell for too much away from their MSRP, higher or lower. I'm going to guess that Kel-tec is not one of them.

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Ive always heard that market value was driven by supply and demand.

Did you have a receipt for your special order or a written contract? Im sure they didnt want to take any money because they didnt want to commit based on the unknown. Look at whats happening now they arent selling for less than $1000. Sure you see them advertised on the web for less but anyone can advertise a price for something they dont have. I think people are forgetting a big factor in market value

MSRP is only a suggested price set by the manu based on what they foresee a reasonable price based on their costs of manufacturing and R&D remmember its Kel Tec were talking about just look at property costs beach front houses that are tiny cost millions sometimes and monster houses in the middle of nowhere cost pennies in comparison. I dont blame woodbury at all its just smart business

Id do the same thing and you would too

So much fail in this that I expect it will be impossible to repel all the stupid.

Beachfront houses are a finite, production firearms from Kel-Tec are not. Only an idiot would expect Kel-Tec to quit making these but if so the back handed move would have been justified with very little fall out. (If that was Kel-Tec's intent they would have been priced way differently. I can assure you this first product release did not cover their development cost.) A reasonable man is expecting that Kel-Tec is going to produce as many of these as the market will consume.

There are multitudes of ways they could have handled this but chose the worst possible one for future business. Woodbury’s is not the only retailer for these so they aren't finite; they have been very short sighted in not honoring a standing commitment. If you think others would be so ignorant to have done the same thing then I am certain you don't know too many successful business owners.

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Theres no need for any name calling or personal attacks. If you dont want to pay what theyre asking you dont have to. Thats the beauty of free market. why are you getting so worked up over a kel tec anyway

Lets say you came to me for a bike. I told you it'd be a year before I'd get it it but when I did I would sell it to you for $5,000, you're the first on the list, first dibs. A year passes and I call you up. I say hey, I got the bike but there's only a few out there so even though I told you $5,000 since I can get more for it, I'll sell it to you for $13,000. Don't worry that MSRP is $6,000. Don't worry about the verbal contract we made a year ago, take it or leave it. That's shitty business practices.

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Theres no need for any name calling or personal attacks. If you dont want to pay what theyre asking you dont have to. Thats the beauty of free market. why are you getting so worked up over a kel tec anyway

Not sure who this is directed at but I'll bite. The free market is having a discussion about a business that just fucked up and is about to lose more business than they are going to make from their decision.

The topic is not Kel-Tec or your estimation of their value. If you wish to have some input about that which is a legitimate topic feel free to start one in its own thread.

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Theres no need for any name calling or personal attacks. If you dont want to pay what theyre asking you dont have to. Thats the beauty of free market. why are you getting so worked up over a kel tec anyway

Oh, not to mention you have been a loyal customer for years who has spent thousands of your hard earned dollars in my store....

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