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R.I.P. threads, their meaning or value

Uncle Punk

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I started this conversation in another thread and regret doing it now because I don’t think R.I.P. threads should be a discussion thread that a lot of them turn into.


What is the point to a R.I.P. thread? Is it to be respectful and acknowledge the rider or are they to be used to decide who was at fault or if they should have died because they weren’t taking all the necessary precautions?

I find in no more relevant if a rider was wearing gear, has a valid license, plates or current insurance. Riding is inherently dangerous, a R.I.P thread doesn't need to be dissected into each individual’s level of acceptable risk to decide if the death is valid or not. These people don't deserve to die just because they don't have others same values for risk assessment.

The folks on the car forums would think that just riding no matter what precautions you take make you a fool to take such chances with your life, maybe they are right. The track only guys have decided that the street is not where they want to ride; do they deserve to die on the track after taking the entire street riding risk out of their activities? If someone is current with their tags, license, insurance, wear all the proper gear, ride obeying all traffic laws and still die is that loss more tragic?

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I personally think the fallen rider forum is a waste. All its being used for is to post about a crash someone saw on the news...who cares. Kinda the same as all the FB crap about Whitney, you didn't know her and never met her so why are you mourning for her? Same here you don't know the rider, never met the rider so why post about it? Who cares if he rides that doesn't make him family or friend. I don't post or mourn for everyone killed in a Dodge Ram just because I drive one. If you know the rider or he is a member here fine post it. Why post about every crash on the news?

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I dont see any harm about the fallen rider section, but I dont frequent it much at all -- personally, I dont want to read about all the sad reminders of how deadly bikes can be......but I do love riding so if I die doing such, I'll die much happier than bleeding out on a shitter from bursting huge hemorrhoids

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I feel if we can learn something from there mistake (or some one elses) its worth reading. Its also about paying respects for our fellow riders. Post about celebrities don't belong in fallen riders thread.

Edited by snot
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I personally think the fallen rider forum is a waste. All its being used for is to post about a crash someone saw on the news...who cares. Kinda the same as all the FB crap about Whitney, you didn't know her and never met her so why are you mourning for her? Same here you don't know the rider, never met the rider so why post about it? Who cares if he rides that doesn't make him family or friend. I don't post or mourn for everyone killed in a Dodge Ram just because I drive one. If you know the rider or he is a member here fine post it. Why post about every crash on the news?


I <3, <3-less dicks.

And this

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I had a girl whose mom read the obituaries every day to be thankful of her being alive or something. I didn't understand it and thought it was just out of morbid curiosity etc.

Also, this:

I personally think the fallen rider forum is a waste. All its being used for is to post about a crash someone saw on the news...who cares. Kinda the same as all the FB crap about Whitney, you didn't know her and never met her so why are you mourning for her? Same here you don't know the rider, never met the rider so why post about it? Who cares if he rides that doesn't make him family or friend. I don't post or mourn for everyone killed in a Dodge Ram just because I drive one. If you know the rider or he is a member here fine post it. Why post about every crash on the news?
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^^^ quoting yourself; classy but so true. I think everyone gets the "Omg, I knew someone that died/crashed/got hurt on a motorcycle!" comment when they tell people they ride. I have crashed and now have people always tell me how I will again every time I tell them about motorcycles (regardless if I am going to be riding or not). Its amazing how prevalent motorcycles are, but how ignorant people are of them

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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana 1863-1952

not Sir Winston Churchill, he said:

A nation that forgets its past is doomed to repeat it.

In part not tragic, but just plain stupid. A Darwin award for those who care so little for themselves, that they would destroy the lives of others in doing so.

Each of us see a little of ourselves in each of those events posted.

Some of us care, some don't care, and some don't want to hear it.

Feel free to self destruct. Try not to take others with you.

These RIP postings bring out the offenders and the offended. Try not to be either one.

It's not even the first accident of the year. There's been a couple already. This most recent one was just particularly irresponsible and particularly deadly.

I lose interest quickly, in RIP postings. But I'm already old enough to know where the line between thrill and death is located.

Edited by ReconRat
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I just don't feel right posting a RIP to a fallen rider that I personally never knew. I don't know...it's just weird to me to do it.

I've never been someone that got emotional about a funeral even in my own family.

It's not that I don't care. I just think of it as a natural part of life and it's not something to get upset over.

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I guess I'm trying to understand what the point is for the R.I.P. threads or what they are about. Are they to be reverent and respectful or are they a starting point to discuss how many wrong choices everyone made that was involved. Most of the threads have half the folks posting "R.I.P." and the other half are wondering if they had a helmet on or not like it makes a difference. In my mind it doesn't make any difference at all. It sucks to die no matter the reason and I can see a reason to second guess any vehicle death so why do we have these types of threads? A news report about an accident is a good starting point for a discussion but do the folks who only have "R.I.P." to say think everyone else dissecting the merits of the actions or lifestyles choices of the deceased are being disrespectful?

Every group ride I have been on people were doing dangerous things that might have led to their deaths but if that were to occur would any of them deserved it?

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I'm with the majority here, unless its someone we know I don't get it. We all know there is a risk involved in what we do and that there are many fatalities every year with this. I usually stay out of them most of the time unless its to break out my judgemental heartless asshole side

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RIP threads are devoid of any value whatsoever.

Most of us don't know the rider involved, so we have no personal connection with them.

Posting "RIP" or some little emoticon of a kneeling rider doesn't do shit for the family, friends, or anyone else attached to the situation.

It's the internet version of those stupid stickers people put on cars: "RIP Joe Blow 1995-2010". I care about Joe Blow's demise almost as much as I care about your kid being an honor student.

I do read the threads every so often just to get the details and locations of the crash, more for morbid curiosity than anything else.

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