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Defensive Carry: You need to read this.


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There are some things I dis agree with bit for the most part its good info.

Just be aware ofyoir surroundings thats the biggest part.

And I really agree with the answer is always no. I think most strangers think I'm.the biggest asshole in the world because I am not friendly. I don't give a shift if you are handing out flyers for a local church cookie sale I don't want it. The last thing I want is to be reaching for a piece of paper and some asshole grab my wrist. At that moment you are really fucked if its your strong side, which is what we all instinctively reach and grab with.

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Spending 7 years in the Marine Corps and 2 combat tours in the deadlest province is Iraq use taught me q lot about observing your surroundings and learning how to pick up that "gut feeling" I still have the shoot first ask questions later mentality. Kill'em all let god sort them out.

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This really is a great read. Even though I knew better when I was a teen I said yes once...never again. Long story short it was a lesson I wish I would not of learned, thank god I am fast on feet.

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Yep the age old question..... want some candy little girl?

It was really stupid...ask me for cigarette. Tried to grab me when I went to hand it to him. It was in a church parking lot of all things (st. Peter in h.h.). He had to park his car run down a hill to catch up to me, if there wouldn't of been a fence between us it could of been very different. My mom also learned a lesson, I got home tried to tell her but she had friends over and said not now. I told my BF who told the school, police and detective showed up at my house.I was to scared to id the guy and I wasn't 100% on what he looked like. A girl was raped on the street next to mine a week after this had happened.I was 14.

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