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WTF O.R aka casper


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I hear they want to crash one of our planned rides. That would be so cool the more the merrier. I just might plan another scooter ride this summer, everyone is welcome.

Let em. Then they can kick it sideways at 180 and show us what badass riders they are!

Gee, if I had only signed up for Brandons super awesome riding school and had a real bike like that POS he had on display at IMS, maybe I could hang out with nasty, acne covered asian sluts too. :lol:

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if everyone showed for the ride with out colors we would all get along not knowing who was who. We all love to ride and a group that big could do so much good for the motorcycle scene...to bad a few people crossed the line and caused all this.

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Even assuming all the ramming and weed smoking accusations are accurate; what does that have to do with Brandon selling stuff on this site?

Why would anyone on this site wanna buy stuff from the douche talking shit about ORDN is the better question...

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This wasn't about AFJ it wasn't about other riders it was about 1 person wanting to sell stuff and was told he could not be a sponser due to trust issues. The solution was be cool and when some one ask for a product and where to buy to step up then and offer to sell them a product by PM. Instead we have all this....time would of passed and ben may have allowed him to advertise, but now it will be never. You could still do the PM gixxie but I doubt you will have a positive turn out.

Edited by snot
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I've been watching this for a while now from AFJ. Not really sure what to add, but this is really bizarre to say the least.

Personally, I'm all about making connections in the motorcycle community and picking up anything I can along the way to get better. I don't care what forum you're on or whatever. If we have something we can learn from each other, then why not use it? As far as this thread is concerned though, I have no horse in this race. I like Brandon, he's always willing to help me out and I appreciate him for that. His reaction to Ben is his business, I don't have anything to do with it. Those two don't like each other. It happens.

I've learned a lot from guys you have here like Brian-KTM, and I have learned a lot from guys at AFJ. The "us vs. them" thing is bullshit. We live in Ohio. This isn't some biker gang turf war. Brandon and Ben don't like each other and are going to spar. That's the long and the short of it.

Not that anyone cares what I think. ;)

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I've been watching this for a while now from AFJ. Not really sure what to add, but this is really bizarre to say the least.

Personally, I'm all about making connections in the motorcycle community and picking up anything I can along the way to get better. I don't care what forum you're on or whatever. If we have something we can learn from each other, then why not use it? As far as this thread is concerned though, I have no horse in this race. I like Brandon, he's always willing to help me out and I appreciate him for that. His reaction to Ben is his business, I don't have anything to do with it. Those two don't like each other. It happens.

I've learned a lot from guys you have here like Brian-KTM, and I have learned a lot from guys at AFJ. The "us vs. them" thing is bullshit. We live in Ohio. This isn't some biker gang turf war. Brandon and Ben don't like each other and are going to spar. That's the long and the short of it.

Not that anyone cares what I think. ;)

Thanks for joining and being civil in this debate. It's easy to get hot headed when we feel loyalty to someone we perceive has been wronged.

I care. I think it's a shame it has to be this way. I see both sides perspective.

I also see that which I think is right. Not because of loyalty or "squeezing dicks" or "nut swinging" but based on who is being the aggressor and who is being adult. A request was made and an answer was given. If you do not like the answer you do not change opinions by acting in this manner. It only serves to cement the decision made.

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I've been watching this for a while now from AFJ. Not really sure what to add, but this is really bizarre to say the least.

Personally, I'm all about making connections in the motorcycle community and picking up anything I can along the way to get better. I don't care what forum you're on or whatever. If we have something we can learn from each other, then why not use it? As far as this thread is concerned though, I have no horse in this race. I like Brandon, he's always willing to help me out and I appreciate him for that. His reaction to Ben is his business, I don't have anything to do with it. Those two don't like each other. It happens.

I've learned a lot from guys you have here like Brian-KTM, and I have learned a lot from guys at AFJ. The "us vs. them" thing is bullshit. We live in Ohio. This isn't some biker gang turf war. Brandon and Ben don't like each other and are going to spar. That's the long and the short of it.

Not that anyone cares what I think. ;)


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I heart cocks! I mean cox! And Mykill, Madcat, Twizted, Jr, and all of my other track buddies! :D

I heart all you too. For the record since I know I'll be seeing many of you at the track, summer events, parties, etc, BOTH sides of this whole thread, I have no dislike towards anyone as a result to anything done to me personally. I love all, mainly cocks and balls, but well you get it.

Seriously though, I only could get to page 5 today, so I'll try to read more tomorrow when I'm getting paid to do it.

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I believe this is one of the incidents in question.. I understand its an honest mistake but the dude had an orange shirt on "provisional novice" kinda means.. "Hey watch out for me.. I' new" and he didn't do that... But anyway.. I know Monger admitted he was at fault but then said "he shouldn't have braked that soon" but everyone brakes differently, plus the dude has an orange shirt

Edit. Phone won't let me copy link.. Just youtube "mongers crash"

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Brandon may well succeed in his business endeavor as he already has a loyal customer base, but I agree with abdecal, this thread will not be good for business.

The best thing for you is if this thread gets moved to r&r and closed. At least then new members will be less likely to stumble onto it and see the lack of professionalism on display here.

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As someone who has my own business, the 5,000+ readers is not a win for you. It is quite the opposite. I saw you said losing OR members will not hurt your business. In fact, it will greatly hurt your business. Do you honestly believe that any of those 5,000 readers will still come to you to buy after reading this? What about their friends and friends of friends?

The market is small and the competition is fierce. You can rant and rave about your prices but 90% of what you have to sell to get and keep a customer is yourself. I don't care if you want to sell me a $200 tire for $50, I will not buy from you. You have made a bad name for yourself in the only market you are targeting. Since you are in Cincy, I am a part of that market, my brother is a part of that market, and a few of our friends are. By me seeing this thread and your lack of professionalism and respect for others I will make sure my immediate group of motorcycle friends will not go to your shop. Ironically, a few of them were members of your website until I told them about OR.

You're in deep because of you, not because of your pursuit of a business or lack of advertising. It is you, and only you. When you are the face of a business everything you say reflects on your business, whether it is a personal issue or not. I respect your attempt at starting a business but to be honest, you have doomed this one from the start.

I may be a n00b rider and a n00b to this forum but if there's one thing I know it's business ethics. And dude... You're doing it wrong

I've been trying to get this point across to him on AFJ. He doesn't see that his action directly represent his business.

Others there only see him as a victim, and see it as ORDN attacking him. They can't grasp that his previous actions on ORDN are what got him in such bad standings with members here. He see's Ben as "The Man" and is out to spite him even tho his reputation is the only one getting tarnished in this on going feud.

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Brandon may well succeed in his business endeavor as he already has a loyal customer base, but I agree with abdecal, this thread will not be good for business.

The best thing for you is if this thread gets moved to r&r and closed. At least then new members will be less likely to stumble onto it and see the lack of professionalism on display here.

Success is limited by his customer base. Sure, he could probably make enough money to live off of and live off of comfortably but if his hopes for his business is to expand and make millions... I just don't see it happening. Not in Ohio at least. It's one thing to piss off a few customers (you can never please them all) , it's quite another to alienate an entire customer base in a small market.

If I had advice for gixxie it would be to change your act, treat all members and potential customers with respect, keep opinions to yourself, and always remember... "time heals all wounds." Keep the business going and in the next 5 years you may see many of these OR members change their tune. As of right now though, you're working backwards.

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