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WTF O.R aka casper


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HOLY COW this is retarded! Both forums are good, and both are gay.. There are insanely large "DICK SQUEEZE" "RETARD" "F STICK" "ASS HAT" "ASS GOBLIN" "SHEEP BANGIN" "RETARDS" on both forums... Just because you post more on one forum than the other doesn't make you any freaking different. OR is more of a diverse group of people who some cruise, some track, some pose, some ride bitch, and some don't ride.. GREAT. That is who they are... AFJ is for the sport bike riding track crowd.. GREAT.. I'm on both forums, but don't consider myself an AFJ or Ohio Rider.. I'm hated by many people on OR for no apparent reason, but thats besides the point... But the point is its not freakon 1 vs the other.. There are a ton of members on both forums and that doesn't make one a member of one or not a member of the other... We are people who like to ride motorcycles... This is the dumbest thread i've read in awhile... Gixxie I know you personally and like you.. You have good intentions and you want to help OR members.. Perfect! Keep it up.. If you are pissed at Ben, don't lump all other members in with that. We aren't all Ben followers.. Some don't know you personally, but they see your posts.. Some are good, and some are off the wall.. Lets just drop the BS and go ride! MMMKAAAY

I like you.

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Oh yeah they've linked to this thread so the ones who can think for themselves will click in and see how it really is here and that we could give two shits and haven't been talking about them as they have us. Although most of them have replied in their thread about the link something along the lines I'm not signing up to read that crap the assfault junkies are all I need.

I moved this thread out of R&R so they could read it without having to register.

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casper is a gang banging biker preacher that made me ware a dress & druged me up & him & his boys gut punched me like a pussy when I coudn't see straight this is what he did to me to let me join OR I thot I just share my jarry springer made up story to add to the bitching thread . The real story is I went riding with him & max & my bro 2times on a peace of shit 1984 yamaha with rubber bars or a twin star 185 befor I got on to OR (aka:casper is a good bubby)

:lol: You kill me you tall Amish pimp.

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My thoughts..

Brandon, has been very cool to me everytime Ive ran into him in person. However, well, we see what happens on the web.

Ben, goes out of his way to help and yes is the same in person as in the web world.

Sad it has to happen this way but I would agree with Ben and his choice here. I trust Ben totally, cant say that about Brandon.

WTF have you and Jbot morphed into the same pacifying pussy. I can't wait to bang that sweet midget Asian punane, I’m here for the gang bang.

Every site has mods OR in my opinion is just better because the mods don't go overboard.

Bullshit, too many rules here. Jack booted thugs trying to keep a brother down. I think the other site is moderated less, what now bitch.

I moved this thread out of R&R so they could read it without having to register.

Outstanding, I approve this move.

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casper always seems to keep his cool. As much as some bash him I am surprised at how well he remains calm and very professional regardless of how others act. He could of banned gix along time a go and still has not. He keeps giving people more chances than they deserve. Thank you for watching out for us and not alowing this guy to advertise. I would never buy a product or service from some one who is not trusted here. I respect the opinons of the other members here especially casper!

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HOLY SHIT BALLS FUCK TURDS. i just wasted too much time reading all that. and the ass fault thread. and lurking on the site. i like the color theme over there. but it does allude to the nature of the site. definitely a ton of douche. sure, there's a ton of douche here, but at least we can spell douche. As well as differentiate homophones. Or differentiate transfer functions! hell, i love the knowledge here. but i digress. where was i...

oh yah, FUCK TURDS BASTARD DICK SQUEEZE. That last one I learned from my trip to ass land.

Brandon, Prez, gixxie, I believe that you're a nice guy in person. Never met you, but the consensus is there. However, you're e-penis is just huge. Way too big for my e-ass. So, I kinda don't like you anymore. :-/ Sorry. There's this thing that I don't think you read up on, either in high school, or when you started your business; It's called etiquette. Chalk it up to some dick squeezing, but it means something to me, and I know, to Ben. And probably to most of the people on OR. (Minus Uncle Punk. He's an e-dick. But we all need one of those for our e-asses.) I know you don't really want respect here anymore, or if you do, you've at least given up hoping for it, as we've all seen your other e-face. From the ass-thread, it's clear to me that you are literally only posting here to piss us off. I think it's turning out differently than you want, though. At least for me. I'm not pissed. I'm just concerned. You have two kids, from what I've read. I really hope you aren't letting them disregard the internet as a way to vent and not have consequences.

I'm bored. I feel for you. I wish you would have let it all clear up. In other words, I wish we could have all group hugged and squeezed each other's e-peni...

Grow up.

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Bullshit, too many rules here. Jack booted thugs trying to keep a brother down. I think the other site is moderated less, what now bitch.

I'm your Huckleberry.

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lol even if he COULD advertise here, why would anyone here want to give him money after the sorry display in this thread?

i mean really... how can someone think that starting a bunch of bullshit drama is GOOD for business?

Edited by John
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I'm your Huckleberry.

Oh my fucking god, some dumbfuck over there just made my day.

"I fully support whatever casper says, since I cant speak for myself while swallowing his testicles." ~Uncle Punk~

This has made my efforts here worthwhile. I “is” now being talked about by the junkies. I find it even funnier how ignorant the poster is about my nut swinging to Ben's will as I'm sure he will as well. Keep it up over there guys or bring it in here it's all good. Give me some more time I'll try to help you guys out with some more material.

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Oh my fucking god, some dumbfuck over there just made my day.

This has made my efforts here worthwhile. I “is” now being talked about by the junkies. I find it even funnier how ignorant the poster is about my nut swinging to Ben's will as I'm sure he will as well. Keep it up over there guys or bring it in here it's all good. Give me some more time I'll try to help you guys out with some more material.

That has to be some of the funniest shit I've ever read. Ignorance truly is bliss apparently.

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HOLY SHIT BALLS FUCK TURDS. i just wasted too much time reading all that. and the ass fault thread. and lurking on the site. i like the color theme over there. but it does allude to the nature of the site. definitely a ton of douche. sure, there's a ton of douche here, but at least we can spell douche. As well as differentiate homophones. Or differentiate transfer functions! hell, i love the knowledge here. but i digress. where was i...

oh yah, FUCK TURDS BASTARD DICK SQUEEZE. That last one I learned from my trip to ass land.

Brandon, Prez, gixxie, I believe that you're a nice guy in person. Never met you, but the consensus is there. However, you're e-penis is just huge. Way too big for my e-ass. So, I kinda don't like you anymore. :-/ Sorry. There's this thing that I don't think you read up on, either in high school, or when you started your business; It's called etiquette. Chalk it up to some dick squeezing, but it means something to me, and I know, to Ben. And probably to most of the people on OR. (Minus Uncle Punk. He's an e-dick. But we all need one of those for our e-asses.) I know you don't really want respect here anymore, or if you do, you've at least given up hoping for it, as we've all seen your other e-face. From the ass-thread, it's clear to me that you are literally only posting here to piss us off. I think it's turning out differently than you want, though. At least for me. I'm not pissed. I'm just concerned. You have two kids, from what I've read. I really hope you aren't letting them disregard the internet as a way to vent and not have consequences.

I'm bored. I feel for you. I wish you would have let it all clear up. In other words, I wish we could have all group hugged and squeezed each other's e-peni...

Grow up.


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WTF have you and Jbot morphed into the same pacifying pussy. I can't wait to bang that sweet midget Asian punane, I’m here for the gang bang.

Bullshit, too many rules here. Jack booted thugs trying to keep a brother down. I think the other site is moderated less, what now bitch.

Outstanding, I approve this move.

Damn pb rule. I can't rep you anymore

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"So as I gather it like5 of them are all "Friends" They keep saying Friends?? I guess they are proud of having 5 friends? Now they keep saying get out. I think I'll stay lmao.

Yes I know this is drama,but I can't help myself! I can't wait to see them in person and watch them cross the street just to stay away from my all powerful evil."-from gixxe over on assfault junkies

Is this the type of powerful evil you have vvvvvv, your flunkies?

"I would vote Prez 4 Prez lol if I was aloud to vote! From what I can tell, I am everything OR is against, and am proud of it! I love EVERY part of the afj family! I just can't express this enough!! You Monger, and Mello have become some of the best friends i got, shit I have made more "real" friends from afj than anywhere else!! I can only thank you for all you have done for this sport! I got your back ANY day in ANY situation! Junkie love for life!!!!!"- from one of the flunkies on assvault junkies

First let me help you out You would vote Prez for president if your talking about in DC. Last time I voted there wasn't a "prez" option. If you were ALLOWED (not aloud) to vote. You guys sound like a rape each other in the ass prison gang. That probably explains why you are what we hate and your not allowed to vote. Maybe at one of your meetings you guys should open a text book and help this guy out.

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