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Should you have to pay to skip ads?


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A new service is around that will allow you to skip the long ads at the beginning of videos on news sites etc. Thing is you have to pay a dime for each ad you skip.

Anyone else think this idea is one step on the path to changing the revenue model from ad-based to consumer-based? It'll start with the ability to skip ads on a pay-per-ad basis, then once that concept is legitimised they'll charge you to skip/hide any ad. Next comes the bit where ads that are not skipped are made so terrible and gaudy that people will be forced to skip them or not go to that site.

When I go on a youtube spree I can watch a hundred videos in one sitting. Usually dashcam videos from 1594ciroc on Youtube. Each video is usually 20-30 seconds. Some of those videos will have ads on them that take anywhere from 2 minutes to 15 minutes to play out. 15 f*cking minutes?? No problem, I just skip the ad. BUT If I have to pay 10c for each video because they put longer and longer ads at the beginning of each video (to make you ahve to pay the fee to skip the video) then suddenly it costs me $10 a sitting to watch youtube videos.

Then what? 5c per page load to skip banner ads? One good session on cnn might see me load 100 pages. Now I'm paying $5 to read the news.

Anyone else think that's BS?

Edited by Scruit
I type like crap
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I'm a huge advocate of a free and open internet, and I'm not alone. If a model such as this is pursued, it will simply stimulate the growth of other sites which don't charge at all or at least don't charge as much. I don't mind ads for paying bills and making a buck, but overload pushes me to other sites.

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