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dealer ride crash yesterday


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Not to take away from the situation, if in fact there really is one since this is all based on hearsay from a text message and not a statement drop Pony themselves.... How does one crash on a dealer demo ride unless being a total tool or total noob? I say this because I have attended 2 dealer demos, only 2 because I was shopping for a bike and they were demoing ones I was deciding on. I think its lame to attend these things just to rub your ass on someone else's bike when you have no intent to buy and are not there to compare your choices. Anyway, both rides I did were guided rides with a rep in the lead, at the tail and in the middle. They were led at a snails pace along a route chosen for its lack of intersections, corners ect so there was no chance of crashing, especially a fatal crash. So I'm curious how did the crash happen, total tool not obeying the rules of the ride?

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Yea the guy was in front of us and yea he did not look like he was very good rider from being behind him ,Adrian i know you were there ,so i was trying to find out from the people that were actually there .

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I stopped by IP yesterday to pick up a filter and some oil. Thought about trying a ride, but had the family with me and didn't want to leave them while I was off playing with a bike I can't afford to buy right now anyhow. I still consider myself a new rider as well and was not sure of the " you break it , you bought it" aspect of these rides.

So we know for sure that someone went down, we just don't know how bad?

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I was hoping that the medic that was on the scene that was in the ride with us was on here, and maybe this guy was going to buy the bike i don't know, my concern was seeing this guy get his his leg almost torn off and the hearing that he has died.

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As mentioned I was there but the accident happened behind me I did not see anything justbat the stop sign our guide went to see what happened then later informed us it was a crash. A medic was called along with two westerville cops I believe.

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Not to take away from the situation, if in fact there really is one since this is all based on hearsay from a text message and not a statement drop Pony themselves.... How does one crash on a dealer demo ride unless being a total tool or total noob? I say this because I have attended 2 dealer demos, only 2 because I was shopping for a bike and they were demoing ones I was deciding on. I think its lame to attend these things just to rub your ass on someone else's bike when you have no intent to buy and are not there to compare your choices. Anyway, both rides I did were guided rides with a rep in the lead, at the tail and in the middle. They were led at a snails pace along a route chosen for its lack of intersections, corners ect so there was no chance of crashing, especially a fatal crash. So I'm curious how did the crash happen, total tool not obeying the rules of the ride?

I used this event as a way of getting to see different types of bikes and to see if maybe I would be interested in something other than my sv650s. The first and only bike I rode was the vstrom 650 abs. It was actually really fun to ride. I would have never considered a bike like that before that ride. Now when I am done with the sv that will more than likely be what replaces it. Maybe that will be sooner than later since the wife hates the sv.

I did not see the crash first hand but I heard his leg was pretty messed up. From what I understand of the situation he stalled at a stop sign on Schott and E Walnut. Got it started then made a right hand turn onto E Walnut. Apparently he tried to catch up and lost it on the turn by the church. The person behind him said that he saw a black strip then the guy hit the guard rail.

This was not a blind turn nor a tricky one. I think rider panic/inexperience was the problem. More than likely he felt like he was going to fast for it locked the rear then fixed on the rail.

Here is a link to the corner in question. This is also the same corner someone dumped the vstrom 650 abs that I rode on earlier.

I hope he has a speedy recovery and takes it slower next time.


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So he was riding a non-abs bike? (black stripe)

Hoping for a full recovery. I wonder who pays what for the bike? I'm assuming they checked his endorsement and his insurance... If I was to guess it would be the bike's insurance paying for it, but an at-fault accident on him and his rates going up - unless he signed a waiver that he would pay for the damages/use his own insurance like a rental car.

EDIT: He'd have to be dangerously inexperienced or going dangerously fast to fail to make that corner. GSXR750? Betcha he was giving it some.

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Was it a gsxr or a strom? Or were there two wrecks?

It was a GSXR 750 that wrecked. From what I heard someone slid off the road on the vstrom 650 abs earlier on the same corner but it just got a little dirty and the passenger peg bent. The rider was ok after that and they even let him ride the vstrom 1000. :wtf:

I rode the vstrom 650 abs on that ride and it rode great.

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He didn't die.........that's a fact!

You used your virgin post to say this?

It will be interesting to see if it was somebody in the market for that bike or the typical yahoo that just wants to ride a new bike for the hell of it.

Why is that interesting? What difference does it make??

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