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I Dropped it Today!!


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I'm pulling into the parking garage at work this morning on my 06 Kawi Concours, loop around to the MC parking area, feathering the clutch in 1st gear. I'm kinda walking it a bit starting to turn right to bring it online and BLAM!!!!! Down she goes. 600 lbs of steel and plastic drops to the floor.

Before I could realize what was happenning I bailed out and jumped out of the way. Thank God for hard saddle bags or I'd have a broken leg right now.

The engine stalls out, gas dumping out of the tank, headlight shining up in the air - WTF just happened?

Standing there, feeling like a total douche bag, now I'm trying to figure out how I'm getting that thing back on two wheels. The dude in the little booth in the garage comes over and helped me right it. There doesn't seem to be any damage other than some scratches on the bag and my pride shattered all over the floor.

Then I see it. My right side foot peg is broken off and laying on the floor. Great!! NOW what the hell do I do? I called Iron Pony and ordered a new one (they're a Kawasaki dealer now) and had all day to figure out how to get home.

At the end of the day I drove it home using the right rear peg and only my front brake. I didn't take the highway because I didn't want to have to jam on the front brakes at 75, so I took the back roads home. It wasn't too bad, just a little weird on the right turns.

It's gonna take 4 days for the new peg to come in. I guess I'll just have to enjoy the sunny weather on four wheels instead of two.

I can't believe I dropped it!! Whadda moron!!

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You did right by getting out of the way quick, but sucks to hear of your loss

Canyon cages would have probably saved all your damages, but I dont see them available for Concours older than '08 :dunno:

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It's June 12th. One year ago today I ended up with a totalled $18,000 bike, $50,000 worth of medical bills and no income for 6 weeks. Thank the Good Lord for just a broken footpeg! Took a ride out to the scene of my accident this evening-I had some unfinished business with the damn deer that hit me, but he didn't have the balls to show up! Made ME feel better though.

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It happens,don't be to hard on yourself.

About 4 years ago my FJR did a slow roll off of the kick stand when I parked it on a downhill grade to do a quick tire check.It scratched the stator cover and fairing.Now at 93,000 miles those scratches just add character.

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I'll give you $1500 for it now that it's damaged and all.

Nice to hear the damage is minimal. Pride doesn't cost anything to fix, just slap a sticker on that saddlebag and you'll be otay again.

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Tonik - I've seen that video and thought about doing that, but gas had spilled right where I'd need to plant my foot so that would not have worked - but for future FYI it's good to know. Thanks

Cheech - nah, it's still worth more than that. Only $100 repair DIY. I'll sell you the GS850 in my signature for $1500. Runs great, just won't keep a charge :0(


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Tonik - I've seen that video and thought about doing that, but gas had spilled right where I'd need to plant my foot so that would not have worked - but for future FYI it's good to know. Thanks

You didn't tell us about the gas. That changes everything! In that case you wait for the dude in the booth to help you. :)

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Yeah I did, not that it's a big deal. Read it again.

"The engine stalls out, gas dumping out of the tank, headlight shining up in the air - WTF just happened?"

You didn't put it in caps and BOLD and underline it and say 'Tonik this part is important!!' :nono:

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Tonik - I've seen that video and thought about doing that, but gas had spilled right where I'd need to plant my foot so that would not have worked - but for future FYI it's good to know. Thanks

Cheech - nah, it's still worth more than that. Only $100 repair DIY. I'll sell you the GS850 in my signature for $1500. Runs great, just won't keep a charge :0(


Damn, and electrical systems are pretty much the only thing I'm not a complete bumbling idiot on. I just don't have 1500 without sacrificing paying off some debt, otherwise I'd be on top of it. Thanks for the serious answer :)

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Jamming on the rear brake at 75 would be disastorous.

The front brake is 90% of your braking power and your best friend in the fast stop department.

Leave that rear brake alone except on gravel or grass.

Sorry about your drop.

Edited by max power
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