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Laid down the bike


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So I finally laid my bike down. Of course it was after my track day on Monday. Called AAA and they won't get me because my plan doesn't cover motorcycles apparently and fire trucks came and checked me out and left. So I called a tow company because of course when I need something none of my friends are willing to help me out. So Im Just sitting here waiting lol

Bike won't start and I added some more scratched. It's not as bad as I thought. It will be a nice winter project and convert to track

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it is bullshit, however it is an accurate ticket. Its kinda kicking you when you're down but I guess its one of those be thankful it wasn't worse and you walked away situations

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I just got it back home. I'm going to take it apart and clean it up a little bit. Mother fucker gave me a ticket for failure to control vehicle, that's bullshit!

that is the problem with calling a tow truck, they almost always call the cops to show up before they do...

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its up from around the gauges. Might have to disconnect the battery for a few hours.

^ Its behind the gauges.

Set the bike upright, the rock it back and forth a bit, then bounce it up and down a bit. If that doesn't work, then disconnect the battery.

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I just got it back home. I'm going to take it apart and clean it up a little bit. Mother fucker gave me a ticket for failure to control vehicle, that's bullshit!

Standard Ohio policy. Was such a negative suprise when I moved from the South that they do that here.

It is my understanding that tow companies are required to call the state police. Maybe a law?

Either way, if you won't be filing a claim, don't call tow companies. Push that thing out of sight and entice someone to come help you.


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that is the problem with calling a tow truck, they almost always call the cops to show up before they do...

really? ive never had a tow truck snitch on me, and ive been towed out of some pretty hairy situations before.

one guy even told me he was going to hurry up and pull me out quickly before a cop drove by so i wouldn't get a ticket.

id be pretty salty if i found out the tow truck driver snitched.

Edited by John
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really? ive never had a tow truck snitch on me, and ive been towed out of some pretty hairy situations before.

one guy even told me he was going to hurry up and pull me out quickly before a cop drove by so i wouldn't get a ticket.

this is the exception, to the best of my understanding, not the rule.

I did have a family friend who was a towtruck driver, and I always called him because he would actually try to help me, not try to make money off of me.

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that is the problem with calling a tow truck, they almost always call the cops to show up before they do...

I want a citation for this, not because I don't believe you but because this seems really plausible and I really want to know definitively one way or the other.

If I'm paying for a business to pull my shit out of a ditch, there was no property/personal/any damage of any kind, and I find out that said business snitched me out to the police, I'd be fucking livid. If it's a state law, then I want the ORC number.

Thankfully, I've been put in this situation only once, and I got left from my group. A member of this board found me out of the clear blue sky, came back with his truck, dusted me off, helped me load the bike on the bed, talked the county sheriff into NOT giving me the same ticket the OP got, THEN drove me 45 min. back home.

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i don't know if they have to call. But i was on the off ramp to 315 N from 270 E. So i was in the middle of that weird triangle. other wise I would have got out of site. I was so close but far from a safely walking my bike zone. It could have been worse. Thankfully my knee is only swollen from hitting the ground(thank god for full leathers) I will always wear that shit from now on no matter how far i'm going. But the way I look at this now, is it's a good project for me to really know my bike and obviously fix what needs to be fixed and make it track ready like I want. My battery died on my camera so I'm charging that. But I'll post pics here shortly.

My only issue with the whole thing, which I guess makes sense, but I slide. Got up picked it up and 10 minutes later two fire trucks come over. No ambulance. They ask me if i'm ok, have me take deep breathes and ask me if I want to go to the Hospital and I said no. So then they left. I was really surprised by that.

THE ONLY REASON I got that ticket is because a state trooper was driving by and saw me so he was checking on me and yeah lol which I do appreciate, but was also like fuck.

Edited by Saacattack
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i don't know if they have to call. But i was on the off ramp to 315 N from 270 E. So i was in the middle of that weird triangle. other wise I would have got out of site. I was so close but far from a safely walking my bike zone. It could have been worse. Thankfully my knee is only swollen from hitting the ground(thank god for full leathers) I will always wear that shit from now on no matter how far i'm going. But the way I look at this now, is it's a good project for me to really know my bike and obviously fix what needs to be fixed and make it track ready like I want. My battery died on my camera so I'm charging that. But I'll post pics here shortly

Nothing will foster a connection between you and your bike as quickly as getting in there with a teardown and re-assembly. Not many things are as likely to drain your wallet faster either, but them's the breaks :)

Also, you may want to invest in one or two of these to keep errant screws and other bits into. Very useful, and VERY cheep.


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I want a citation for this, not because I don't believe you but because this seems really plausible and I really want to know definitively one way or the other.

I have no idea if there are any laws governing this...

I would assume it is YOUR legal duty to inform the local authorities of your own 1 car accident, but I know from personal experience that of the 4 towing companies locally, the police showed up minutes before the tow trucks, so coincidence seems to be out of the question.

Once for my mom, luckily my buddy Ben happened by and pulled her before the cop or the tow truck showed up...

the other 3 companies locally were stories from other friends.

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