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Desensitized to drivers not seeing you?


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Had an incident on 90W today where I started a pass from the left hand lane - the car that was slightly ahead of me started to merge on over in front of me.

I was too far in to brake so I hit the throttle instead, motored on past, gave him and his whole family a good look at what a "bird wearing gloves" looks like...

But I didn't get panicky or anything. Weird... the last time this happened I got really shaky and adrenaline dumped... this time, nothing.

Anyone else get "over" it? Not really get affected by stupid drivers anymore?

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I am starting to be the same way and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. Car turned out in front of me on a 45 mph road and I would have ate her bumper if I don't hammer the throttle and go around her. Heart was racing for a second but within 10 seconds I was fine, pissed off, but fine. Heart rate dropped and I didn't really think much of it after it happened.

Although after reading my own post, maybe you and I are not desensitized to stupid drivers, maybe we are just more prepared for them so when shit does happen it doesn't catch us off guard.

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A week ago had a driver almost hit the FJR after passing me at a lane merge, while on his phone. Never looked in the mirror. At the next red light I asked , WTF were trying to call me to let me know you were coming over in my lane. Dude says sorry man, never saw you.:facepalm:

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Wow, Franklin must have some nice residents(other than the attempted murder), if I said that at a light I would get the bird and the window rolled up, for me occupying the lane they wanted, possibly a gun waved if I am in Cleveland.

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We all should be desensitized to this. I expect shitastic driving from others, both on the bike and in the truck. It doesn't even get a response from me. I use that energy, of being pissed, and put it into thanking God they didn't kill or maim me.

Edited by granda080
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I think desensitized isn't a good word for it. I think it's just more awareness of how to deal with inevitable situations as a motorcyclist. I've had several of these encounters over the years and knowledge of the situation and how to handle it keeps me calm and keeping calm helps avoid mistakes

Just the other night I was riding and the truck in front of me slammed brakes cause a dog ran in the street. My gf nearly shit herself as there was no way I'd stop in time to avoid the truck so I calmly slowed effectively and veered over into the shoulder. My buddy following was also shocked I didn't just slam into the truck. But I was calm and knew my out and turned out fine. Willing to bet most the non driving ass hats granted licenses in this state would've rear ended the truck

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I think desensitized isn't a good word for it. I think it's just more awareness of how to deal with inevitable situations as a motorcyclist. I've had several of these encounters over the years and knowledge of the situation and how to handle it keeps me calm and keeping calm helps avoid mistakes

Just the other night I was riding and the truck in front of me slammed brakes cause a dog ran in the street. My gf nearly shit herself as there was no way I'd stop in time to avoid the truck so I calmly slowed effectively and veered over into the shoulder. My buddy following was also shocked I didn't just slam into the truck. But I was calm and knew my out and turned out fine. Willing to bet most the non driving ass hats granted licenses in this state would've rear ended the truck

This^ You learn to always plan your "out" assuming a multitude of different scenarios. This plan changes all the time though with changing variables.

I don't think most people realize how aware (most) motorcyclists are and in turn translates into being more aware in the car as well.

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Friday I had three cars on separate occasions try to merge into my lane on the highway. I knew it was going to happen before they moved. Drivers lean over slightly, the car shifts a little and, regardless of turn signal, they start to creep over. I've gotten so good at seeing the signs that I already have an escape route figured out and my heart rate doesn't go up.

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Shit people, I've a new record of five in one morning's 8 mile commute.

One joggled to the right lane at a red light, as I was pulling up. That got the brights on, one foot behind the rear bumper. Left the brights on. The rising Sun was at my back, and people were not using their mirrors, as if they could see much anyway.

One changed to the right at another light, causing hard braking for me,

AND THE ONE BEHIND IT FOLLOWED THEM OVER, regardless that I was right there.

And two people pulled up along side while I was in a line of traffic, and wanted over.

No, I haven't learned to vanish yet, move along...

Your brakes are your friends. Use then early and often.

Granted, I normally don't ride the right lane in traffic, but traffic was heavy and I was just put-putting along. All dork moves by cars happened at locations well known for that happening. I fully expected it.

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