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Have you been to the Columbus Casino yet?


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Craps dealers (or croupiers, learned something new today :) ) don't really have to keep track of a whole lot since there are 2 of them, not including the stick and the pit boss that counts the money. All they have is their own side of the table to contend with.

Compared to blackjack they do. I agree its just basic math but the payouts are different for each set of numbers. Eight players bets and if you know what you're doing you have quite a few bets going at once. Pass line plus odds, come bets plus odds on top of my street bets, as well as occasional hard way bets although those are handled by the stickman.

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Craps dealers (or croupiers, learned something new today :) ) don't really have to keep track of a whole lot since there are 2 of them, not including the stick and the pit boss that counts the money. All they have is their own side of the table to contend with.

Compared to blackjack they do. I agree its just basic math but the payouts are different for each set of numbers. Eight players bets and if you know what you're doing you have quite a few bets going at once. Pass line plus odds, come bets plus odds on top of my street bets, as well as occasional hard way bets although those are handled by the stickman.

You have a valid point. Still doesn't excuse the repeated near-misses.

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It's that way throughout. I was nearly enraged with the first four poker dealers I saw Tuesday night. You had to tell them what to do and even who won. It's like they were charity cases from the local MRDD or something. I made a snarky comment to the manager in passing and he said, "It's only their second day, give them time." I also heard since it's the first casino in the area, no one in the area is skilled. I happen to know several skilled people that were rejected based on "personality" or whatever. I expected whoever got hired at least new how to play the game - I didn't expect them to let these people learn during live action. It seems to have gotten better since, or maybe I've just been lucky in the rotation. There are some experienced professionals in there, I guess I just expected them all to be.

I know several very good dealers who delt at local clubs that did not get hired.

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I know several very good dealers who delt at local clubs that did not get hired.

That doesn't surprise me in the least. I can't imagine that in a city of almost a million, they couldn't find a handful of people that had played table games enough to have a firm grasp on what was going on.

You or MJ feel like going just to screw around? I walked around a little but honestly I didn't do as much exploring as I wanted to.

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  • 3 weeks later...
If you make it during the week you can get on a table no problem.

Anyone else been to the poker room yet? I've decided it's the only place I'll visit in there. Great room, atmosphere, and the dealers are a lot better at what they do than the Black Jack dealers.

I've found long ago that if I want to play poker, I might as well drop a sack of money on the table and walk away. I'll play blackjack every now and again, but invariably I'll get the insufferable crabby SE Asian woman who snips and chirps at me if I don't bet exactly how she does, and that ruins the whole game for me. After I picked it up (and I still got a little to go, but it's mostly the rarer, more complex bets), I'm a big fan of craps. Swings are worse than BJ for sure, so you have to be pretty well capitalized to play, but you can stay there for a lot longer than I could in BJ, and you don't have the pressure from the house to bet on every turn, you can stand at the table and sit out rolls if you feel like it.

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I'll play blackjack every now and again, but invariably I'll get the insufferable crabby SE Asian woman who snips and chirps at me if I don't bet exactly how she does, and that ruins the whole game for me.

Ha, my experience in BJ has been similar. One time I had a woman to my left paying me $25 to not "take her card." Another time I had a whole table hating me and then cheering when an ill-advised hit from the anchor position ended up busting the dealer. It's a seven deck shuffle you idiots. If you play it perfect you only win 49% of the time.

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Hit a $150 payout on a penny machine my first time there,

walked in with $25, walked out with $163.60 :)


Taken from the top floor of the parking garage...


Did I mention the place is 7 MILES from my house :D

Edited by SWing'R
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Ha, my experience in BJ has been similar. One time I had a woman to my left paying me $25 to not "take her card." Another time I had a whole table hating me and then cheering when an ill-advised hit from the anchor position ended up busting the dealer. It's a seven deck shuffle you idiots. If you play it perfect you only win 49% of the time.

Had the "cheering" thing happen to me too. Funny that no one coughed up any money when I came around to collect, but they were so absolutely sure not 30 seconds ago that I "stole" their money. With craps, I don't have to deal with any of that shit unless it's Hollywood Casino and the croupier is actually stealing my money by pulling my winning bets.

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