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Untippable "motorcycle" hits the road


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Gyroscope keeps it upright, even when stopped...

many of the amenities of a car: enclosed cabin, crash cage, etc... on a 2 wheel platform...

Kinda cool... could be a reasonable alternative to a car for some.

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honestly, i would just prefer a bike that has gyroscopic limiters set to prevent low sides (ie, you could set the limits and it would prevent overt inputs that would initiate a low side from losing the front or rear. electric or not, dont care. gas bikes are very good on gas (generally) and dont pollute a whole lot.

all in all, from what i can see, they say it's all the thrills of a motorcycle, with the benefits of a car. i say it's all the gaylordness of cars with the terrible tire life and utter lack of storage and practicality of a bike. i bet it weighs more than your moms and accelerates like her too.

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It will lean, it's a gyroscope. Theoretically, it will lean perfectly. Actually, I think this is the one with two gyroscopes on the belly, rotating opposite directions. I bet it doesn't have a lean limiter yet.

edit: If it has a nice warm interior heater or air conditioning... screw it, get IN and ride.

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I actually think its a great idea, but I can buy a brand new civic for $16k and it takes a long time to spend $3000 on gas.

If it were closer to $10,000 (maybe after electric vehicle tax incentives?), I would be all over it. I am one of those guys who has to wear a suit to work instead of leathers and we already have one v6 vehicle that fits 5 + stuff comfortably. 2 people or 1 and 120 lbs of dog would be about all I need from a second vehicle.

And the 200 mile charge is almost as much as my ranger got on a 15 gallon tank sometimes...

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For the record I'd be way more interested in this if it had a nice, strong turbodiesel engine.

Liter and a half, maybe 80-100 HP, hundred fifty ft-lbs torque? It'd probably score a hundred miles a gallon, and you could run it on fryer oil from a Chinese restaurant. I'm still not a believer in electric-only powertrains. We have brown-outs as it is because of stress on the electrical grid. No way we're going to be able to support it when every jagoff in the nation decides that electric is the way to go.

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