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That this is going to get turned around to be the homeowners fault? I see no wrong here, waiting for more details.


Edit: they interviewed neighbors and apparently this is a quiet couple also this isn't the first burglary at that house in recent WEEKS..

Edited by hollywood3586
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This just in: Cleveland is a cesspool of scum. Film at 11.

Elyria is indeed a cess pool. I'll take Cleveland burbs over Cinci burbs anyday and most likely CBUS too but I don't really know enough about CBUS burbs to make a solid case

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The Bus has its share (hilltop, near east side, etc.) But not on the scale of cleveland ghettos. Parts of Cinci are just plain war zones.

yea but this happened in Elyria, which is a suburb and isn't actually part of Cleveland proper. I'm talking about actual suburbs which Elyria is one

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Based on the evidence, and the story so far... I'm on the homeowner's side...

The suspect had no right to enter another person's home without permission. (regardless of whether he was armed, or intended to rob them)

While I personally think the use of force by the homeowner may have been a little over the top, he's well within his rights to defend his home.

Edited by magley64
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Our office is in Garfield Heights. Havent seen much of it as the office is right off the freeway, but their roads suck and I'm told its a shithole by the locals.

Reynoldsburg and pretty much the whole east side of c-bus has turned to shit in the last 15-20years..

Threadjack over. Back to dude shot a poor unarmed intruder who broke in his house at 3am. Should have just thrown an elbow, right magz? :rolleyes:

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Our office is in Garfield Heights. Havent seen much of it as the office is right off the freeway, but their roads suck and I'm told its a shithole by the locals.

Garfield Hts and Maple Hts is where my parents grew up and I was born and yes its accurate it is now a complete shit hold. You know me and my views on things so I think it can go unsaid about why and who is to blame it has turned into said shithole

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Don't care whether I'm in the Near East side of Columbus, or New Albany in a seven-figure mansion. If I wake up at 0300, and someone is in my house robbing me, and I feel myself or my family is threatened, I will take action, up to and including deadly force. Location doesn't matter.

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Don't care whether I'm in the Near East side of Columbus, or New Albany in a seven-figure mansion. If I wake up at 0300, and someone is in my house robbing me, and I feel myself or my family is threatened, I will take action, up to and including deadly force. Location doesn't matter.

I agree a perp in my house has no chance.

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Come on now? Ashtabula City/Harbor. The whole area west Braden Jr High? All the methy mcmethersons in the rural areas?

I was speaking in generalities...

overall crime is very low (especially in the rural areas... read: most of the county)

violent crime is even lower...

Sure you have your very small areas with high poverty, and higher crime (in comparison to the rest of the county), but by and large there are really 3 ways you're likely to get shot and killed in this county...from most common to least common they are:

1. Spouse

2. Hunting Accident

3. Drug deal gone bad

personally: I am not afraid of any section of this county whatsoever. I'll skip down station avenue in a tu-tu at 3 in the morning and I'm confident that nothing is going to happen to me. I leave my keys in the ignition everywhere I go... this is a safe place.

/thread jack

Back on topic, nobody is surprised I'm on the shooter's side on this issue?

I'd have expected a couple gasps of surprise or a spit take from some of you...

Edited by magley64
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Based on the evidence, and the story so far... I'm on the homeowner's side...

The suspect had no right to enter another person's home without permission. (regardless of whether he was armed, or intended to rob them)

While I personally think the use of force by the homeowner may have been a little over the top, he's well within his rights to defend his home.

Wow......first logic and common sense I have seen from you in a good while. :wtf: And if somebody forces themselves into my home "unwelcomed" armed or not, they just lost all their rights and I doubt it will end well for that person "either jail or body bag". Shooting first isn't my first intention, but I for sure wouldn't rule that out in a stressful situation like that. You mess with the bull, and you may get bullets.

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