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What if it was your dog?


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I can't speak to MO law, but in Ohio, dogs are property. You can sue the cops, but you're only going to recover a bet minimal amount. My dog is legally worth his $150 adoption fee. Obviously he is invaluable to me.

I don't know what I'd do, but it probably wouldn't be rational or intelligent.

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If it was shot in the yard that's one thing, if it left the yard I'd call it fair game.

We don't know where the dog came from or where the police were. It could have happened on the street or in someone's front yard.

>> Police said an officer was chased by a vicious dog after the pursuit went through a family's yard.

I was wondering about if it was in my own backyard.....or yours.


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Did the dog leave its yard?

Our only clue is this >> Police said an officer was chased by a vicious dog after the pursuit went through a family's yard.

I can see this as the owner being charged with allowing his dog to interfere with official police business even if it was in his own backyard. Not that it would be right.


Edited by JackFlash
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i bet the cops adrenaline was up when he was chasing those "fighting kids" and the dog probably thought they were playing and tried to catch and get them like a dog would when you play with it.. stupid.. your a cop, man up and deal with the dog, IF it was actually attacking..

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I'd be pissed if it were my dog. The cop/journalists claim of the dog being vicious is dubious at best. If I shot someone's dog my first defense would be that it was viciously attacking me. For this to happen because some cop couldn't let a couple kids in a neighborhood scuffle get away is idiotic.

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I think most of us are assuming this happened inside the property area, maybe not legally trespassing due to it being law enforcement and in pursuit, but to say you wouldn't be irate either way "I know better". Especially if was dark and an unknown person was running through the property, a dog is still a dog and will typically defend its owners and property in some manner. Cop made a judgement call, so a bit hard to fault him for that in a stressful situation. And for kids fighting.....are you fucking kidding me!!!!

Edited by Pokey
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I can't speak to MO law, but in Ohio, dogs are property. You can sue the cops, but you're only going to recover a bet minimal amount. My dog is legally worth his $150 adoption fee. Obviously he is invaluable to me.

I don't know what I'd do, but it probably wouldn't be rational or intelligent.

Yeah but I wouldn't be suing for the "dog" I'd be suing for the mental anguish, becasue as you stated the dog would be looked at as "property" that was destroyed by the police, therefore you would only get the value of the dog in that part. But you better believe I'd be suing the police department.

Now if the dog left the yard, I would feel awful, but I would have to accept that they were only protecting themselves and trying to do what they thought was right in the heat of the moment.

Granted this is why I haqve 5ft tall privacy fence around my yard.

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News story says "vicious dog" means that it barked. Maybe.

If this happened to my dog, in my yard, and I was home, there'd be a dead cop to bury, not just a dead dog.

That said, nobody really hops a 6' privacy fence during a chase...

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Who cares about a dog?

I'd justify killing 100 dogs to save 1 person, 1,000 dogs, 100,000 dogs...

They are animals, no better than any of the animals we eat every day.

I swear the way some people worship their pets, they should be vegan.

I've been bitten once, tore a few pretty big chunks out of my calf at 14. That dog survived 2 years (too long) before I took care of it. The next dog that bites me won't survive that long, not even close.

Edited by magley64
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I'm not assuming anything, buddy...and I'm not saying i wouldn't be pissed, i just think using the word trespass is incorrect.

Gotcha....I guess that I consider anybody that I do not know who is on my property without my permission to be trespassing. Excluding the UPS and Fed Ex folks of course when I am waiting on something. :D

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