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What if it was your dog?


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Oh okay, so now the guy can't shoot pepper spray without spraying himself in the face, but he's to be trusted to shoot a dog that's latched onto his leg and thrashing about, all without shooting himself? C'mon, at least be consistent with how inept you think this guy is...

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Oh okay, so now the guy can't shoot pepper spray without spraying himself in the face, but he's to be trusted to shoot a dog that's latched onto his leg and thrashing about, all without shooting himself? C'mon, at least be consistent with how inept you think this guy is...

I give up. You're not listening.

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How many adults lose life, limb or eyesight from dog attacks each year? I doubt it's many. I think shooting the dog because you got bit is an overreaction.

so being attacjed and injured isn't enough IYO... that's fine, but I'm not going to tolerate another dog bite.. period.

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I can't get on board with Mags saying that no dog is worth more than any person's life...I have met many people in my short time on this planet that I would put WAY below my dog on the "value of life" scale. My black lab is loyal, loving, and protects those that I care about...more than I can say for some people. And most dogs don't bite unless provoked by some means, unless there is bad breeding or lack of training involved. The dog in this story may have thought he was protecting his family from intruders by chasing them off...doing what he is SUPPOSED to do in the first place. I wonder what breed the animal was and if that had an effect on the perception of the dog being "vicious" or not.

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Suddenly, Magley really loves the fact that a gun was used for protection.

I just don't care that a gun was used on a dog...

The last time I felt threatened by dogs, I had a long handled hatchet at my disposal. If in the process of chasing them out of my yard, one of them had turned and attacked me, I'd have killed it with that. then contacted the owner to come pick up the bloody carcass.

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yesterday while walking my dog, we were charged at by a very roided out boxer (wtf it was a mutant) dragging a little kid behind it like in a movie (on his belly, both hands on the leash, along for the ride)

my dog was very calm and listened when i pulled him away, once the boxer was within kicking distance, i kicked it in the head with my steel toes which gave the kid long enough to semi-gain control over it so i could leave the situation

never once did the thought of "wish i had my gun so i could shoot this thing" cross my mind.....i think i will be picking up pepper spray though, the stream kind, just in case.....my dog would have fucked that boxer up if he wasnt so well tempered, and i know i would have gotten in major trouble because hes a pit, even though we were the ones being attacked

sounds like magley got bit once and is terrified....like a kid at school who gets his lunch money taken by a black kid and becomes an avid kkk member afterwards because oh theyre all so evil since one kid did something

if i shot every dog or person that ever puffed their chest at me, i wouldnt be free or alive very long

i love how were all living our lives in fear because we feel the need to carry guns, yet somehow magley sees no problem living in fear of every dog to the extent he wants to shoot them

good thing guns arent banned, huh magz? if they were, we would all be eaten alive by viscous animals.

Edited by Steve Butters
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I just don't care that a gun was used on a dog...

The last time I felt threatened by dogs, I had a long handled hatchet at my disposal. If in the process of chasing them out of my yard, one of them had turned and attacked me, I'd have killed it with that. then contacted the owner to come pick up the bloody carcass.

i'm going to get serial for a minute here

i honestly don't care about your crazy daddy-issues laden view of fire arms and self defense in general, misguided and clusterfucked love/hate relationship with libertarianism, and genuinely like you in person, on rides, meets, etc.

but what you say about your policy of unflinchingly, and without hesitation, straight up murdering a dog at the slightest provocation is pretty frightening and really changes my view on future interactions with you when any dog (especially my pup) is present. this, coming from a guy whose home town had quite a few restaurants that had neon signs for "dog stew special". so please please tell me you're kidding, and that this, like all the other crazy shit you post for our amusement is for the lulz and to get people riled up. i'm putting myself out there, 100% admitting that I am being trolled mercilessly if you'll just tell me that I was, in fact, being trolled.

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sounds like magley got bit once and is terrified....like a kid at school who gets his lunch money taken by a black kid and becomes an avid kkk member afterwards because oh theyre all so evil since one kid did something

if i shot every dog or person that ever puffed their chest at me, i wouldnt be free or alive very long

i love how were all living our lives in fear because we feel the need to carry guns, yet somehow magley sees no problem living in fear of every dog to the extent he wants to shoot them

good thing guns arent banned, huh magz? if they were, we would all be eaten alive by viscous animals.

Oh it affected me, but only in the sense that I now have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy. A dog will not bite me and live to see another day...period. Other than that I have no problem with dogs. My g/f's dog is just fine and dandy, many of my friends have pooches that are great, but none of them have ever attacked me either.

I would never equate killing a dog that attacked me to shooting someone who puffed their chest at me.

I've never shot a dog, never plan to shoot a dog.

I still don't need a gun.

I think the poor guy's entire worldview is based on fear and helplessness.

Fear...you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means...

So now you're chasing dogs with hatchets, trying to kill them, because you felt threatened?

I think you might need a therapist, man.

Or maybe you should become a cop?

The dogs were in MY YARD, the same yard my nieces play in, I don't know if the dogs are friendly, and as I've said, I have a zero tolerance policy. No dog will bite me, (and definitely not my nieces) and live another day.

i'm going to get serial for a minute here

i honestly don't care about your crazy daddy-issues laden view of fire arms and self defense in general, misguided and clusterfucked love/hate relationship with libertarianism, and genuinely like you in person, on rides, meets, etc.

but what you say about your policy of unflinchingly, and without hesitation, straight up murdering a dog at the slightest provocation is pretty frightening and really changes my view on future interactions with you when any dog (especially my pup) is present. this, coming from a guy whose home town had quite a few restaurants that had neon signs for "dog stew special". so please please tell me you're kidding, and that this, like all the other crazy shit you post for our amusement is for the lulz and to get people riled up. i'm putting myself out there, 100% admitting that I am being trolled mercilessly if you'll just tell me that I was, in fact, being trolled.

It's castle doctrine, dogs were on my property, I chased them off, if they had attacked me instead I'd have put them down.

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t's castle doctrine, dogs were on my property, I chased them off, if they had attacked me instead I'd have put them down.

i dont think you quite got the essence of what i was asking you, even PLEADING of you, but i suppose i got my answer all the same.

that is a shame.

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Wow, just wow! Nearly 100 posts in less than 2 days...and it's not about an exciting 2013 release of a new bike model.

Lots of conjecture and flaming without a lot of facts:

Fact: a cop shot a dog in pursuit of a suspect. Was it necessary or justified? I've seen nothing to confirm or deny this.

Fact: a dog is dead. Was it viscious and attacking the officer? I've seen nothing to confirm or deny this.

Fact: Duane (Magley64) had a bad experience with a dog decades ago and has a fear of unfamiliar dogs. Is he borderline psychotic? Well, I've got my opinion, but have no facts to confirm or deny this.

Fact: there are far more posts about guns/gun rights/liberal anti-gun communist fags/hard-core right-wing pistol-carrying extremists on OR after riding season ends than during the warmer months. Does this mean the OR population has suddenly and dramatically tilted toward the skinhead mentality and that we're close to a zombie apocalypse? Again, I have my opinion, but have no facts to confirm or deny this.

Legal disclaimer!

Fact: I'm both a dog owner and gun owner. I may be both borderline psychotic and a zombie...but y'all have no facts to confirm or deny this. :rolleyes:

God, I hope winter is over REAL EARLY this year!!!

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Wow, just wow! Nearly 100 posts in less than 2 days...and it's not about an exciting 2013 release of a new bike model.

Lots of conjecture and flaming without a lot of facts:

Fact: a cop shot a dog in pursuit of a suspect. Was it necessary or justified? I've seen nothing to confirm or deny this.

Fact: a dog is dead. Was it viscious and attacking the officer? I've seen nothing to confirm or deny this.

Fact: Duane (Magley64) had a bad experience with a dog decades ago and has a fear of unfamiliar dogs. Is he borderline psychotic? Well, I've got my opinion, but have no facts to confirm or deny this.

Fact: there are far more posts about guns/gun rights/liberal anti-gun communist fags/hard-core right-wing pistol-carrying extremists on OR after riding season ends than during the warmer months. Does this mean the OR population has suddenly and dramatically tilted toward the skinhead mentality and that we're close to a zombie apocalypse? Again, I have my opinion, but have no facts to confirm or deny this.

Legal disclaimer!

Fact: I'm both a dog owner and gun owner. I may be both borderline psychotic and a zombie...but y'all have no facts to confirm or deny this. :rolleyes:

God, I hope winter is over REAL EARLY this year!!!

It's winter time, you knew it was coming....

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Fact: Duane (Magley64) had a bad experience with a dog decades ago and has a fear of unfamiliar dogs. Is he borderline psychotic? Well, I've got my opinion, but have no facts to confirm or deny this.

Again, I don't think fear is the right word.... I'm not afraid of any dog, but I've got no patience or tolerance for one attacking me, either.

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Again, I don't think fear is the right word.... I'm not afraid of any dog, but I've got no patience or tolerance for one attacking me, either.

Sorry, Magz. Yer prolly right. How about I replace "has a fear of unfamiliar dogs" with "obsesses about the possibility of being bitten again by an unfamiliar dog"...

Ya gotta remember that dog lovers are at least as irrational and obsessive about dogs as are the dog haters. Truth. ;)

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I know we beat this thread to death already, but I just had an experience and wanted to get everyone's take on it. Wife said I was fine to do what I did, but she had never seen me this confrontational and was said she was very tense after it happened as was I.

So we were walking our dog this evening, it was dark, he is black, but wears a metal pinch collar(not choker), I was in a gray coat, my wife had capri's and a purple hoody on. Anyways, we walked by a neighbors house on our common path and a guy opened his front door and from what I could tell looked right at us, then let his dog out. Being that there were/are street lights in our division I figured he had to see us and the dog would simply stop as he must have had an electronic collar. I make sure to walk my dog on the street side of the sidewalk, road, dog, me, wife, yards at all times. Well, the dog comes charging at us, mind you my dog is a Sheppard/chow mix and very protective, more of my wife than of me, but I had control of him and told him to sit on the street side of the sidewalk, which he did.

Well the dog never quit charging, kept coming through the sidewalk and up to my dog. To my surprise my dog listened to me, and didn't lunge of flip out as I expected. The other dog didn't growl but got right in my dogs face, smelling his rear, everything.

I went nuts on the dude, not one curse word, but I yelled at him and said I know you had to see us, why would you let the dog out?, and said this is the second time this has happened today. Back story, earlier we saw a lady walking her dogs have the same style dog(wienerwimers(sp), come charging into the St. from a different house, and the lady's dogs almost drug her, she was literally leaning backwards to keep them from lunging at the dog coming at hers. So granted that wasn't my dog, it was technically the second time it happened in less than 6 hours.

So this guy apologized, and said he was sorry but that he did all he could do. Well that wasn't enough for me at this time, I gave him the attitude about there was no way he didn't see us, and even if we didn't have a dog, why would you let your dog out when people are clearly walking by. He said he did what he could do, we left, and he said have a good night to which my wife said thank you, you do the same.

I however was not apologetic, and did not apologize in anyway. If I see him I do plan to make it clear why I was on edge as I had already seen one dog walker who was in the street almost get dragged due to someone doing the same thing, but also want him to understand that what he did, even if we were just walking without my dog is not okay. What if it had been a child in a stroller, or a toddler? I would guess that would have ended much worse with a 75lb dog running full bore.

For the record I have spoken to the guy before, he knows who I am, my dog is, and where I live. I know he knows, and I know he knows who he is and who his dog is, so it's not like we were some random thugs or something like that.

So what does the all mighty OR say? The guy also walks around sometimes(rarely), and carries a stick as he said to keep other dogs from coming up to him, yet he does the same thing.....

Oh and my wife and I run in the division when it's nice out, so now guess we need some dog spray, a smaller gun to carry, or a tazer to keep doing that, which is awesome.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, my dog is not allowed in the front yard unless he is chained to the tree which he cannot reach the sidewalk or within about 10 feet maybe more. Even that is rare as the back yard is fenced in, but my point is, we don't give him the chance to make a mistake.

Edited by madcat6183
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You've done an excellent job of training if your dog stayed relatively passive on command while/after being charged by another dog, especially in the presence of you and wife and even more surprisingly, while leashed. Every dog I've owned was always WAY more defensive of their space while being leash-walked by me. Presume it has something to do with both pack behavior and prolly feeling a little vulnerable due to the restraint.

You had every right to be PO'd.

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I wonder about characterizing the offending dog as "charging". The term implies aggression, but was any actually demonstrated? Was there growling, hackles raised, etc.? It might've been that the dog was just in a big hurry to meet yours, and while you perceived a charge, your dog (since he speaks dog) didn't, which is why he didn't react adversely.

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