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Will bring a tear to you eye


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not sure how this sentiment is "attention whoring" :dunno:

maybe he's a man of faith who is trying to bring some peace to himself (and to others) by imagining that the victims are in a better place, and that his faith is not without merit?

some believe, some don't.

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I understand the thought behind it. I just can't wrap my head around it. As a former follower of Christ' date=' devout Christian and someone that believed it all, lock, stock and barrel... I still can't justify/excuse this kind of rationale.

I mean no disrespect towards the believer. It's his god that I despise. With that said, I apologize if my post was offensive in a time of pain or confusion.[/quote']

Good thing that God still loves you. ;)

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I don't see how this is attention whoring at all. It was a great thought. I am my no means a believer at all. But I can understand that this might make some people feel better about the situation. For those who aren't believers, don't read it. He's not forcing you or shoving it down your throat. And def not knocking at your door shoving a book about it in your hands. It's your choice. You shouldn't be offended at all by seeing something like that on a public site. No one is jumping down your throat about what you believe in so don't jump down others about what they believe in.

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I'm not apologizing again. I think the OP should repost his picture and ignore us haters.

No need to apologize for anything, your view, your right and your decision to feel the way you do. You are not alone in your belief or non belief system, as others are not alone in theirs. :)

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Look I am not a religious person god and I have not seen eye to eye in more than 40 years since the loss of my oldest son I thought the poem was a nice thought since I understand how the parents are feeling right now. The thing about no saving you was meant as a joke Enough said

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I don't really understand what happened here. Was there pressure behind the scenes calling for you to censor the O.P.? I had no issue with it at all and really miss the kick ass avatar you were sporting when it was posted. Did you self censor it because you weren't prepared for the comments that didn't praise the sentiment? I really wouldn't worry about being so sensitive to others feelings, the responses were mostly in jest and the ones that weren't don't matter at least that's how I take opposition to what I post. Please bring back your avatar.

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