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caught my son stealing today


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I think the biggest thing is going through with the apology and making him handle dealing with the school and owner. Obviously if the school hears about this they have the right to deal with him there too, but I also feel your punishment at home is just and correct.

Good parenting here, maybe some of the people on the news can learn something.

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Sounds like you got it covered to me. Make him look the man in the eye and apologize.

He will never forget it.

Kids do dumb shit, you caught it, dealt with it and the boy will most likely never do it again.

BTW, thanks for the new sickest line ever typed on OR:

He is only 9 but i want to nip this shit in the butt right now.


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my parents would have beat my a$$. My son I'd probably do similar to you maybe make him clean up dog crap with his hands as an added bonus.

My kids do get their asses whipped every now and then, but the way this played out and the fact that he did admit it to me with out it going too far i felt it wasn't needed on this occasion. Basicly his coming clean saved him from a ass bruising.

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At his age, I think this will work. Tell him if it ever happens again, you will donate some of his favorite computer games and toys to kids that are less fortunate and he will go with you when you do it.


i like this

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Age? First time offense, you are probably fine.

The only time my brother and I got a belt taken to our behinds is when all the talking wouldn't stop us from stealing candy.

This was back in the days when candy was often single pieces and in bins. It was a challenge to see if we could get away with it but the sore ass quickly defined that getting caught was not worth the risk. Game over!

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Still to this day I remember stealing a pack of gum from the check out line at Big Bear with my mom...I was probably around the same age...

Once in the car, my mom saw me chewing gum, and asked where it came from. She was smart...she already knew I stole it.

It was a long walk and an embarrassing talk with the store manager to tell him I stole the gum.

30 years later...I remember it like it was yesterday...

You're handling this the right way!

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At his age, I think this will work. Tell him if it ever happens again, you will donate some of his favorite computer games and toys to kids that are less fortunate and he will go with you when you do it.


No, that will teach him that donating and giving to the less fortunate is punishment. Wrong message to send. I made my son take his favorite game, break the disk in half and put it on his wall when he did something stupid at that age. Hell, I don't even remember the reason any more. I wonder if it worked. :confused:

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At his age, I think this will work. Tell him if it ever happens again, you will donate some of his favorite computer games and toys to kids that are less fortunate and he will go with you when you do it.


This will teach him about the welfare system at an early age. He will learn that he should either be in the top 5% when it comes to wealth or the bottom end. If hes in the middle class he will be punished for the income he makes to give to the bottom end.

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Still to this day I remember stealing a pack of gum from the check out line at Big Bear with my mom...I was probably around the same age...

Once in the car, my mom saw me chewing gum, and asked where it came from. She was smart...she already knew I stole it.

It was a long walk and an embarrassing talk with the store manager to tell him I stole the gum.

30 years later...I remember it like it was yesterday...

You're handling this the right way!

I accidentally walked out of a store with a candy bar in my hand (really actually didn't mean to steal it), and my dad pointed it out to me, realized it was an accident, and still sent me back in... I was so embarrassed, I wouldn't have even thought about purposely stealing something, especially after that!

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9? Punishment seems fair to me.

Only thing I'd add is to tell him/reinforce that his telling the truth was a very good thing and saved him from harsher punishment.

"If ya screw up, it's a lot better to come clean immediately; lies will only make it worse".

Once he hands the loot over and apologizes, let it go. Over and done with. Take him to the workshop, garage, do something father-son. That way he knows you still love him and all that flowery crap.

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Hell, I stole as a kid growing up. Baseball cards, Garbage pale kids cards, etc...from stores though and not a person. I was just sorry I got caught. You can punish, just like I got my ass beat and grounded, but I just learned what I did wrong to get caught from it. I didn't steal much but I did my fair share growing up.

Today...I HATE THIEVES. I couldn't bring myself to steal anything. My conscience is a good one as an adult.

Kids will be kids. They truly won't understand until they have to work for a living IMO. Which is why most thieves don't have jobs...they never knew the feeling of hard work.

I would definitely punish by grounding for sure though.

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Still to this day I remember stealing a pack of gum from the check out line at Big Bear with my mom...I was probably around the same age...

Once in the car, my mom saw me chewing gum, and asked where it came from. She was smart...she already knew I stole it.

It was a long walk and an embarrassing talk with the store manager to tell him I stole the gum.

30 years later...I remember it like it was yesterday...

You're handling this the right way!

I liked the story better about the big bad Marine that was home on leave and swore in front of his Mother while in the car. Pretty sure she threw a backhand arcoss his mouth, and the big ass diamond ring on her finger chipped his tooth. Big bad Marine shed a little tear, and is scared of his Mother to this day. :D

To the OP, I think you handled this very well.......KUDOS to you!:cool:

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Excellent fathering 2talltim. Did the same thing with our 2 daughters who got in a fist fight on the school bus many years ago. Made them go straight to the bus driver and apologize face to face. They NEVER got in trouble again.

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