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For all you queer cat and Starbucks lovers....

max power

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Bunch of gaylords up in this thread.

#1 is alpha

brb staying in shape

brb looking better than 99% people my age

brb lifting>beer

Fatties gonna fat

Who you callin fat? NM.


Edited by max power
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I have 2 cats and an 85 lb rott-mastiff mix, everyone gets along and I don't put dicks in my mouth. I drive one-handed, I def don't have a six pack, can remember more than the 8-pack of crayolas you obviously still use and drink plenty of beer with my buddies. I despise Starbucks and rarely drink coffee at all. If you've never had creme brulet you're missing out bud.

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roid rage>road rage

Lol its okay I understand you don't have the drive, will, or determination to keep up.

Go back to drinking beer, eating fast food, and raising your estrogen levels.

Friday night what are you doing? Sitting at home or out at a bar? I'm busting my ass for fun.

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Lol its okay I understand you don't have the drive, will, or determination to keep up.

Go back to drinking beer, eating fast food, and raising your estrogen levels.

Friday night what are you doing? Sitting at home or out at a bar? I'm busting my ass for fun.

I digress I am at home working on another college degree instead of busting my ass for fun.

my wife wont let me pic up bitches so no motivation to get ripped

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I digress I am at home working on another college degree instead of busting my ass for fun.

my wife wont let me pic up bitches so no motivation to get ripped

I work 40hrs a week and am enrolled in school (nursing major).

No reason to call it roid rage. I understand jealous gets the best of people at times.

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I'm indifferent to cats. I like dogs though and will always be a dog person. I'll never personally own a cat but if the girlfriend ever wanted one I don't think I'd say no, I wouldn't care so long as she deals with and pays for its needs

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I'm indifferent to cats. I like dogs though and will always be a dog person. I'll never personally own a cat but if the girlfriend ever wanted one I don't think I'd say no, I wouldn't care so long as she deals with and pays for its needs

You would think saying "as long as she deals with it" is sufficient. Its not. Those little fuckers get their fur on everything (it ends up in the washer and sticks in some fabrics even when they're "clean"), run around like crazy for no fucking reason in the the middle of the night, bitch when they're hungry even if you fed them already.... Although, I'm allergic to cats and a really light sleeper, so maybe that's why i'm opposed.

If you get a cat, get used to having about 10 sticky rollers randomly distributed in your house/car, or hearing the words "oh you have a cat?!"

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You would think saying "as long as she deals with it" is sufficient. Its not. Those little fuckers get their fur on everything (it ends up in the washer and sticks in some fabrics even when they're "clean"), run around like crazy for no fucking reason in the the middle of the night, bitch when they're hungry even if you fed them already.... Although, I'm allergic to cats and a really light sleeper, so maybe that's why i'm opposed.

If you get a cat, get used to having about 10 sticky rollers randomly distributed in your house/car, or hearing the words "oh you have a cat?!"

oh I've lived in a house with a cat before so I know all that bs. Lucky for me she is more of a dog person too so I don't think I'll have to worry about it anytime soon

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Cats are independent. Dogs rely on you like a welfare participant. Can't do shit for themselves. Wake you up just to piss, shit, etc. They smell, will eat another animals poop, and will submit to any human.

Cats are clean, self maintaining, and make you earn their respect. They don't puss out for humans.

I have 2 dogs and 2 cats, I prefer cats now after having dogs all my life.

Should've known you were a cat person...
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