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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2013 in all areas

  1. Green up arrow positive rep. Red down arrow negative rep. I know, we made it really cryptic with this new software.
    6 points
  2. Buying a 2013 bike from a dealership, I wouldn't check every little fucking detail before buying it either... It's reasonable to assume that the thing shouldn't have any problems because it's fucking brand new for the most part... He said it rode fine on the way home, so even test riding it before hand he wouldn't have noticed anything... Didn't know all you guys take micrometers and tire pressure gauges with you when you buy new bikes Yall are being fucking assholes for no reason... Not sure if you're stuck in group rape mode, or if you're just being cocks to be on brians side so he might think you're cool... Idk what the problem is, but the op is being reasonable and dealing well with you chodes putting all kinds of words in his mouth Oh, and ftr, CrazySkullCrusher is a fucking gay forum name too. Just saying.
    5 points
  3. Ok, so I went up there and gave the manager what for at lunch time. He gave me a free Big Mac. It was all f'd up too. Cheese off to the side, f'ing lettuce everywhere. I am going back tomorrow. I may never have to buy food again.
    4 points
  4. They put the patties on crooked. I'm gonna give the owner hell tomorrow.
    3 points
  5. no, you're just full of shit
    3 points
  6. Already done. All site orders have been caught up.
    3 points
  7. Well... Since you have "pedigree", I guess I need to shut the fuck up. Wow... 30 bikes in 13 years? Do I get to say how many I've ridden in just the last 5? Do I? Huh, huh? Please? With your extensive experience, thinking 43 pounds is only 3 pounds over is kinda funny. Maybe someone with more pedigree than myself can tell you why... Have fun blowing your stack up at the dealer. I am sure that we will get another thread as to why they are assholes for not helping you out... If it were me, I'd clutch that fucker at 14k and launch it through the front display window and shout at the top of my lungs "PEDIGREEEEEEEEEEE BITCHES"!!! At least the security cam will be shown on YouTube and you can show all your bros how bad ass you are.
    3 points
  8. What the hell do you need pics for. Every Big Mac I have ever seen is assembled like a retard on crack put it together.
    2 points
  9. Depending upon tank size and fuel mileage it could be a 150 extra miles. Just sayin'.
    2 points
  10. thats what you get for eating mcdonalds. there is something patently wrong with food that makes you take a dump 15 minutes after you eat it.
    2 points
  11. I always like to hear what causes these accidents. If it is rider error or recklessness then I find it much easier to write off as "won't happen to me" as I don't weave in and out of the shoulder / ride drunk / do 120 in a 35 zone etc. That's not arrogance or schadenfreude - that's me continually weighing the risks of riding and recognizing that if I was in a serious accident that it would affect my family too. The day WILL come when I sell the bike and stick to 4 wheels. Hopefully that decision is prompted by me reaching a ripe old age and buying a caddy with a landau roof instead. When I hear the rider did nothing wrong and was taken out by nothing by fate itself then that is when I worry because I know there's nothing I can do to avoid that. Either way, RIP rider. Thoughts for his family. Y'all stay safe out there.
    2 points
  12. THIS. The guy came in here pissed off, then calmed down and tried to be reasonable and you guys are being pricks. "Lets make fun of his stupid name cuz our forum names are way cooler!!!!!" This site is really full of douchebags sometimes and this is why new people don't stick around.
    2 points
  13. Does the beef have a pedigree?
    2 points
  14. http://zx6r.com/zx6r/36037-2013-636-problems.html Try re-reading the post. The issue with the servo/STVA is what I believe is causing the error code (and therefore the check engine light), but the cold-start stalling is the ECU mis-handling the choke. The above post is what buyers of the 2013 ZX6R are being told (that they don't have the diagnostics software working for the 2013 model yet), and the below post shows that there's a partial recall for the ECU module: http://zx6r.com/zx6r/38150-2013-zx6r-issue-s-18.html Beyond all of that, I never said the check engine light had *ANYTHING* to do with what the dealership did in prep-work. Again, if you actually read the post you'll see that I attributed only the initial fuel and oil levels to the dealership. I said that if they missed that stuff than I don't trust they didn't miss anything else, but I specifically listed the issues with the ECU and servo or butterfly as manufacturer defects. And yes, 43lbs is only 3lbs over. Never did I say "it's 3lbs more than I want" -- I said it's 3lbs over the listed tire pressure. I ride exactly 0.5lbs under the listed pressure in both front and rear. Considering the rear tire is listed at 40lbs...43lbs is 3lbs over the listed pressure. All in all, keep thinking you're the information-giving master of the forum. It means nothing when you haven't taken the time to learn reading comprehension. Think what you want...You still responded to questions that I never asked, assumed answers to questions that I never brought up, and therefore assumed my pedigree. I don't really care if you own 5 dealerships worth of bikes...there's absolutely no reason to act like an *** when I've given no prompting for it. I know what I'm talking about when I brought up the issues...the problem is you didn't take the time to even read what I wrote and the parts you did read you mis-understood. Just because I discussed multiple issues doesn't mean they're all interconnected.
    2 points
  15. lol might give you a negative for not knowing...6409 post and still learning, I think not!
    2 points
  16. Ok. Lemme give you some new guy advice before you leave in a huff. You're new. You post a thread bitching about service somewhere. Youre going to get responses, and you're not going to like all of them. So far you got one from a guy who works at a dealer, one from a guy who owns his own shop and one from a professional mechanic. Telling people their posts are offensive, touting your 'pedigree'...doesn't bode well. I'm telling you this because I've seen a lot of guys come here with a certain attitude and leave within a week or two with a very sore ass. You're new. Thank people for their advice. Be gracious. It will go a long way for you. Also, prepare your tender balls for some serious busting over your screen name, its gonna happen.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. I officially agree with everything HotLead has said after that picture...
    1 point
  19. And can't see because it is always squinting?
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. A good tow can certainly be invaluable when you're not 100% confident on which way the track goes. But really, don't sweat the small stuff early on. The "proper" race line feels somewhat unnatural when you're going 20+ seconds a lap slower than the track will allow. That is in no way a slam on your pace. I was never that great at Putnam, but just from being there a couple of times, I can remember getting frustrated with myself for over-braking for turn 1. Because I was taking T1 slower than I should have been, I was ending up with 15 feet of track on my left-hand side. Guess where that positioned me for turns 2 and 3? Turning-in from mid-track instead of from the left edge like I should have been! Anyway, the point I was attempting to make is that "the line" is (at least in part) dictated by how comfortable you are with your pace. It can be hard to run the "fast" line at a less-than-fast pace. Repetitions help immensely, and your skill-set (and pace) will improve to the point where the race line will be essential rather than aspirational.
    1 point
  22. Hellmutt, I haven't the slightest idea how to edit stuff. I just upload it all and make the people work for it.
    1 point
  23. wow, just wow. I clearly expect dealers to go over used vehicles, and if theres a problem within a few days to make it right. Ohio lemon laws say MY thinking is correct btw-
    1 point
  24. I hate you fuggers!!! Thus, I gave out rep like Madcat giving free BJs...
    1 point
  25. Bada ba ba ba, I'm poopin it.
    1 point
  26. But Biden told me to do that...
    1 point
  27. Do you leave them a note to go ahead and burn the sheets?
    1 point
  28. drive around southeast michigan for a while. our roads are smooth as glass compared to theirs.
    1 point
  29. I'll have some more biz for you in the near futuresent via GS3
    1 point
  30. Glad you went for it Alan, you're determined and smart so the biz should fly just fine
    1 point
  31. The smartest thing I've ever seen you type:wub:sent via GS3
    1 point
  32. Hey fuck you buddy, all I've ever seen you do on here is get into pissing contests so I don't wanna hear it. I told Sebastian Bach here very politely he was being rude and rude new guys get chewed up pretty quickly. Instead he chose to argue. Idgaf if the bike was owned by one 80 yr old woman and has 500 miles, I'm checking the oil. As for a mic, work on your reading comprehension, he had the clutch done at the dealer and they just told him they needed replaced. Any reputable shop is going to have a set of mics or calipers, would it be that hard for the tech to show him the steels were worn beyond limits? Bottom line is this guy has one bad experience with a dealer over mostly things he should either have checked or has no right to be mad about, the ecu/butterfly issue notwithstanding. then comes here and wants to use his 8th post ever to try and influence us not to go there based mostly on his ineptitude as a shopper and feeling entitled to a full tank of gas. I call shenanigans on that.
    1 point
  33. Pick up 62 just SW of Columbus, take it all the way down and just after you cross the river hang a right on US 10 in KY, then across 22. Done it several times, wonderful ride. http://goo.gl/maps/XKmTe https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-3+N%2FRte+3+N%2FState+3+N%2FState+Route+3+N%2FUS-62+E%2FCols-Washington+C+H+Rd%2FHarrisburg+Pike&daddr=38.6573731,-83.8724471+to:38.665641,-84.231151+to:38.6441891,-84.5084347+to:38.587176,-84.724428+to:38.4376395,-85.0340373+to:38.3594733,-85.3269249+to:38.3322915,-85.4414515+to:Louisville,+KY&hl=en&ll=38.464342,-84.432678&spn=1.860178,3.56781&sll=38.317417,-85.219574&sspn=0.466003,0.891953&geocode=FYKdXwIdU0YL-w%3BFV3dTQIdQTUA-ymVOsWmy1xBiDEdiFTXO1cGbA%3BFan9TQIdEbz6-inhrpYPM3hBiDHdcf9fHY-BGA%3BFd2pTQId7oD2-intpK7Jjo5BiDGU0Km33fsdXg%3BFSjLTAIdNDXz-ikvePPZ5PZBiDFIDsTXV6V41g%3BFQeDSgIdy3vu-ikxWrhKjPtpiDHTlXPm-lJNuQ%3BFbFRSQIdtAPq-imzf4PnT5JpiDGwfKGyatpFHA%3BFYPnSAIdVUTo-ikVzc_XCpppiDGMyF67zqJurA%3BFXmwRwIdCG7j-ikR1VuzGgtpiDEy_XEgKLTT1A&oq=lousivi&mra=dpe&mrsp=7&sz=11&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7&t=m&z=9
    1 point
  34. He's gotta finish his 12 pack first.
    1 point
  35. You should dispute the charges on your credit card... lol jk. Tall tim
    1 point
  36. Ever left something in a hotel? Its happend to me. sent via GS3
    1 point
  37. Or how about teach your kid a lesson to take care of his shit better. Should have told the hotel to donate it to some kid who doesn't have any toys or get to go on vacation. It's not the hotels fault neither you nor your child can keep track of a stuffed animal.
    1 point
  38. You're catching hell because you're being a jackass. You went and bought something and are angry it wasn't was it was billed to be. What do you expect, the people that make money selling things are going to be 100% honest all the time? Are you retarded? Guess what, that blame falls directly on you for not doing the adaquate research and testing before buying it. Even if you are buying brand spanking new, you still test and check it before you buy it. Unless you can't be troubled by that horrendous effort, and in that case we'll be seeing you next thread entitled "My milk went bad and the expiration date was the same day as I bought it. They fucked me royally. I'm going to go have a temper-tantrum in the middle of the dairy section."
    1 point
    1 point
  40. I give him a week, two weeks tops. Tried to tell him.... Hey chad Kroger. Desmo is a professional, been in the industry for years and has worked for ktm and Ducati to name a few. I'd show him the respect his pedigree commands, especially if you can't do something as simple and basic as replace a clutch. You aren't doing yourself any favors here acting like a douche.
    1 point
  41. I downloaded the last 2 sessions to the laptop, and have been trying to edit them since 4pm.....I'm just one more mouse click away from throwing a damn tantrum. I'd imported/converted both files to mp4, cropped out the boring beginning bs waiting to start the session, and the editing program either cuts the sound or speeds up the video for some dumb reason. I wipe them back off, double check the settings, reconvert, and same thing? Its GoPro's app so I dont know where i'm going wrong. Takes about an hour to import/convert both vids, and tried it 3 times now. May have to call in sick tomorrow just so I can upload both vids to YouTube!
    1 point
  42. I'd like to go on record that I was NOT the FZ6 guy lol
    1 point
  43. The capacity is 3.3US QT... Not 3.1... And, if you took just shy of 4 QTs, how did you measure that? Just curious because I think you ought to educate yourself before you go in with guns blazing. The sensor being bad on the servos or most likely it being a STVA and has NOTHING to do with the ECU. You're not going to get an ECU, man. And, you really shouldn't ask for one. It doesn't warrant getting one. If it is a 2013, the warranty will cover the STVA. However, I would be interested in how you start the bike. I am wondering if you are touching the throttle. Most guys that have trouble starting them are touching the throttle and you'll have a similar issue. Again, not an ECU issue... Finally, the dealership doesn't have to top off the tank. Most places are not doing that anymore. You have a gas warning light for a reason and if it comes on, you need refueling... Pretty simple concept. Again, if buying used, things like a clutch can easily be worn as a lot of guys slip the shit out of them or are abusing them. I can attest to clutches being worn with only a year's worth of riding because the guy abused the bike. Also, clutches can come across as fine when trading in and if you ride it a while later, it can go out. Or maybe the second owner isn't too easy on the clutch either and puts it into the dead zone. I'd just be really careful what you "demand" as you can easily come across as a dick and they can easily put up a wall and not be very kind. Now, it COULD be an ECU issue, but I highly doubt it. So, be careful and be polite and ask calm and educated questions and I bet you get further than if you walk in with demands and a tone...
    1 point
  44. I stopped selling mine not worth the time for the money you make.
    1 point
  45. I would be interested in trading towards an Elcan SpecterDR, no firearms.
    1 point
  46. i know, it's not as cool or as fast as a ninja 300. but some of us are just not ready for that level of power or awesomeness.
    1 point
  47. This is awesome. Yes it's bull shit this happens. I feel bad for this man and hope the perps get the death penalty. Eye for an eye.
    1 point
  48. For that matter, maybe a little bit of pain and suffering back in the judical system might help society. 12 hours of hard labor a day vs a A/C'ed room with cable sounds like a winner to me. Take away lethal injection and bring back old sparky, the gas chamber, hanging and the firing squads.
    1 point
  49. no its not mine. a friend of mine from work picked his up, and he let me take it for a spin. fit/finish: excellent for a $3000 motorcycle. everything is very thought out, paint is top notch, the instrument cluster is fantastic for a small little bike. Seems like it belongs on something a little pricier. The bars are a tad chincy to me, and the mirrors stick out like a sore thumb. only really big thing that bothers me is the swingarm is cheap looking, like it came straight off the XR100 and got painted black. Ergos: i fit alot better than i thought i would on it. the seat height is 31" and you can tell. its got alot more leg room to the pegs than i thought as well. bars are at a good height, though like i mentioned in the above category, a bit cheap feeling. those would be the first thing id change, although i dont know how good the the bar height would be then. Brakes: adequate, but for fast paced riding at the gap, or riding it at circleville, id go with a steel braided line and better pads. Suspension: meh... it works and decent, but the front needs resprung something fierce. You can pretty much bottom the forks out by holding the brake lever and giving it a good push. so stiffer springs would be a MUST! Rear shock doesnt seem way undersprung, but id for sure do it as well. or look into other shock options if i really wanted to spend some money. engine: its a 125cc 4 stroke, what do you expect? does it have alot of power? No. but the engine is smooth, and pulled me around with no issues. its pretty quick for what it is, and you can easily clutch a wheelie up. an exhaust/filter/tune would do alot for the bike and make it even better. the power band is great in it though (what power it has) and would be a blast on a kart track. Transmission: pretty smooth, gear changes are positive and consistent. Needs another gear. If it had another gear it would change the bike dramatically. although im sure they didnt just because of the power it makes. so they are trying to utilize what the have. the clutch is great, and i did get a couple of back scratches on down shifts coming off a nice straightaway. me thinks you could probably get this bike to back in nicely. Handling: so light, so small, it corners pretty damn good even with the super plush suspenders. it will be pretty easy to drag knee on this little scoot. i think dragging pegs will be an issue, but rearsets are all over the internet already (as the bike has been out overseas for years already) aftermarket: HUUUUUUGGEEE!! as stated above its been out for years overseas. and the aftermarket is big on these. Americas aftermarket is already selling parts and they have only been in dealerships about a week. there is gonna be so many goodies for these, and CHEAP! full exhaust can be had for about $250. Fun factor: pretty awesome for a NEW bike for $3000. yes its a niche market, and really only useful for short commutes, in town hooligan riding, kart tracks like circleville, or what would be the most fun of all... laps on deals gap. this would be hours of knee dragging fun on the dragon. i would buy this bike for this purpose alone. But i think these are gonna be a HUGE success and there will definately be Grom race leagues started. this will also be the premiere pit bike im sure. if you have never experienced riding a small bike like and XR100, KLX110, NSR50, etc. at a Kart Track, then jsut hopping on the Grom and riding it like normal you may not get the same impression as i did. after riding and racing on down at CRP on little bikes makes me appreciate this bike for what it is and the true fun factor it has. good luck trying to get your hands on one in the next few months if you didnt put a deposit down on one already. Turnone and Jinu better watch out at the gap next year, if i get a Grom, im gonna be passing thier scoots up.
    1 point
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