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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I agree with this. It is hard to fight against that instinct of the "oh crap I'm going over the bars" lever pull.
  2. That's when shit gets weird. Sent from my iPhone.
  3. I have the board open every day at work in a tab in IE. When I need to take a 5 minute break or something, I just go to the OR tab lol. My name is Tim, and I am addicted to OR.
  4. That was because you knew you were gonna see me the next morning dont lie.
  5. I totally would but I work m-f til 5.
  6. Maybe next time, I do love chasing you up and down 83.... Maybe I'll trailer to Wooster next time
  7. I WISH mine was an arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  8. I didnt think of that until someone said that later. That is kinda f'd up. I did it to see you guys! Also, since the Gap trip I hadnt spent more than 20-30 min on my bike at a time, so I woulda died.
  9. I really dont ride it anymore, I just put it on the trailer and drive it places. Like taking your dog for a walk.
  10. I remember completely. I said that so he would recognize who i was even though it should be completely obvious.
  11. No pictures on the original post. It's a radar detector lol. Arguably the best on the market still.
  12. Welcome! I'm in lakewood as well. Rarely see any sport bikes out and about its kinda sad.
  13. I had a dream last night that I couldnt fit my car or trailer in the garage anymore because it was filled with street and track bikes. I woke up shortly after I started walking through "my" garage. Damn alarm clock
  14. The only time I saw you was when we were stuck behind a truck Hope you got me blowing you a kiss at least.
  15. Selling my V1. I believe it's up to date. Works perfect. I think I have the box laying around somewhere. $275obo for OR members.
  16. So the truth comes out... Ryan needs a daytona.
  17. Hmm, my work phone is a 6..... want to trade that under the condition you cant turn it off, and you have to respond to any alerts that it may come up with.
  18. Reminds me of that Road Rash video game.
  19. How fast are those carts really anyways.
  20. It is a good drawing because I actually know where that is! lol @TRMN8TR, you get the overheating issue figured out?
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