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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. The CEO will do what he has to by keeping his company competitive. This will be moving the rest of his production offshore. Medicare already reimburses at the lowest rate of any insurance provider so if he wants’ any type of company left he will have to reduce his costs to remain a viable option in the medical field.
  2. ^What he said^ Do a little research and you will find the answer to this age old question. I'm wondering if the OP has some cruiser friends. Whenever possible I ride in front of the guy with loud pipes. This must make me an idiot because he should be out front warning all the people behind him that we are coming. http://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/streetsurvival/dangerous_motorcycle_safety_myths/index.html http://motorcyclebloggers.com/2005/07/25/the-myth-of-loud-pipes-saves-lives/ Plus many more.
  3. Thanks for that post, it made me laugh as hard as any post in a long time. Stick around, you'll understand why. Starting an argument gives the mods something to do; it’s kind of like a sport. There seems to be some confusion about how much the fine is for not having healthcare insurance. I have heard as low as $700 and as high as $5,000. Both numbers are good in my book and can pose a significant savings for most of us. Let's say I am paying $550 a month now for insurance but I don't use it. That is a cost of $6,600 a year. This will give me a savings of $1,600 a year if I just pay the fine and there is no down side because pre-existing conditions can't be turned down to generate a new policy. I guess this is a good thing except I thought this was supposed to be free.
  4. I have only begun. Wait until the libtard Justin gets here tomorrow and start posting links to other people’s opinions on how this is a good thing. That's when the real fun will start. I really don't expect this will stay on topic too long. I will be posting up all kinds of things speculating about what this bill is because it hasn't totally passed yet so we don't know what's in it yet. They have to pass it before we will know what's in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoE1R-xH5To
  5. The slippery slope is a huge fucking mountain. High risk activities like a high fat diet could be outlawed. How about an hour of government mandated exercise every day? Traffic tickets equals higher healthcare premiums. The actuaries the government will be using will be much broader than the ones insurance companies are using. There is nothing wrong with an insurance company raising a rate for high risk activities it's your choice to pay the cost. When your high risk activity affects the rest of us because it costs us money the government should legislate that activity out of existence to save us from you.
  6. Before we have a revolution I'm hoping the Senate can find a procedural loop hole to keep this from passing. It’s dubious because they only need a simple majority now but it’s my last chance of hope to get this stupid piece of shit legislation killed. Next comes the constitutional challenges and the hope the republicans can get the majority back in both the house and senate to repeal it.
  7. Next time try zip ties. I find the straps to be too long, zip ties are much easier to work with.
  8. Lane splitting should be legal everywhere.
  9. Don't ride your Katana in Coshocton
  10. Made it home, 360 miles for me today all on two wheels none of that trailering sissy stuff for me. No one went down so it was a good day. Froze my as off getting to the meeting place and riding home from the meeting place. IP is a slacker.
  11. I might be doing this. No way am I leaving at 9:00 AM though and 10:00 AM is pushing it. I have to leave an hour and a half earlier to make the start time. I have no problem with 9:00 AM in the summer but damn it's still too cold in the morning.
  12. Hey, that's not fair Justin lives in Elyria. Now I can see how you came to that conclusion.
  13. I'm in that area a lot and I haven't seen him. I suspect he is out here for the funeral. I can't get home because of the crowd. I have never seen so many people at the funeral home. I go by it every day on my way to Grafton. There are so many people there that they are parking across the street in the church parking lot. The traffic really started to suck when they put Wal-Mart in so the intersection has been improved some in its ability to handle a larger volume of traffic.
  14. I thought the retards rode cruisers or twins.
  15. Love my new avatar, courtesy of out friendly neighborhood Casper. I don’t know where he got the idea for it.
  16. My baby can beat up your baby
  17. I haven't replied to the last three they sent me and I'm not going to reply to this one. I have a SSN, own property and file my taxes every year. If they can't figure out what to do with that information then they are too stupid to work with more information.
  18. That fucker is always trying to do something that pisses people off. There doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it either. He even has people helping him out just waiting around to fuck with people. It's a conspiracy I tell ya.
  19. I have a set you can borrow. Not for sale.
  20. The hell with you Buell guys. It's at least polite to dismiss me with a FUCK YOU when I am messing with you. You all must be too busy playing with the twins.
  21. If hillbilly Todd passes on the G26 I am interested.
  22. I made my reservations today. I can't wait. I will only have Saturday or Sunday to ride with you guys. I will be taking a six hour trip to Spring City, Tennessee one of the two days.
  23. Those skates do not match that outfit. I think he is faking being a flake.
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