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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I would like to see a cruisers only section that needs to be subscribed to so the threads don't ruin the main page. The cruiser guys ruin this place for the rest of us they should be kept in the corner and not heard from. When did the ability to edit thread titles get taken away and why? I could change mine in the past.
  2. That certainly was a nice gesture and all but very poorly executed. The damn t-shirt is a few inches too long; I suggest a do over until it's done correctly.
  3. I thought it fit the bias much theme.
  4. Add a decocker and a hammer to a Glock and you get the SP2022. I'm not knocking the Sig, I think it's a very good firearm. It just hasn't reached the status of perfection that Glock has.
  5. Cleveland Business Owner Fatally Shoots Displeased Customer http://www.fox8.com/news/wjw-news-store-owner-shoots-man-010612,0,6283561.story
  6. My SP2022 didn't have a safety at least not to my recollection. My brother has it now he needed something more reliable than the piece of shit 1911 he had.
  7. I need some help with this, where is the decocker & hammer on the Glock? Please add up the actual extra buttons & levers for me, I can't seem to be able to find them.
  8. All good info Brian but I have a question. Will a good aftermarket header fit inside the stock bodywork?
  9. Probably the funniest one so far. Tod, We’re happy that President Obama took the time to visit Ohio yesterday and hopefully he learned some valuable lessons about how balancing our budgets and reducing taxes can help create jobs. Though that’s unlikely, maybe the President will surprise us and take those lessons back to D.C. and get our spending under control at the national level. It takes courage to stand up to the special interests and fight for difficult but necessary reforms. That’s exactly what we’re doing here in Ohio and the eyes of the nation are taking note of our successes. In Governor Kasich’s first year in office, Ohio balanced a nearly $8 billion structural imbalance in the budget, eliminated the Death Tax, reformed Medicaid to allow our elderly to receive care at home and laid the groundwork for job creation. And Lt. Governor Mary Taylor is leading the charge to eliminate burdensome red tape and regulations that are hurting small businesses. In fact, Ohio created or saved over 82,000 jobs from leaving the state. That’s a lot of families that are stronger and paying taxes to support our communities. Do you think President Obama took some notes while he was here? We sure hope so. -Kasich Taylor for Ohio Team P.S. Please forward this email to 5 friends or family and encourage them to sign up to receive our email updates by clicking here. Together, we are fixing Ohio and setting an example for the country to follow.
  10. If that would happen there is a possibility that by the time they get it all figured out and try to repost it the next release from Kel-Tec will be out. That will drastically reduce its current perceived value. How could someone who owns a business be so stupid as to expose themselves to that kind of risk with so little reward? I sure hope no one fucks with them and ruins their payday.
  11. He won't be able to sell them for long if he gets caught making it known that he will do that. That was a totally different approach to a mass produced consumer product. The filing for approval and the product submitted didn't reflect the consumer product. Too much history to get into but it was shady how it went down. As much as I hate the BATF and don’t think they should exist in the Adkins case they were correct using the guidelines they had to enforce.
  12. I can't resist the urge and may have been trolled here but Fuck off. Where do you get the impression that he doesn't have a good understanding or knowledge of guns? Stupid laws are what caught him up which has nothing to do with good safe firearms handling. You have a problem with Marines in general, bring it. You think we're stupid, bring it. I have no problem conversing over the internet and am certain this Marine will be able to expose you for being stupid. I feel better now, carry on.
  13. I don't care how much input you need I'm not giving it to you in a hot tub. Dude that's just gay.
  14. Please bring them to Buddy's so I can handle them.
  15. I can't believe you did this. That is why MJ is at all of them!
  16. Once again your estimation of local amazes me. Troll is not too smart and shouldn't be trolling without the knowledge of our language. Apart from his juvenile assessment of the situation his grammar mistakes alone were a very telling clue about how successful he wouldn't be.
  17. I hate homework assignments. Luckily for me I don't have a camera.
  18. Will the polymer trip the light signals in town?
  19. Tod, I wanted to send one more email this year to wish you and your family a safe and happy new year. I'm sure you will agree that 2011 was a transformational one in our great state as we turned our back on the status quo and its legacy of failure and instead charted a new course for reform, revival and a better future for every Ohioan. I'm proud to say our work is beginning to show results. Not only did we balance the budget and eliminate the nearly $8 billion structural deficit without raising taxes, we eliminated the Death Tax, we reformed Medicaid to make in-home care an option for our elderly and we’re preserving the vital funding to support Ohio families & children that need it the most. Next year, we will continue to fuel the momentum with a focus on education so our kids can have the skills they need to get good-paying jobs right here in Ohio. I need you to stay involved and keep sending your ideas. With your help, Ohio’s reputation around the country is improving and we’re beginning to rebuild our reputation as a leading state for job creators. Ohio is on the path to recovery but we still have a lot of work to do to fix our great state. Are you with me? Together we can do it. Happy New Year! John John Kasich Governor of Ohio P.S. You can click here to watch my short video message about all that we've accomplished together in 2011.
  20. If you wanted it badly enough you would pay whatever the asking price? Great concept on a finite supply. Stupid argument on a production gun.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ak5Lr3qkW0&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mfbUhs2PVY&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA0gjyXG5O0&feature=player_embedded Too many incorrect assumptions being made here. The military doesn't do this. Compensation can be a way to maintain higher I.Q. employees but unions won't allow that.
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