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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I think Biden's best strategy is to keep his mouth shut and hope Trump tweets himself out of the race...and realistically that has a chance of working.
  2. While think those officers were wrong and deserve to pay the price. I don't agree with Black Lives Matter's core mission "#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes." I think Police reform is long overdue, and that extends to accountability even beyond excessive force. However, this notion of wide spread white-on-black murder is not supported by actual data: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/topic-pages/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls
  3. Our country isn't perfect, but we're resilient and our economy is fundamentally strong. Whether or not you like Trump, his deregulation HAS made the economy stronger. The trade fight he started with China was long overdue, and let's face it Obama didn't do it and Hillary wouldn't have either. The non-headlines that made our economy stronger: https://www.brookings.edu/interactives/tracking-deregulation-in-the-trump-era/
  4. The S&P 500 just had its best 50 days ever https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/04/investing/premarket-stocks-trading/index.html
  5. If you have the original owner's manual there should be a card with the code on it.
  6. It seems like many of these protests follow the same pattern. 1st wave - peaceful kids with signs and megaphones, saying "don't shoot" or "I can't breathe" 2nd wave comes a few hours later with no megaphones and lots of bad intentions. Stores destroyed, cars set on fire, etc. 1st wave says they aren't with us. We don't know who they are. That part I believe. Is it possible that both waves are organized by the same group? but intentionally kept separate? This really doesn't seem to be a coincidence anymore.
  7. Counter point: he died
  8. Fuck the looters...yes all day, and dirty cops too. Support the protesters...ehhh. I support the message, but honestly I'm pretty indifferent to protests (not just in this case). I think they provide an emotional release for people that may need it...but I don't think protests accomplish much if anything. In this day and age, peaceful well intended protests seem to create a jumping off point for the non-well-intended to manipulate a charged situation. IDK, maybe I'm wrong.
  9. Years ago I had a Ford Flex kid hauler. It had a touch sensitive keypad (not buttons) on the outside. When I first had it, and before I knew the code I was washing it at a self serve car wash. It was running with my phone & wallet inside. Water spraying back and forth on the keypad was interpreted as too many incorrect attempts and the car locked itself. I had to borrow a strangers phone and get my GF to bring my spare keys 👎
  10. Agreed. Police are capable of policing themselves, but if a cop "crosses the blue line" they are ostracized in their own department, so they don't.
  11. I'm sorry but that is 100% missing the point. That's the same logic and blaming a woman for getting raped. Police don't only detain people that have broken the law. When police do detain someone, they can't do whatever the hell they want or they're the ones breaking the law. The FOP will always defend cops that are in the wrong, which is unfortunate and the main reason this stuff keeps happening.
  12. Good price for a well kitted Duc☝️
  13. The fraulien is getting new shoes then all ready to tear up some Appalachian curves.
  14. The FOP has zero interest in cleaning up dirty officers. They will defend any criminal action committed by an officer an spin it like he's a hero.
  15. If I was concerned about my race being mistreated by police, a good starting point might be to encourage more people of my race to become police. Being more represented couldn't hurt.
  16. Someone suggested? Well that sure sounds credible🙄
  17. Did that cop squeeze the life out of that guy with his knee? Yep Will that cop ever be convicted and spend time in a prison cell. Nope In cases like this, juries and courts overwhelmingly side with police officers...even against damning evidence. The FOP works closely with the courts, and our judicial system doesn't have the teeth to prosecute and convict bad officers. Good cops refuse to "cross the blue line" to testify against bad officers. If they do they are hated in their own departments. That kind of protecting "brother officers" makes them all look bad. The issue isn't police brutality the issue is police accountability. Once I sat around a campfire with about a dozen cops. They went around the circle telling "cop stories" and one-upping each other. Most stories were about confiscating money, guns, & drugs that weren't on the books and never made it to the evidence room. Most of them don't give a fuck about civil rights even when cameras are rolling. The illegal things you suspect they do, they do. And they get away with it.
  18. I think out of state paid protesters are causing a lot of this chaos across the country.
  19. Because I'm good guy, I'll let you leave it in my garage to avoid the temptation. You might as well leave the keys also.
  20. AirBNB and VRBO are already filling the void.
  21. Seems like the most exposure these days is on FB Market place.
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