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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Nice ride. It was nice to meet all of you. Thanks for leading Nivin. You did a good job.
  2. Religion can be a good thing in that it gets people to explore their spiritual side. It's the part where most religions tell their followers what to believe (in great detail) that's not in the best interest of humankind. It seems that most (but not all) religions teach hate in one way or another. I try my best not to hate the haters.
  3. I'm just slabbin' 480 to 77 from N. Ridgeville. (83 is just as straight most of the way & I can make better time on the superslab). Nothing personal but it's not really worth the extra effort in the early & the cold to take the time to meet up just to drone together. Hope to see you at the DQ in Bolivar.
  4. I need to get out & ride with this contingent of OR at least once this year. I'll see you guys at 11:00 tomorrow.
  5. Per the article you are safer riding without helmet only in Michigan. This is doubtful to me but inconsequential. I have no reason to ride in Michigan. All their roads are straight.
  6. 5150 on my 250 that I bought in March (commuting & local transportation) + 4620 on my 1000 (speed touring only) + about 1000 on my wife's Ducati 696 (one 540 mile Ohio river run + around town a bit) that she hasn't ridden this year.
  7. Have a safe ride guys. The risk factors are up. Roads don't dry uniformly or quickly in cool cloudy weather. Cold tires lack traction. Wet leaves are really slick. It's rutting season. (No, I'm not your mom, just a guy with crooked ribs & a lumpy collarbone).
  8. I wave at the Amish but I know better than to try & race them. Those buggies are pretty badass.
  9. It would be wise to wait until Friday the 5th to make any decisions about postponement due to the weather forcast. If it does get moved to Sunday I am regretfully out.
  10. Strange that beating your kids would teach them that violence is inappropriate. There are quite a few of us around that learned positive moral values from caring parents that did not resort to violence and fear. Parents that lack good moral values are going to raise bad kids whether they give them "ass whoopins" or not.
  11. Welcome. Maybe I 'll see you next weekend.
  12. Welcome back. Best of luck in turning over your new leaf.
  13. Stop worrying about the cold. Start worrying about the rain. Accuweather is currently forecasting rain for both the 6th & 7th. Hope that changes.
  14. That sucks. No more harrasment from me.
  15. I might have to bail if it gets pushed later. I have to make it back north for my wife's 35th high school reunion Saturday evening.
  16. Route sounds good to me. Best cure for cold hands; http://www.aerostich.com/clothing/gloves/rain-glove-covers/aerostich-triple-digit-covers.html
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Bad324 excuse my rant as its not directed at you but in general... EVERYONE DRIVES A FUCKING CAR on this board, the term cagers is hands down the stupidest god damn thing I see spewed on this board on a daily basis next to "clips" and "crotch rocket" I use the term "crotch rocket" in jest just because that's what the majority of the uneducated call sportbikes. I try to educate but my efforts seem futile.
  18. I hope he has a fast recovery.
  19. 2 days would be good. We took 3 because it was a family ride with a lot of waiting. The CBR doesn't do too bad in the long haul but I will probably be looking for something more comfortable that still corners well as I approach my golden years.
  20. I should have put about 5000 on each by the time the salt goes down this year.
  21. I notice that the Harley folks are a lot more likely to wave back if I am riding my wife's Ducati (single headlamp, no fairing) than if I am riding one of my "crotch rockets". I wave at anybody that rides but it does get old fast on a sunny 80 degree Sunday when even the 500 mile a year bikes are out.
  22. Welcome to OR. You can a lot of advice here & maybe even a little bit of good advice.
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