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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I agree. Goldwing trikes are really sweet if you need or want a trike.. All the awesomeness of the Wing platform... reliability and comfort for low 30's. Sell that POS...take the loss and upgrade.
  2. You won't need to charge the Sena during the day. I have gone 15 hours easy with mine. Yea, the aux charger can come lose. Run a ground and switched hot up the center of the triple T. Secure it on the frame side and on the handlebars. Then get one of the below and you can use any usb cord you like for whatever device you have. It has plenty of power to fast charge the newer phones. It fast charges mine while I Nav and play tunes. Just secure it with that double side 3m white sticky tape stuff. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01DYE54LI/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Based on the above you must agree the current economic climate....dropping unemployment, stock market jump and all that is due to Obama's genius moves. Right?
  4. The 60's called, they want their summerS of riots back.
  5. I would appreciate it if you people would stop giving my pit bitch a hard time.
  6. Yes it did. Her great great grandparents were slaves. Her great grandparents were raised in the ghetto by those uneducated slaves that had no idea what it takes to succeed and in a country run by asshats tossing out platitudes. And that has continued generation after generation until here we are, right were we started. If I and all my ancestors were treated the way they have been I god damn guarantee you I would be rioting. Yea, the previous POTUS created divisiveness, no doubt. And so did the one before him and the one before him. And so is the current one. Let me guess, you think we need another Ronald Reagan. The guy that deficit spent like no one before him. That gave all the illegals amnesty and fixed poverty with trickle down economics? Yea, that all worked out great.
  7. You mean like the girl here at the school I work at. Whose dad is in the slammer for 30 years for selling heroin...and whose mom just died from heroin so now she is being raised by her alcoholic grandmother. Explain what system of rewards caused that to happen to this child? And better yet, explain why we should abandon her and sentence her to a life of shit because of her parents. Sorry, I work in a ghetoish school and I don't think people really get what is happening down here. We are talking generation after generation of this shit. Neither your platitude nor Tim's will fix this issue. We step up and help these kids or we continue the cycle.
  8. Ok, that's a pile of poo too. There is nobody in the ghetto to teach these kids just WTF that means. They are kids, and they have no idea, no parents and no leadership. They are not refusing to do anything because they have no idea what is expected of them. While that is not our fault we have a choice here. We can help them, or we can toss out platitudes like the above and then later out toss out cash to keep them in jail.
  9. You need real heat, like a torch man. Might be too late.
  10. Is it broke or bent? Cuz if it is bent heat it up and bend it back.....you got nothing to lose trying.
  11. Nice copy and paste from Facebook. Everything in that post is total bullshit. Lee owned a shitload of slaves, and tortured them relentlessly. He twisted the law to keep them slaves until a Virginia court ordered him to follow the law. And he would split the family members up....sell off relatives of current slaves...trade for non relatives...and not tell anyone where they were sent. He was a real pile of shit, much like your post.
  12. Textile is more versatile and long term cost effective. You can add/remove layers underneath. Bike shorts when it's hot......
  13. So, you folks bring a trailer. Could you save me some room in your cooler...I will bring some drinks for myself in case they run out. And maybe an extra chair? I will let you have some 'quiet' time with my pit bitch @TimTheAzn as payment.
  14. Well, at least you and I are safe!!
  15. Jefferson raped the hell out of his slaves, so I am going to have to say no to that theory.
  16. One can only hope they take the Republicans with them.
  17. My concern is they are on a roll. Washington and Jefferson monuments are next. They won't stop. Today the Nazi's lost their website. The private company that hosts them decided they were assholes and shut them down. Certainly they are assholes but who decides that and where does it stop? We are in a tuff spot right now. Censorship may be needed, just like we have some restrictions on guns. All rights come with limits.
  18. fuck with. Transcripts from jury selection in the Martin Shkreli trial.
  19. I can confirm Justin knows a bad tire when he sees one.
  20. You of all people should know cops lie. https://patch.com/ohio/strongsville/deer-hunting-permits-now-available-strongsville
  21. I will contact my sources.
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