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mello dude

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Everything posted by mello dude

  1. Jeez dude, that's a recipe for eventually going kersplat someplace.
  2. Lemme guess, charging system is not charging?
  3. Congrats - The VFR geeks hang out at www.VFRdiscussion. com if you are interested. (including me)
  4. A bit of a different style and they werent popular, but get a ride on one. Super smooth, super comfy, good handling and brakes and mondo torque off idle. (95 ft-lbs) Also goes with my aversion to twins. Its an engine with a bike wrapped around it. Oh yeah, badass sounding engine too....
  5. Ok, I'll bite... A month or so ago, when I got pissed off at the cheapo gauge I had been using and took a sledgehammer to it, I decided to get something stupid outrageous for replacement and got this Longacre gauge with a 3 1/2 inch dial. It holds pressure until you release it, and 2 bleed valve buttons on the head, and the chuck swivels to fit wherever you need it. Its a bit OCD, but I get a certain giddy satisfaction of using something that works stupid outrageously well.
  6. If I stumble into a RZ350 in good shape for sale, it wont take much for me to make a deal right there. - What a rush........
  7. I bought a new tower a couple months ago with 8.1 - hate it but getting used to it. But occasionally I get the Win10 pop up off and on and have been turning it down. Should I just bite the bullet and upgrade?
  8. Cropduster..... Disclaimer is hitting all the questions that you need to think about. Plus you need to think about how you can do the school work to get the degree. Your statement "I like tearing things apart to see what makes them tick. The who, how, where, what, and why. Figuring out how they work and can I improve them? Make them stronger, lighter, smaller, and so on. This goes for my sports car, my motorcycle, RC car, quad coptor, stuff around the house etc. " reminds me of myself - I followed that into mechanical engineering. - You should also consider what engineering is hot - electrical, robotics, controls, manufacturing and whether you would be up to move to a job. I have done a lot of years in automotive engineering and some were enjoyable and some years sucked. And engineering jobs typically are salary, you own your tasks and need to take the time to get it done on time, even if you need to crack into more than 40 hours. I have done 8 hour days and then some 16 hour days. There are still some good companies and some bad ones. So, you need to step back and soul search and decide if you want to put in the work to get there. If you decide "yes" , dont waste any time getting to school, a degree is the minimum to start. You can PM me if you have any questions....
  9. The thing about 555 is that it is damn hard, technical and up and down. You have to muster all the skill you got and all your focus to ride it well. That is the attraction.
  10. If Buell's have a history of eating stators, then a series style R/R can help that. The stator wont be pulling full volts all the time like a shunt style will. But generally if the stator is fine, the "newer" tech Mosfet FH020AA will do the job.
  11. Very interesting and creative work you got going on there. (I'm another Dayton foole.)
  12. If you havent jumped in an already bought that SH847 - the FH020AA will do the job fine and you would save 70 bucks..... The wire up job is easy, but you need to do quality work or your wasting your bucks....
  13. Cant go wrong with ProGrip 719s or 699s. I havent used any thing else in quite a few years and multiple bikes.
  14. It's purty..... What kind of maintenance does it need since your at 80k?
  15. Waaay easy corner..... Oh look, there's a pond.....
  16. Dude - as a newbie rider you have to understand you must develop skills. And for the moment you have zero. Practice, practice, practice. - Lose the damn cell phone, put it in your pocket. You need all your attention on your surroundings. The moment you look at your cell phone could be the moment you need ALL your focus to save your ass. - Look where you want to go! I notice several times in the video you fixated on something. Well guess what? The object your fixate on is the object you wlll hit.- Look thru a line in the corners. Imagine it and point the bike exactly on that line. - Look where you want to go! - Lastly I saw you purchased a womens jacket. I hope you are not planning to ride your GF on you bike yet. You are way far from being skill enuff to be safe two up. Best wishes, you have a long ways to go.
  17. Gotta ride one of those..........
  18. Sounds like a great ride.... but dude- give it up on the k&n filter. Way too many leak.
  19. Its nice.. would love a road burner like that.. but timing for me is terrible.....
  20. Typically you can do an overnite charge with a battery tender and get it load tested to see if its good, but 5 years old, screw it, replace it. If you have a multimeter (they are cheap) you can check the stator and R/R. Also, Honda's are notorious for frying the stator/RR connector, look at that.
  21. Thanks for the heads up on this, just ordered a bunch of stuff today......
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