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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Wrong day, month, year... for the second time in 1 month. First dupe was the 27th last month, this one is wrong too. (It's Oct 26 2015 btw)
  2. What is Obama's favorite food? Barackli On a scale of Casey Anthony to Jerry Sandusky, how much do you like kids? Why did the girl fall off the swing? Because she didn't have any arms. Knock Knock. Who's there? Not that girl. So, I was dating a Japanese girl. The relationship grew old rather quickly so I decided to break up with her. When I told her, she just stood there in disbelief. It's like you have to drop the bomb twice for them to get the message. Russian joke: What did one potato say other potato? Premise ridiculous; who has two potatoes? What did the elephant say to the naked man? It's cute, but can you pick up peanuts with it? How many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they just beat the room for being black! A man walks into a pub and sees two large girls by the bar. They both had strange accents so he said "Hello are you two girls from Scotland?". Offended, one of them screamed "It's WALES you fucking idiot!". So he immediately apologised and said "Sorry are you two whales from Scotland?" Want to hear a joke about pussy? Nevermind, you'll never get it. I know, I know, vagina jokes aren't funny. Period. So there once was this wasp that lived in a jungle. This was not your ordinary wasp though-he was smart, philosophical even. One day he finally got fed up with his repetitive, insignificant life and decided that he would leave his hive, his family, his entire close-knit wasp community and he would go out into the world and make something of himself, just like the humans do. So the wasp enrolls in school, and passes with flying colors. Remember, this is a very smart wasp. He gets his high school diploma in a little under 3 years, with a 4.0 GPA and all that snazz. After high school, believe it or not, the wasp gets accepted to Harvard. Harvard! This too proves to be no challenge for our hero, as he graduates in just two years, again a 4.0, on the Dean’s list, and all that snazz. Not to mention all the clubs and sports he was in-the newspaper, rowing, student government-and the fact that he was by far the most popular student on campus. Even his professors looked up to him. He goes on to get two PhDs, and when he finishes his education, the wasp faces a bit of a dilemma. How does he apply his knowledge now? Where does he go from here? He decides to try out politics. After all, he was popular throughout school, did well in Harvard government. So he runs for mayor, and wins in a landslide. He greatly reforms the city, fixing virtually all its major problems. He runs for governor and again wins in a landslide. Two years later, the presidential election was coming up, and the wasp decides he might as well go for it. Of course, he wins in the largest landslide in US presidential history. His presidency goes exceedingly well-he is loved by all parties, and has the highest approval ratings in history. He also finds the cures for cancer, AIDS, and broken hearts while in the White House. After 8 years (yes, of course he was reelected) the time has come for him to leave his office. Even his successor his saddened by the wasp’s departure, but they all know it’s what must be done. Back at his vacation home in California his first day after leaving office, the wasp looks back on his long and fruitful life. He realizes that he hasn’t been back to his hive at all since that first day he left. He suddenly feels a twang of guilt as he realizes how much he misses his parents and his little brother. So he heads back to the hive, looking more worn out than he remembers. He goes inside and greets his family, who are overjoyed at the sight of him. He talks about how his life has gone as his family listens in wonderment. Eventually he decides he is thirsty, so he decides to visit the old watering hole he remembered. Once he gets there though, there’s an extremely long line. He decides it’s worth the wait, so gets in line. One hour. Two hours. This is the slowest moving line he’s ever seen! Eventually he calculates that it could be a few days before he gets to the front of the line, so decides it’s not worth it. He decides to go get some cider to drink instead, but what do you know, another huge line of people waiting for cider! He remembers one other drinking area that never had a long line-fruit punch! So he decides to go get punch. He arrives, and lo and behold, there’s no punch line! The violence is getting very bad in this town. In fact, just the other day two peanuts were walking down the street and one was a salted. Why was the mushroom the life of the party? Because he's a fungi! Why do Jewish men get circumcised? Because Jewish women won't touch anything unless it's 20% off.
  3. Not a picture, but its fitting for the possible Higgs boson detection today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEojtM
  4. Sugary drinks are the worst for computers because if you don't actually take them apart and fully clean them with isopropyl, there will always be a residue. Without seeing it open, there isn't much to recommend and unfortunately it might just be toast. Is it just not turning on or anything? FYI, lenovo thinkpads come with a spill-resistant keyboard now (up to 25 centiliters).
  5. I usually have a copy of DBAN on hand for things like that. Just pop it in, boot up, and select how many overwrites you want and leave it till its done. -edit- Looks like Flounder beat me to it
  6. Have you checked your fuses as stated above? Simple check continuity between the two pieces of metal showing though the plastic. I am still a bit confused as to what works and doesn't, but it could certainly be a fuse or a few. Clarify this "usual sound", does that include the fuel pump or just the sound of the gauges? A video of you going through the motions and of the damage would clear these questions up.
  7. What kind of bearings are you replacing them with and are you sure the bearing are what is the problem? What are the symptoms you are experiencing?
  8. Hahaha, sorry, but that's not right at all. They will keep making anything and everything if it sells, regardless of if it works or not. Ever heard of Kevin Trudeau from late night tv? He used to sell his books directly, then the federal government stepped in to stop him because they didn't work. He is still selling his stuff, but indirectly now (legally). Money is the driving factor in a capitalist economy, not usefulness. FYI I have never used an extractor kit, so I am not weighing in on their effectiveness. Anyway, I'm sure there is a way to get the bolt out; I have never seen one that didn't have the potential for extraction (from that new of a vehicle). How much threaded portion is sticking out? You could use a wrench, or I have used a dremel to cut either a phillips or flat-head in the screw and get it out that way. If it is flush you can always drill it out (if it is really stubborn use a tap afterwards to clean the threads). If it is a blind tap, then it could be removed with a sinker EDM (not really cost effective if you don't have one). There are lots of options! This will work too if you have a welder, otherwise it would probably cost you $25-$30
  9. I think he was at the Berea one as well. They come in a small plastic bag with a label that looks to be cut out of a standard piece of 8.5x11" printer printer paper, correct? My friend bought a couple dragon's breath rounds from him, has yet to try them out unfortunately.
  10. They didn't mention a desire to pull over those with valid learner permits being in OSHP jurisdiction. If you have a temp permit you can't ride on the highway, so are they not going to increase pulling them over?
  11. I am curious about this. I know some teams (like Notre Dame) who paint their helmets weekly and therefore would be very careful about something like this. Can you please expound on what chemicals, brands, and testing procedures that you witnessed and which ones caused failures?
  12. I'm in for a set of Optimal fairings for a '09 CBR600RR. Just tell me where/when/how to send the money
  13. Bump, still for sale/partial trade
  14. I saw this on reddit earlier today and it brought up an interesting point. I see many people on here thanking those who mention military service and now I am curious how many agree with this fellow. I encourage you to read the following comment and express your feelings, especially if you have served yourself. http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/v2vfh/dont_thank_me_for_my_service/c50v4u1
  15. I doubt you will get anywhere since you didn't get a ticket and there wasn't actually an incident. Its really a "he said, she said" type of situation and since its a cop, your word won't hold as much water.
  16. I completely missed that thread. I read it initially and thought there couldn't be anyone that would promote waking everyone up at night...little did I know the thread would get exarch'd (can I trademark that into a verb now?)
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEPvSo8bE2I And before anyone asks this time: yes, the kid is fine and it was all fake for a child life insurance commercial
  18. This is just to funny not to post. I saw the fundraiser yesterday at about $12,000.00 and it has skyrocketed to well over $100,000.00 in only 1 day of being open...there are still 14 days left. Here is the link to the fundraiser and here is the original page.
  19. I was thinking the same thing for a defense. It really depends upon what those who donated would have assumed the funds would be used for. If it was a casual "help us" cry then I doubt that defense would work, but if it was slightly changed to "help us fight" then it would be assumed it would be for legal defense and a plea of ignorance might fly.
  20. All good responses so far guys, keep 'em coming! After you mentioned this I tried to find something on the internet but to no avail. What does he do that is so different? Knowing his personality I would think he would attest to the John Daly style of training. The thing that concerns me is that if you looked at Simoncelli's stats, he was about as tall as I am yet weighed 20lbs more. When looking at the heights/weights of motogp riders, I am mid pack when it comes to weight yet am off the chart for height. I can only imagine that I am missing something since all of their heights and weights correlate so closely; then again "the grass is always greener".
  21. You need a hitch, correct size drop, ball, and 4 flat wiring to the trailer. Uhaul might be able to hook you up and install all the necessary components. Same here, I had mine over 80mph and no problem arose that wasn't present at any lower speeds.
  22. What companies made you do that? Every one I have ever seen is tach/speed based and never even deviates from the wiring harness let alone all the way down to the shift linkage.
  23. One aspect that has always been interesting to me in MotoGP was how size or the rider was essentially irrelevant. The bigger/taller riders could whip the bike around quicker and the smaller/shorter riders were less weight. Of course all of these guys are all under some sort of rigorous fitness program to keep them in shape, but what all does that exactly entail? Its almost comical to see, in TT3D, the vast difference between Guy Martin and John McGuinness when they cut to diet and exercise. So the real question is what do you do and do you find it effective? Do you have a special nutrition plan or a special workout routine, whether it be cardio or weights, or is the perfect lifestyle hookers and blow? The question is open to all track day-ers and racers alike. It would also be helpful to include your height and weight if you do any specific routines. Personally I just got back into weight training but still don't feel too much need for cardio because my endurance has never really been an issue. As for diet, I eat whatever I want whenever I want, so we'll see whenever that catches up to me. For reference, I am currently 6'1" at 140lbs.
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