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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Yep, and they snort too....lol. But they are full of it non stop. My uncle used to have 3 of them. His fav was a male named 'Toughie'....I think it must have had springs in its feet, he could !boing! straight up pretty high. Good breed imho
  2. LOL, that'd be a lot easier! And cheaper.......
  3. Yep, my take exactly. I have done some long distance rides, and riders in our area seem more inclined to do the wave thing back and forth regardless of bike brand, but once you get out west my experience has shown that far less sport bike riders wave. Consider too that when we riding the west it was me on the glide and my wife on her Yamaha. Quite often she was in the lead too. So I figure its an individual thing not based on what you are riding.
  4. I have seen wires hung strictly to the joists and the layout ends up making tile removal without damaging them, near impossible. For minimal clearance we always found it best to run 1 x strips across the bottoms of the joists so support wires could run straight up. Of course that does drop the ceiling down an additional 3/4", but its worth it if possible.
  5. Its cage drivers everywhere. A friend in Schaumburg Ill just had his 2nd bad accident where a car blew a red and slammed into his newly reconditioned Harley.....he had just got it back on the road after another encounter with a car. Says he is taking time off riding......but its gonna be difficult due to the fact that he owns a custom powdercoating modification bike shop there. Its crazy dangerous out there.......
  6. Its all in the layout. Like said, start in the center and keep it squared up good. Leave enough clearance above the grid to allow for tile removal. Can lights are a breeze, but you'll most likely have to set them between joists. I always cut the holes (thru the tiles) on the snug side, you can always whittle it out a little if necessary. Have fun
  7. So may this explains why its not uncommon to see people with equipment violations (lights not working), or non use of turn signals, things like, being overlooked/ignored by Leos. I have seen a Leo right behind someone with rear lights out, or see them turn right in front of a Leo without using their signals, and nothing is done about it. I know you all are overworked, but it seems these things being ignored only add up to real problems later, accidents and such. Traffic on 270 at rush hours is unreal, but really needs more traffic control. 3 to 4 lanes of bumper to bumper traffic running at 75 mph while drivers text, lane cutting....really needs some control, more tickets or worse. I can only imagine how difficult this would be....maybe using an eye in the sky?, or it is better to just let em run and catch problems when they become twisted pieces of metal? Not that I am pointing fingers at you, but doesn't this all add to the chaos?
  8. True. Personally I think the original cast was the best. Since it has ebbed and flowed back and forth and may now its just one of those 'less funny' spans for the show.
  9. Man my numbers are crap in comparison.....like .18 dl speed......01 ul........on Frontier dsl. Before moving here we had comcast cable and it was lightning quick. Wish comcast was available here. Anyone try that 'tuneup' link?
  10. Cancer is a bastard. Reading your initial post brings back those memories.....and lots of emotions. The good thing for you-knowing he will be in a better place free of pain and suffering. My prayers go out to you and your loved ones. Stand tall, be strong.....God bless!
  11. I prefer riding in the back myself....bringing up the rear
  12. Ehhh, it was just reminding you not teaching you.......
  13. Ok, 'lead' and 'sweep'..........please explain, of course 'lead' is self explanatory, but 'sweep'? I'm just used to a lead and rear rider in a group.
  14. Blind rises.....those will tickle your innards......! How about running up 33 over to 30 to I 69 (in Ind) and head north? Leave Fri afternoon? LOL, If so I can ride along. Cuz thats the way I will be heading Fri afternoon. I have a benefit ride in Battle Creek I want to attend Sat.
  15. the link worked for me...........http://www.botachtactical.com/smwempma.html looks like the same as tim has posted
  16. Aren't those 'clips' yo?.........bwhahaha......
  17. I highly recommend it for newbie riders. My wife took it a few years back and has become a very safe rider. Plus the price is right!
  18. Wow, who would have ever thought that prices at the $3 level would be considered cheap?
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