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Everything posted by LINK

  1. Saturday, on the Speed Triple, http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=84043 http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=202+food+mart+barnesville,+oh&daddr=39.93746,-81.22689+to:39.69326,-81.28993+to:39.647981,-81.2434141+to:39.63836,-81.17614+to:Marietta,+OH+to:39.48948,-81.42212+to:39.579924,-81.384968+to:39.56757,-81.167679+to:39.6813,-81.16926+to:Laings,+OH+to:39.65496,-80.87008+to:Woodsfield,+OH+to:39.82119,-81.0752+to:39.92906,-81.07916+to:Saint+Clairsville,+OH&hl=en&ll=39.834377,-81.047516&spn=0.296328,0.441513&sll=39.603572,-81.229477&sspn=0.297322,0.441513&geocode=FUIxYwIdM54p-yGgC5IiUEVNIykpI2gp_2k2iDHMcvR4tvmM5g%3BFbRlYQIddpMo-ynP31zmIT82iDE9DosNhY25Zg%3BFcyrXQIdNp0n-ymzFuEaAic2iDGUIx6plmuszw%3BFe36XAId6lIo-ylFhz7yVt9JiDEWun5-Iv-khA%3BFVjVXAIdtFkp-yklPWtG8d9JiDGQAiiW-jgMQA%3BFThuWQIdBBkl-yktMsQM4cxJiDGV5OSRNSdiPQ%3BFciPWgId2Jgl-ympOkKuDc5JiDGOdk3VzZvBtQ%3BFRTxWwId-Ckm-ynpHMesKtFJiDGykVdMIH0zFw%3BFdLAWwIdwXop-ykRpADYA95JiDGM6QS1jvbUMg%3BFRR9XQIdlHQp-yl1V18SLiA2iDHHcdNJXS339Q%3BFZoIXgIdm9kr-ynT_HSuYRs2iDHgYEedPw6w0Q%3BFTAWXQIdQAUu-ylTk2p8uwE2iDEX__vUsk1Zkg%3BFY26XgIdCEcq-yl9AnmBABk2iDG0XWcX_KVn-g%3BFYafXwIdAOQq-ykvr9JVsRA2iDG0s6lThQGA7A%3BFeREYQIdiNQq-yl_WKg-hBQ2iDHB3jJNXQZ11w%3BFT2LYwIdR5Qt-ykP37l8wXA2iDGYNXjeNMRVLQ&vpsrc=6&mra=mrv&via=1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,13,14&t=m&z=11 Sunday, on the Ninja 1000, Rode to Union City, IN, North for a while, then back home...Not sure why, I just felt like exploring I guess. Just a relaxing solo ride.
  2. The part of 26 between Woodsfield and 145 has been a rough and deteriorated section for quite a while...Well good news, it has been cleaned up with fresh pavement where needed...A great road now, watch for slow moving tractors and such though.
  3. The gas station on 800 was just the start' date=' we rode to Barnesville on 800, and from 26 to 255, and that was all of 800 we rode today... The South portion of 800 has been repaved from Antioch to Fly for sometime now. This was our route from Barnesville to St. Clairsville, we changed up for the finish, we went opposite ways when we reached I-70. 572.4 miles total for me, not sure for the other rider, much less I am sure, he was coming from Boardman.[u'] http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=202+food+mart+barnesville,+oh&daddr=39.93746,-81.22689+to:39.69326,-81.28993+to:39.647981,-81.2434141+to:39.63836,-81.17614+to:Marietta,+OH+to:39.48948,-81.42212+to:39.579924,-81.384968+to:39.56757,-81.167679+to:39.6813,-81.16926+to:Laings,+OH+to:39.65496,-80.87008+to:Woodsfield,+OH+to:39.82119,-81.0752+to:39.92906,-81.07916+to:Saint+Clairsville,+OH&hl=en&ll=39.834377,-81.047516&spn=0.296328,0.441513&sll=39.603572,-81.229477&sspn=0.297322,0.441513&geocode=FUIxYwIdM54p-yGgC5IiUEVNIykpI2gp_2k2iDHMcvR4tvmM5g%3BFbRlYQIddpMo-ynP31zmIT82iDE9DosNhY25Zg%3BFcyrXQIdNp0n-ymzFuEaAic2iDGUIx6plmuszw%3BFe36XAId6lIo-ylFhz7yVt9JiDEWun5-Iv-khA%3BFVjVXAIdtFkp-yklPWtG8d9JiDGQAiiW-jgMQA%3BFThuWQIdBBkl-yktMsQM4cxJiDGV5OSRNSdiPQ%3BFciPWgId2Jgl-ympOkKuDc5JiDGOdk3VzZvBtQ%3BFRTxWwId-Ckm-ynpHMesKtFJiDGykVdMIH0zFw%3BFdLAWwIdwXop-ykRpADYA95JiDGM6QS1jvbUMg%3BFRR9XQIdlHQp-yl1V18SLiA2iDHHcdNJXS339Q%3BFZoIXgIdm9kr-ynT_HSuYRs2iDHgYEedPw6w0Q%3BFTAWXQIdQAUu-ylTk2p8uwE2iDEX__vUsk1Zkg%3BFY26XgIdCEcq-yl9AnmBABk2iDG0XWcX_KVn-g%3BFYafXwIdAOQq-ykvr9JVsRA2iDG0s6lThQGA7A%3BFeREYQIdiNQq-yl_WKg-hBQ2iDHB3jJNXQZ11w%3BFT2LYwIdR5Qt-ykP37l8wXA2iDGYNXjeNMRVLQ&vpsrc=6&mra=mrv&via=1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,13,14&t=m&z=11 Yes he is a member...I am not sure what his screen name is though, he rarely, if at all, posts on here.
  4. A rider from Boardman and myself will be meeting up at the gas station on SR 800 just off of I-70 North of Barnesville, OH, 10:00-10:15 a.m...A faster paced ride with limited stops and/or breaks. The route will take us as far South as Marietta, OH and end back at the starting point, with some good routes in between. Other riders are welcome, Again we will maintain a decent pace on this ride due to the shorter daytime hours available...My ride to and from Barnesville is at 340+ miles, and over 6 hours in itself, that is if I slab it to and from. So for me to get some good daytime riding in, and not have to slab it back, we will need to keep moving. Sorry for the next to no notice, I hope some of you can make it, this should be a great ride! I will be on my Black Speed Triple, the other rider on a 2010 Black & Silver Z1000.
  5. Not sure if I am in or not, riding a long ride Saturday. I am riding Sunday too, but not sure where yet. Saturdays ride will be a fast paced ride, so far just me and one other rider, so Sunday needs to be a bit more calm I think.
  6. I will be in that area myself tomorrow on the Speed Triple with one other rider, I will look for you. What time are you looking at for your ride?
  7. Yeah +1 on the bottom part of 260 and 800 back up. I was thinking that route too, but I also thought keeping him in the direction of home might be a better choice at this time of year...Fall time is great riding, but the short days will put a limit on the fun factor a bit.
  8. Probably Wooster or Millersburg will probably be your best bet, personally I would meet them in Millersburg, but that is just me.
  9. Maybe 26 to Marietta, take 550 to Bartlett, then up 555 to Zanesville. That should be a 300+/- mile ride for you, and a fun ride too!
  10. Certainly worth your time, I doubt you will be disappointed at all.
  11. Damn it, I will be working or I would be there.
  12. I heard it is a 1440cc ZX14R...Much different than the ZX15 article.
  13. You buy one and I will try it first...Good idea?
  14. Sorry for the delay, I was at work. Yes I am very familiar with the roads. All I will need is a rough time frame, ideal distance, and the type of ride preferred. Please let me know if I can help?
  15. I can put a route together for you Mike, if your interested? To early to tell if I have to work on Saturday, if I do not, I can just show it to you and your group. If Saturday is the ride, and the weather is still decent, the same goes for Sunday too. Some fun routes, not to technical, but not to far from the Akron area either.
  16. If this is legit, and if I had the cash setting around right now, I would own this. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2623188544.html
  17. I was second to last in that group down 556, and the 2 Motard's we picked up in Beallsville did not get around me until the very end, so we were not going that slow. We could have went a bit faster, but again, we were not going slow at all if they could not get around me sooner than they did, both were very capable riders too, I was watching them in my mirrors. The ride the day before, which Tpoppa led, was moving out for a street ride, maybe not insane, but certainly pushing some limits at times...I was a straggler on that ride, and I am perfectly fine with that. I leave plenty of reserve for unexpected situations and conditions, it is a public roadway, many things can pop up with short to no notice.
  18. Most insurance companies list the Ninja 1000 (Z1000SX) as a ZX10R, no similarities between the two at all. A Z1000, which is nearly identical to the Ninja 1000, minus full fairings, is half the cost to insure, and the Z1000 even has quicker acceleration than the N1K (gearing & tune)...Makes sense to them I guess!
  19. I might be up for this, to soon to make a decision, plus waiting for the route.
  20. That sounds like an awesome trip, I am jealous!
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