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Everything posted by RHill

  1. didn't think you had to have a dealers license, but if need be I could have someone. Read through their terms, but that was long enough that I dont remember much of it. Think it was like $25 to sign up for 30 days or 200 for a year.
  2. ^ I'll have to look this afternoon, leading training all day today. I have wera and nesba classifieds set up in google reader, so I check them at least a couple times a day for a month now.
  3. You talking about the one on NESBA? Wouldn't mind snagging it, but it is a bit far to travel and fit in my schedule at the moment. There was a 04 gsxr 600 for 3500 with a bunch of goodies on the NESBA forum that I saw and should have scooped up, but I still hadn't done a track day at that point and was unsure of if I'd really enjoy it.
  4. yep, that was the image in my head when I posted that....were they filming a movie scene or something? been awhile since I've seen it
  5. they will get plenty of attention when some dipshit cager who is texting doesnt look up to see the parade of bikes in roadblock formation and plows through 30+ of them.
  6. More scouring around at this point trying to determine what it will take to get something dedicated to the track. The price/year/mileage made that bike tempting, but I cant spend that much $ without at least looking over it in person first. Right now, I think I need more track time before making the jump. Couple more track days this year and I'm pretty sure I'll be set on buying a track bike end of season. Semi-concerned of dumping my bike on the track(knock on wood), but then again it wouldn't be a bad track bike and I could pick up something a little more comfortable for the streets.(I say that and I pretty comfortable on the gsxr for 10 hour rides on the street)
  7. didn't have strong enough zip ties, so I just used a tie down strap spiraled around the tire. Took a second figure out how position them so they wouldnt interfere with the bead, but after I started using the pull straps as cinches instead of using the hooks it worked excellent. Its too bad I dont have a bead breaker or I would change my front.....maybe tomorrow I will use some 2x4's and do it. MUCH easier and quicker than using irons. Four strong, releasable zip ties would be perfect.
  8. wait just a second here.... if I'm lying......how was it just one time??? :p:p
  9. I used to care about tech products, but became burnt out on keeping up with it about 6 months ago. They are approaching a plateau in mobile devices, there is only so much functionality you can cram into a UI that is as small as a mobile device. Either the UI will have to expand beyond the device, or increases in processing power and screen resolution will no longer matter. If you don't believe this, think of how many times you have opened the wrong app by mistake....now how about when you were trying to drive and open one. Apple is one of the most iterative companies that exists, they just have an amazing way of convincing their consumers that each iteration is evolutionary and no one could have imagined it before their product introduction.
  10. Dont remember if I responded to this in PM or not, around Greenville SC. I've been mapping out some roads that look amazing(on the map) in a 30 minute radius from my sisters place. Still hope to hit the dragon.
  11. there are no worries about pace, just count up the number of people concerned about pace in this thread. That is a group ride in and of itself. I dont have a problem riding sweeper for a slower pace group, as long as the last person knows I will disappear for 5 minutes and eventually come flying up behind them, stop and do it all over again. also, I have to poke fun at Nivin.....its a requirement after being on so many rides with him.
  12. just dont ride with this guy ^ he lies about the pace....lures you in saying it will be a comfortable cruise and all of a sudden he cracks the throttle to the point the VFR is overheating
  13. Noticed the forks poking up, also thought the rear looked like its dropped a little too. My thought was it was lowered for the owners height or aesthetics; dragging didn't cross my mind, but thats a good point.
  14. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=97946 I hope everyone knows their less than and greater than signs, or that title could be offensive
  15. what are you going to ride in novice group then?
  16. Because people will not realize they have these problems without pharmaceutical companies shoving it down their throats every commercial break. If people do not realize they have these problems(is it really a problem if you/those surrounding you dont realize it?) it wont set off the chain of events which results in money in the pockets of the pharma companies. Advertising intertwining with so-called medicine is bullshit and is extremely unethical.
  17. at 3k miles with no visible upgrades and no repairs....what reason would most people(who dont even own the proper tools and dont know there is a tool kit on the bike) have to even loosen a fairing? Now dipshits beating a bike off the rev limiter at a stop light might be a concern, but with the stock exhaust on there I doubt that would be of much enjoyment.
  18. New riders are doomed either way if they cant detemine their own pace. In front there is a pressure that "these guys behind me want to go faster, MUST GO FASTER". They have to know their pace and battle that pressure. If they are in the middle/rear, they will have the pressure to keep up and stay right on the tail of the group. If the roads are unknown to them, a more experienced rider should lead IMO. And no matter what, it should be made clear that they should ride their own pace. They should know that any time the group is turning from a route/road, we will hold at the intersection and group up....but separating on the route because of differences in pace is not only acceptable, it is more safe than struggling and riding above their comfort level.
  19. Every ride I've been on this year has been in jeans. Jacket, helmet, boots, gloves and jeans. Nivin thought they were the kevlar reinforced jeans, and when I told him they were just normal jeans he looked at me like If I had a pair of the riding pants, I'd wear them. I don't and the 1 piece suit IMO is overkill for a comfortable all day ride, so jeans it will most likely be.
  20. 2 blocks North of 71 towards Lakewood.
  21. redkow, you enjoy crushing my budget dreams dont you
  22. West side Cleveland here, Bolivar would kind of be starting in the wrong direction. Jumping off 71s anywhere would work great for me. Still trying to figure out if I'll make it or not, should be firmed up by this weekend.
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