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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. True, but anyone who's been through a divorce will tell you that things are rarely as they first appear. Stories will be told at least 5 different ways when just 2 or 3 people are involved and the stakes are high.
  2. I guess everyone has to be semi-genius at something...?
  3. I sure hope for the rider's sake that fall temps prevail. DC tarmac traffic snarls can really, truly SUCK.
  4. And taking advantage of a way to wash off credibility problems from perjuring herself, ahead of what could be a book deal with an even longer plot now. I any case, he certainly has shit-poor judgement.
  5. I don't believe you. I think Obama hates farts. At farters.
  6. This can't be good for Zimmy...
  7. +1, and I think the reason for a resurgence in cafe styles and vintage restorations.
  8. Read the article. It's not hypocrisy, its defeat and despair in the face of institutionalized war hawkery.
  9. Geesh this is stupid. Notified my inlaws to be careful; thanks for the post.
  10. And we're gonna need Ultraman... I hate this thread. What a shitty thing that we and our parents are leaving to our children. A bunch of incompetent monkeys, we are.
  11. Oh, good point. Not even the CDC can discern between her bloodwork and Hudson river water.
  12. Well, thank goodness nothing like this could happen in the U.S. where we're smart, have better designs and a really cool God on our side... Dammit! - http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Leak-Leads-to-Shut-Down-of-Nuclear-Plant-220808101.html
  13. If only we could tap into the power of opinions on the Internet... I agree Casper, this is way not good.
  14. Lovely: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/08/07/19910577-wrecked-fukushima-nuke-plant-leaking-330-tons-of-contaminated-water-a-day?lite In my teens and 20s I was anti-nuclear power. In my 30s I was pro, to help curb carbon levels and reduce dependence on foreign oil. Now I'm convinced the risks aren't worth it. Silly hairless monkeys - we're not ready.
  15. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/08/06/19891351-radioactive-water-seeping-into-pacific-from-fukushima-is-emergency-official-says?lite Yuck.
  16. Totally! I know a few others at my workplace and prior employer may be interested as well.
  17. Thanks Recon, and for the turbo retroencabulator too! My Honda goes 463.7 times faster now!
  18. That's cool you're into it Casper! Cloudera presently; researching Hortonworks more seriously after their latest funding round. Pivotal is throwing themselves into the game too, so we're talking. Yourself?
  19. Full disclosure: I'm familiar with Hadoop but I've never implemented it in a teleporter array. YMMV.
  20. Massive storage volumes are straightforward with 1.x. The question is whether one has parallellized their NameNode and JobTracker components. The NSA may have added secret sauce to do it, but I'm not so sure. Prism is most likely a very, very write-biased data processor with just a handful of batch jobs that run periodically. In any case, 2.x will allow for far more parallelism out of the box. See http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/ for a few tidbits. Cool stuff, when used for good not evil anyway.
  21. Maybe with 2.0's upcoming scalability increase...
  22. He's nothing if not clever!
  23. Sandy much? You're taking this quite personally. Granted I should have said "act" instead of "be" to avoid the ad-Hominem frag myself. I deserve it. So much for typing on a phone in a hurry before work. I wasn't gallantly defending the prez - you missed the point. "Crudely dumb" was aimed not at your or IP's linguistics, but at a potential mentality of lumping things together into coarsely sound-bitable, slogan-worthy snippets that can be pinned onto a person, aka, ad-hominems. Its always been in politics but the 24-hour media cycle exacerbates it, not to mention all the super-PACs (thank you "Citizens United"), industry lobbyists, shock jocks, party factions and anyone else who wants a piece of a non-thinking public struggling to make sense of ANYthing more complex than a football lineup. Put simply, its easier to hate a person than to grant any credit to their position towards understanding and yes, compromise. And which of them gives a shit about compromise when they're getting paid to stir the pot? When we citizens do it, we become a part of the stir. You guys sound far more intelligent than that, hence my (albeit curt) challenge. When we fail to discern, we become part of the problem by letting others set up false generalizations to carry the day. To me, that's exactly what's happening to Z. It's what makes people to shut down their ears and brains and let others find patterns (real or synthetic) for them, like labeling Z a racist or murderer and turning him into this specter of hate. Tacitly voicing joy over the theoretical wounding of an official is a little seed of the same.
  24. It's OK, the NSA just now picked it up.
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