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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Humans suck. But not everyone all the time. Seriously Scruit, kudos to you for handling this like you did. It says a lot. By the way, what are you using as a dash cam?
  2. smccrory


    No battery life changes on my iPhone 5 or iPad 4 with iOS 7. I miss the icon bevels which made discerning visual elements easier, but I'm adapting well enough.
  3. I don't want a Can Am either but to vilify them is juvenile. Don't we motorcyclists have enough internal disagreement already? We're all equal in the wind, after all.
  4. smccrory

    Gun Shop

    Their Polaris location is a pale, pale, pale version of Wheeling. Thankfully I have the option to stop by the latter every few months.
  5. We should get rid of unobstructed atmosphere. It lets bullets, and cops, hurt people.
  6. http://abcnews.go.com/US/women-accidentally-shot-cops-york-citys-times-square/story?id=20261689
  7. I'll admit that my own been-there-done-that experience bears somewhat on my belief that Shelley is a lying, opportunistic, narcissistic slug. But yes, facts are important.
  8. Fair point. I'm having a hard time keeping up with InfoWars and other paranoid spin off sites used to drive eyeball impressions for ad revenue and collateral gold exchange kickback purposes. I'll suspend judgement until someone validates the charges against Shelley.
  9. Good on ya mate. Zimmy's not blameless here. He did marry the slug after all.
  10. Ok I think we've beat up on Scruit enough. :-) Truth is, we've all done the exact same thing! Scruit I think you're into something with waiting to merge until later, though its always a tough call and probably traffic dependent. That's a tough interchange. In any case, wishing you safe commutes. Thanks for being a good sport and provoking a good debate.
  11. I live in northeast Columbus and have driven/ridden that segment at least once a week for more than 20 years. You come to expect especially during the rush hours, that drivers will merge right AND left from the 23 interchange to load up to the right for the 71 ramp, stage up for Cleveland Avenue in a middle lane or go completely left to stay on 270 east. At that point drivers are still working out their lane positions from the 315 ramp just prior to 23. Both 315 and 23 are active and stressful, so it cranks up drivers and makes them act less predictably. My daughter hates to drive that stretch and I don't blame her one bit. My approach is to be predictable and gradual and to anticipate that people will suddenly shift lanes at any point up until Cleveland Ave. It looks like you did the opposite and were making use of your maneuverability and acceleration to slip past slower movers. Unfortunately when you zigged right, out of a 270 east "passing" lane towards a row stacking up for 71, it was faster than the car on the right expected, who was avoiding the silver van ahead of her (it was slowing to make a right into the 71 south ramp lane). If you saw her signal prior to taking the lane, I bet you made the gamble that you'd either get past her before she completed the change, or that she'd see you and postpone her move and you'd be that much closer to the ramp's entry. You yourself probably didn't see the silver van situation developing, gambled wrong and she continued her lane change, probably never seeing you fill the void until you were past her fender. So who's right? Ultimately the heavier vehicle would win(!), but I'd say that although she could have been looking better all the way to the moment of the change, she was in the process of avoiding that silver van ahead of her and was moving to a previously clear lane to the left for safety. You filled that void, cutting off her "out" at the last minute and compressing an already tricky stretch.
  12. I agree - quick maneuvering in semi-condensed traffic isn't the smartest thing to do.
  13. That's who sold me the T shirt.
  14. I'm so confused. Could someone tell me when its ok to get my "Go fuck yourself Mother Earth" T shirt back on yet? Al Gore tells me its short-sighted but I think he's a prick and dresses like a pansy intellectual.
  15. LOL now that's damned funny right there!
  16. IMHO you're getting to theoretical and tangential about this. You said that it would be reasonable to suspend Zimmy's CHL for a while, based on allegations that he used it in an another altercation. It turns out that there's absolutely no evidence that he had a gun ( I'd bet it was wisely in his locked truck). Now, you would have taken his constitutional right to armed self-defense away based on what appears to be a lying, bitter, to-be-ex-wife, leaving him exposed to the thousands of personal attacks people have made to him. I don't care how any of us feel about Mr. Zim - the fact is that he's still entitled to his right to self-protection and there are clear and present threats to his well-being that more than justify his need for it (not that there even needs to be according to constitutional law, but there you go).
  17. Max Power was incorrect (or at least excessively general) in his statement. Rights end when someone has been CHARGED with a crime, at least temporarily, but then they must be released after processing, even if on bail to mitigate flight risk. In any case Scruit, the law is absolutely clear, as are the Magna Carta roots of our legal rights - due process is a critical part of any reasonably fair legal system. Without it, the gubment could snatch up anyone for any reason at any time and violate them indefinitely, and in fact any citizen could initiate that treatment almost anonymously. jbot's nuclear-powered sybian would love it, but I for one am glad due process applies equally.
  18. No, because that would violate due process of the law!. At that point, anyone could disarm anyone else by just accusing them of a gun crime.
  19. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/09/09/20406563-police-called-to-incident-between-george-zimmerman-wife?lite I think I just got seasick trying to follow this meandering story. Is there even one statement not contradicted by the next? He had his hand on a gun and threatened with it, then there was no contact with a gun. He punched her father then there were no marks on anyone... It goes on and on. I'm not buying any of it at this point. The only thing I know for sure about Zimmy is that he needs to send an independent party over to retrieve his shit with video recording the whole while, and stay the heck away from her during the divorce process, for everyone's good. Sounds to me like she's an emotional nutter.
  20. Except the local economy for the weekend. Maybe.
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