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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Looked impressive, very capable, and I know it has a loyal following. But it felt bigger/heavier than I want, and too much forward lean in the seat. Looks and feels (to me) like a big sport bike.
  2. No lie! Craigslist is blowing up with great bikes. IP also has quite a few used bikes and dealers are getting more aggressive with pricing now that the season is waning, and 2014 models are coming out soon. I'm in a similar hunt as the OP, but my 29" inseam is proving to be a big factor. Last night I sat on a BMW F650GS, BMW F700GS, Yamaha FZ6, Honda CB500X, Gladius, Suzuki V-Strom 650, VFR and a few others I can't remember. I badly wanted to love the BMWs but they just felt too ungainly and it would cost a mint to lower 'em. I found the V-Strom 650 to be visually kind of imposing but oddly easier to muscle around and affordable to lower about an inch to get my feet down (I know some of you think that's not necessary but it really does make a huge confidence difference for me). The FZ6 fit like a glove but I doubt I could make it comfortable enough for my passenger on longer trips. I'd love to get ABS on my next bike too, which the FZ6 doesn't have.
  3. Sounds like an awesome HL mod to me.
  4. I'm very tempted, that's a great price and a great looking gun.
  5. Jbot have you played Team Fortress or Portal? Sentries are our friends.
  6. Annnd they're both closed today, so I guess I'll just look at motorcycle porn online in the meanwhile... :-D Complicating things, I took my GF on a nice country ride with the VStar 1100 to Lynd's Farm yesterday. It's such a cozy, no-drama bike - we both really like it, but she gets my thought process of maybe consolidating needs into one sport-tourer. Now's a good time to buy, too, but not so much to sell or trade.
  7. Yea but nobody in Columbus carries them. Ok, I'll add the other bikes to my gander, thanks!
  8. I'd love to try on some BMWs too - who in Columbus has inventory?
  9. You may be right - I've tended to overemphasize flat-footedness in the past but it really does make me more confident in the city, at least while I'm initially getting used to a bike. My CB700S almost flat-foots and its fine. I think the other part is that the Wee still seems to handle a lot bigger at a stop than the FZ6. I want to love the Wee, so maybe I just need to keep trying more on and comparing. Looks like the Wee would be easier on a passenger than the FZ6...?
  10. I sat on a few at IP yesterday and I must be short. All the V-Stroms felt too big/tall. An FZ6 felt right though.
  11. smccrory


    Like what? My 5 is doing well with iOS 7.
  12. Fz1 or V-storm. Hmm, may need to try a few on sometime.
  13. Unless we're performing mandatory 100,000 mile maintenance.
  14. I do totally agree with the comparison to my 640-lb V-Star 1100, though it'd be hard to beat mine in long-distance comfort. On the other hand, my self-restored '85 Honda CB700SC is fun as hell at 500 lbs wet, 80 HP and a 10,750 rpm red-line, but my neck and back don't like it after a couple hours. It would be nice to squish both bikes into one. i.e. Own a bike that's lovely on long, relaxed country and highway rides, even the occasional 2-up weekend trip, yet is throwable and sporty like my CB.
  15. I like the displacement size and bike weight of the vstrom 650. To me, 500 lbs is all I want to throw around in all but super slab cruising.
  16. smccrory


    Damned Apple, they moved that poor kid's cheese!
  17. That does beg the question though - why are sport adventure bikes so "beaky?" Does that funky beak do anything useful? I personally prefer the naked bike aesthetic - while hide gorgeous engineering under plastic unless you're racing?
  18. +1. But personally I prefer to buy bikes more for low-maintenance than balls-out performance.
  19. I like it, and it's got to be less to buy and maintain than the Duc and Beemer, right?
  20. smccrory


    My iPhone 5 and iPad v4 are running great with iOS 7, except when I leave netflix, games and a dozen other apps suspended in the background, then I just close them and restart once a month or so. I've been in I.T. for almost 3 decades, so though I do appreciate the hackability of Android phones, I just don't have the time and am happy to trade some geek cred for iOS' design ethos. To each their own.
  21. smccrory


    http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/apple-opening-weekend-iphone-sales-top-million-200/story?id=20342037 Cue "well, that's because all those people are idiots"... ;-P Personally I'd be happy with iOS 6, iOS 7 or the latest Android UIs. They're all quite good and probably come down to individual taste.
  22. smccrory


    I hate to say it but you're 3 generations behind the latest processor and should have researched before you flashed it. Try closing every program and rebooting, and if that doesn't work, research how to go back to iOS 6 or upgrade your phone.
  23. smccrory


    I completely agree - the functionality of the new theme's design is very "vulnerable" to busy backgrounds. I think because they drown out the ever-more subtle visual lines between icons, buttons, tabs and such. I switched from nature photo backgrounds to smooth, gradient ones and it's a far better experience.
  24. Do street lights also extinguish when you go by? Stay the fuck out of Westerville!
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