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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I just came all over my monitor.
  2. It's not a Z06. Not to say there aren't Z06 parts on it.
  3. Straighten what out? Your speeds are fine for a 6-meg connection thru Speakeasy and WOW, right? You are supposed to get 6Mbps up/512k down unless you have the new 6Mbps down/1Mbps up package.
  4. Ugh. Let me guess, you have an analog box. Turn it off for 10 minutes, or leave it on channel 4. That's how the guide programs each day. That's why you should shut it off at night. There, fixed that problem. I'll even tell you how to program the remote for 1-button power if I know what remote you have (if it has a green list button, tell me if it says above the # button "Enter" or "HD/Zoom"). As for your internet, as in the other thread, I'm betting it is your equipment. I can tell you pretty easily: go to your browser, and type in Tell me what the Receive Power Level and Transmit Power Lever are (both are in dBmV). That alone will tell me if there is a signal level issue or not. You can't imagine how many times I go out and find the customer's equipment is the problem. It happens a LOT. Yet we all get blamed until we go out their and prove it is their crap.
  5. Yup, that was me. But hell, I wasn't even getting on it that hard, he told not to beat up on it; that on-ramp sucks every morning, and you either have to be agressive getting on, or you'll be stuck waiting for traffic. I do recall seeing that bike though. Rims aren't black though; just standard C5 Z06 rims w/ some 295's out back. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b308/TimbrSS/DSC03089.jpg No power adders.
  6. Funny how 90% of the service calls I ever roll on where they are getting 1meg or so down from what they should, it is the customer's equipment (PC, bad router, etc.) yet we are blamed for it.
  7. That's no good over 3Mbps
  8. You are calling the wrong people morons. You have to understand that most speed sites can't handle that high of bandwidth, so the speed they show will be lower than what your speed actually is. Speakeasy Chicago can. Or you can use the WOW speed site: http://speed.col.wideopenwest.com I personally feel Speakeasy Chicago is the best one out there.
  9. Nitrousbird

    its on.

    Sweet ride. I'd love to have a silver 05-06 w/ the Auto-x grills and 18" wheel option. I say start w/ a full exhaust and a healthy cam, then go from there.
  10. Nitrousbird

    Clerks 2

    I'll be there for sure...Clerks is an awesome movie.
  11. I'm selling my Konig Flights. 17x9.5" Rear tires are shot, fronts are so-so. PM me if interested.
  12. Me and my roomate were there until 8 and didn't see any fires. Didn't see ANY imports that ran faster than low 13's the whole time we were there either, though the staging lanes were longer after we left, so maybe it ran then.
  13. I could have a 1500HP car built for me for 100k, but that's comparing apples to oranges. Blue Devil has always been the "Faster than the C6 Z06" project; they just changed names of it now. It was never anything but that.
  14. Run Ad Aware and Spybot in safe mode. Then go to housecall.trendmicro.com and run their virus scanner. Do all that, reboot in standard mode, rinse and repeat. Decent chance that will take care of the issue, but will take a while (mostly just checking on the PC every so often to see if the program is finished running).
  15. WTF did that idiot think was going to happen?
  16. Damn, I want one. But $500 is a bit steep for a tube. And without a tower, that thing would suck trying to haul around when it's not in use behind the boat. I wonder how much speed it takes to get one of those airborne.
  17. Niffty little prototype there. Looked like a bit of a handful for the Stig on the track though, but seemed to get around just fine.
  18. And if it wasn't for that damn Avalanche payment, I'd inquire further.
  19. All those pretty pics just reinforce to me how much longer it's going to take for this crap to be done. My god I'm sick of the construction BS (I deal w/ it 4 times a day).
  20. Sam, you probably won't get much info here, as I'm sure not too many people are familiar w/ jet boats. If you can't find a jet-boat forum, I'm sure a PWC forum would have enough info to point you in the right direction. From a prop-perspective, changing pitch/diameter is all about sacrificing something. My boat came with a prop that was WAY off for its combo (too steep; could never hit over 4000RPM, was a dog out of the hole. Tried a 4-blade deal, supposed to loose only 2-3MPH and pop out of the hole hard...instead it was loose 5-6MPH and be a dog out fo the hole. That was promptly returned. After a couple more props, I finally found the balance between popping out of the hole and getting into the top power band.
  21. Ahhh, the good ol' Internet blowing things out of proportion. Only happened to a few cars, and none w/ the better glass tops. I want a Vette.
  22. Track was implied as the drag strip. The fact is I have no road course experience. I think it would be a blast, but no road course newb has the right to endanger the saftety of the course/themself/others by taking any vehicle to the limit just to win a race. I'm comfortable with the drag strip, and though I haven't auto-x'd much, I didn't do too bad for when I did do it, especially on the tires I was sporting. I wasn't asking for any races either. My number one project is almost done, which is my boat running once again. Should be on the water this week, then some more cleaning/fixing some small stuff, fine tuning, then it should be done. This heavily outweighed getting the car done, as it has sat too long, and I miss taking it out and skiing too much. I'd rather have my boat for the summer than my Formula, so that's what I chose to fix first. Now the Formula can share time with other projects; it will be done when it's done. I'm not dying to get it running, as there is another fun car at home I have access to from time to time (and it's not the slow Mustang), but it's not mine, so I'm not racing it. When the Formula is ready, I'll let you know.
  23. Let me wait until my car is done, then we'll talk. Though I'm comfortable w/ Drag Racing and Auto-X, I've never raced on a road course, and probably wouldn't push anything I was driving due to lack of experience: aka I'm not going to race someone on a road course unless I had plenty of track time to get comfortable doing so.
  24. I'm sure the critical guy will try to sue. We can only hope his ass dies in the hospital, and his family and the bitch's family don't try to sue the poor guy. The attackers got EXACTLY what they deserved. I have no issues w/ them killing off the remaining attackers either.
  25. Figures; my roomate and I showed up @ Schot for a few minutes last night (little before 11). Tons of ricers, and a bunch of HS looking kids. Some douche bag in an SUV was driving like a retard through there, bragging to his friends how he didn't have a license. It was lame, and was obviously getting to the point where we would either be kicked out, or in danger of getting his car hit, so we took off to go enjoy some beer and tacos.
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