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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. Wasn't me because I don't own ANY Honda's!!!! lol
  2. Kohones


    looks like slug covered by a condom!
  3. Welcome! Yeah we get together on Friday & Saturday nites (weather permitting). Currently the group is looking for better spots to meet. One we've been using we now get kicked out by our local polizei due to ricers that continue to do stupid things (they're ass clowns down here), do you have those kind up there too? & your introduction of yourself & your car was very classy - I like it, look forward to seeing you -
  4. I also am same as the rest of you with a "Twist" - my Pittsburghese! Words like - youns, crick for CREEK, we say POP not soda, gumband NOT rubberband, etc etc
  5. Interesting post? Last night around 8:45 I was coming home, on 270 headed toward Sawmill exit (I was about 3 miles from exit) when out of NO WHERE - here comes Dil n' Do / a white 3000 & an ol beat up Suburban, chasing each other going over 100 mph, switching lanes, cutting people off etc. I watched in my fire breathin demo (Hyundai 4 cyl) & thought, wow they're going to kill someone, traffic everywhere. Oh yeah we were headed east toward the sawmill exit. If same person they're headed toward impound lot, fines, points et al. Hope it happens BEFORE they hurt someone -
  6. Yeah you both need to sleep while you can! Congrats, kids are great -
  7. Very very sad! I'm not a religious person that goes around preaching, BUT the Pledge of Allegiance has only been in place since this country was founded. I find this disturbing & ridiculous. Whats next? Burning our flag? Changing our National Anthem? Perhaps our "mint" will now change the coins taking " In God We Trust" off of the coins! Doesn't matter to me what people believe in, God, Allah, no one? whatever, but to go to court - very sad indeed. That Dr also Atty should check out some other countries on this earth & perhaps he can find a place that would suit him better (& he can take everyone else thats on his side). They certainly have more time than most of us too!
  8. You can also contact Nissan/North. I worked there for 2 years, the parts dept is staffed with several cool guys. You never know what they may have stored upstairs? tele # is 614-846-8100 -
  9. I also had a great time. Watched my brother & son (Marc) run, then I took a few passes in my "Vette". I was disappointed though = * people signing up, saying there coming, will pay when they get there? Then NO SHOW. * The aforementioned crap will eventually take a fun day like this, & we won't have it anymore! * There's no reason COFBA should have to pay because folks give false promises & it takes time & effort to plan something like this - * Going forward, I'd think COFBA & the organizers should get everyone's $$$$ a month before the event. That way they'd know if they have enough participants or not. People could still come to the gate, pay, & play / but initially there should be enuff cash to at least pay for the track - my .02 Additionally I was the only Corvette there. No team Z06 or anything. I did my best to give a decent showing for Team Z06, but my car is basically stock & not fast like Sams & the Dr's! Oh by the way, for the guy's that slammed my brothers post a month ago (where he merely posted how his Kawasaki ran)? Of course none of those guys were there yesterday either, but just for the record / Jeff's best no nitrous or anything / was a 9.71 at 146 mph. Just ask one of the 40 or so fella's that were there. Again, Thanks COFBA for hosting this & unfortunately for also paying for us few that said we'd come & did!
  10. Gas prices will drop, probably to $2.50 for reg. Are you gay? Hey it's your $$$$ buy what you want, who cares what anybody else thinks, you'd NEVER EVER get even 70% of the folks on this board to agree to anything anyway!!!
  11. I posted & it didn't take? Here goes again = Ant is just an F Body Man! Doesn't matter what the power plant is! Enjoy it Guy -
  12. Ant is just an F-Body Man!!!! Doesn't matter what the power plant is!!!! Enjoy it Guy -
  13. Flying J - I wonder if Ant would buy me breakfast?? Haaaa
  14. I now work at a Chevy dlrshp. These SSR's are okay, but Marc is correct, they aren't the "real" CARKS ---
  15. I now drive 1 hour (each way to work). Gas prices are going to kill me -
  16. Welcome, you'll find winter (here) much more appealing than Rottenchester. We don't have the big lake nor the salmon runs - but Ohio is o'tay -
  17. God it's ugly! I wonder if he also installed those stupid "lift air shock" things too! Hell he could come to Kroger's & easily find some folks to bond with! ---
  18. Ant - I just signed up, I'll pay you tonight at Kroger's - I've got to see the "Cark" & how it does -
  19. Got Busa said =This thread just keeps getting better and better. It's safe to say bike knowledge runs in there family. To Mr's Got Busa, Dollar Bill, & DragKnee / that remark doesn't sit well with me. Bug bike dude days ago made a statement, nothing but a statement about what his bike has done. He never insulted anyone on this board nor made condecending remarks (like all 3 of you have & continue to do). Soooo here you go = 1) You are all welcome to go to Trails in Sept on COFBA day & see how he runs. Just pay Anthony the $$$ 2) you're also welcome to attempt to stay up with him when he's going up the road 3) he's my brother, so you've taken this far enuff. It's time for this crap & this thread to end Now will a moderator please close this? It's not funny & I've read enuff -
  20. I agree with earlier post / they should've made the car (rwd). Yeah Marc can't read, thats why he's going to college!
  21. Thats our justice system folks! Doesn't seem fair (he should've got the chair), our system lacks for sure, but I don't know the answers either to make it better
  22. I'm now working for Wyler's automall in Springfield. We "JUST" got in a 2006 Chevy Impala SS. It's pretty cool. FWD, V8, putting out something like 305 hp, it's black with loads of creature comforts - This is probably wrong section so an admin can move it, post is just FYI -
  23. Dragknee posted in response to Bug Bike Dude = Thats the funniest crap Ive heard in my entire life. Pretty tough line there Dragknee. All he's saying in a matter of fact post is this is the experience he's had thus far on that bike. No boasting or talkin trash - just how it's running so far. His speedo (by the way) matched mph EXACTLY with what Norwalk's equipment clocked him at ie something north of 140 - All I'm saying is hey - take it easy, he's not bullshitting you or anyone else on this board -
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