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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. I've run into cars like that before, and most of the time they will last about a month on the road before EVERYTHING starts to leak.
  2. Like the old joke goes: "I wish for a ton of $100 bills!" "Your wish.....is my command!" *THUD* "Not gonna get a customer comment card from this one....."
  3. Heh, the company I work for made the "NOM-proof glass" for the Columbus Zoo's Polar Bear viewing area. It's 2.5in laminate glass, SERIOUSLY beefy stuff.
  4. The jet car took off like because the chutes were mounted too high. When they opened, it lifted the front end and the body caught the air.
  5. Ahem...."More AK-47s turning up in the USA". Fucking hell, I can't escape from Spellcheck on Yahoo Instant Messenger, how is it that the Associated Press has seemingly utterly disabled it on their sophisticated editing and layout software?
  6. When they read off that 22 million HP figure while we were watching the news at work today, everyone turned and looked at me. I had no idea why until somebody said, "Aren't you going to wonder out loud what it'll do in the 1/4?"
  7. Hey Rotarded, dunno if you realized, but this picture is of what the car looked like before (actually about 3 years back I think.) He was a semi-regular on a Opel Manta site I used to be on. http://www.jaylenosgarage.com/images/your_garage/cars/8643_1236085134487ad4196f1b9.jpg He changed the exhaust two years ago, did some other things too.
  8. It's all fun and games until you start from the top of a nice long street and PASS your grandparents doing 35mph in their car halfway down. Dammit, I miss being 8 years old....however, I do NOT miss the horribly located mailbox at the bottom of the sidewalk now, nor did I miss it very often then either. Oh, and gravel driveways just aren't good coast-down areas.
  9. http://www.carsinbarns.com It'll make you cry.
  10. Drivetrain and suspension, sure. Dunno about modernizing the interior though.
  11. WHO SAID THAT?!?! LOL, couldn't help meself. Does sound like you're invisible to that particular unit. Pretty neat, wish that could work for actual police OFFICERS......
  12. Headley's Mill Road, huh? That's a FUN stretch of pavement, but I've seen a LOT of cars end up off the side of that curve. Off-camber turn+.001mph too much speed=hellacious tow truck bill, or write-off.....it's almost AMAZING just how far out in the field some of them end up.
  13. Another vote on the XD, I carry an XD .45 Tactical and love it. The accuracy and quality are on a par with the equivalent Glock model, but I like the grips a ton better.
  14. Some of it is going to be all the plastic surfaces, they just don't reflect RADAR as well as metal does. To laser, which works on infrared frequencies, the material won't make a bit of difference. And officers are trained to aim at the license plate with both radar and laser for the same reason they are trained to aim pistols for center-of-mass: better probability of getting a reading/hit. On a car 5-600 feet away, the license plate makes a nice white dot is the center of the darker mass of the rest of the car. And knowing Reynoldsburg, the stupid thing is probably mis-calibrated and mis-aimed. Was there anyone behind you at the time? Betcha the last speed read was for you if there wasn't.
  15. Meh....HEMTT for me: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.swapmeetdave.com/Truckshow/Pics/slides/Oshkosh%2520M984%2520HEMTT-%25201.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.swapmeetdave.com/Truckshow/Pics/slides/Oshkosh%2520M984%2520HEMTT-%25201.html&usg=__Nyz0ivjknQoYVGc6AhxVDT07Qrs=&h=442&w=640&sz=56&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=yd5eNysSyXF0iM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhemtt%2Bpics%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DX%26um%3D1
  16. 4cyl or V6? The V6 is the 6G72, same basic plant as in the old school Dodge minivans and cars. Great motor, they are STOUT.
  17. It's technically still possible, but not likely. Politics in Columbus, the powers-what-be would rather it turn into another City Center, gotta have somewhere for the bums to crash at night after all!
  18. Turns out to be a fake as well. Just saw it on Fox News.
  19. I'd buy a tank myself, BUT.....tracked vehicles are illegal on the street, and if you think replacing 20in tires is expensive than you just DON'T want to hear the cost of new shoes and grousers. A wheeled vehicle like the Stryker is the way to go, or Sd.Kfz for those into classics.
  20. I just don't even have words.....the mug shot is PURE EPICNESS..... http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2009/08/18/story_wood.html?sid=102
  21. Avenger1647545502


    Dude, "Apocalypto" had as much to do with ACTUAL Mayan history as "2 Fast 2 Furious" had to do with the history of NASCAR. And the Mayan calendar doesn't END in 2012; it RESETS and starts through again, like the Norse calendar and any number of other dating systems.
  22. Nope, every time you see them for the rest of their life, break out into helpless hysterical laughter. 12ga = "well, that was fun, now what?" BUT Laughter = knowing that they can never forget their foolishness, knowing that in the dark hours of the wakeful night they will be laying there with their regrets floating foremost in their mind, knowing that for the rest of your life you can savor the slow simmering BURN that is caused by THEIR knowledge that they tried their very best to hurt and to harm you, and that their best effort failed so UTTERLY that it achieved nothing more than to AMUSE you for the rest of all time..... THAT, my friend, is revenge in its truest form.
  23. If you really look closely, you'll notice that the hawk has jesses on. It was dinner time for somebodies Red-Tailed.....
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