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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. If you have one RIGHT UNDER your window, a gallon or so of boiling water shuts the fuckers up.
  2. Veracity, yo! Um..... Yeah, I hated it. I don't mind escapist, but at least it should make sense..... http://www.toplessrobot.com/2009/08/robs_gi_joe_rise_of_cobra_faq.php Their Transformers 2 review is even better.
  3. Wooo yeah.....look up the work of political cartoonists from the 1820s and 1830s online sometimes. Sure, the artwork is crude and the style is heavy on written material compared to today, but those guys made a competitive sport of stooping to new lows in how they ripped on politicians. Just absolutely balls-out, cut-throat, kick-yo-momma-in-her-taint VICIOUSNESS..... Naturally, I love it.
  4. And the same thing applies to a knife in your pocket or hanging from your belt. A course that teaches UN-armed DEFENSE against edged weapons would be more effective. Yes, I realize that they do teach some of that, but their splash page makes it appear that their emphasis is going to be, "STEP ONE: get your knife out."
  5. Okay, HOW? Round the clock GPS tracking of every single person in the USA? Constant helicopter patrols? Because all a criminal has to do is keep moving SLIGHTLY FASTER than the cops are allowed to go, and eventually they'll be out of sight for long enough to get away. The reason they run NOW is because they know that if they get crazy enough, the police are required to back off, and they have at least a chance to get away. There is no reason for them NOT to try running. "Go ahead and run, you'll just.....well, get away with your loot and commit more crimes. But everybody else can hug their fuzzy bunnies!"
  6. Zillion gallons or not, I'm not prepared to stand under it arguing the number.
  7. Watch the last guy on the video, he knows how to shoot. Most of those other guys are either new shooters, or haven't shot anything truly "high-powered". It's the stance, the way you tuck the rifle into your shoulder pocket, and the way you manage the recoil with your whole body, rather than trying to be a rock and STOPPING the recoil. What the use? Well, there are many reasons that could be cited, but LOOK OUT THERE'S A SUPREMELY PISSED OFF ELEPHANT CHARGING AT YOU FROM 50 FEET AWAY AT 30MPH is probably the clincher. There are some questions where .223, .308, and .300WMR is NOT an appropriate response.
  8. Man, I've seen the performance specs for that cartridge, and frankly, I got hard. It's a monster, they claim 12,000+ lbs of torque at the muzzle, and 10k+ at 100 yards. Put it this way: .50BMG typically runs in the 8-9k range.....
  9. I just can't help pointing out one simple, ESSENTIAL piece of information: The Joker would be VERY upset at being referred to as a "socialist", without the "Anti-" in front of it.
  10. Man, I've shipped stuff out in packaging that had mine-resistant vehicle manufacturers taking notes, and UPS still managed to utterly destroy it. Last month, we shipped a 10in x 14in x 7/8ths in thick. It was packed in a crate measuring 24x32x14, made of 2x4s for a frame with 1/2in plywood panels. The interior was filled with layered polyfoam and cardboard. There was at least 3in of shock-absorbing material between the glass and any part of the crate. The glass itself will take a 50lbs weight dropped from 2 feet up without breaking. They SHATTERED it. The crate looked like it got hit by a train. One corner had GRAVEL embedded in it, and of COURSE we were told it wasn't dropped.
  11. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=918_1248893116 Poor dog.....I got the cold shivers just thinking about this.
  12. I've been told he lives up near Tiffin, and has a dozen or so Chevettes parked behind his garage. He does a wheelie and flips it, then cuts the damaged roof and bits off, and spangs one on from a junker. BTW, I'm still trying to figure out if those headers are just for minimum thickness or an honest attempt at 180* phasing.
  13. WTF.....a Ferrari in a PASTEL color? How is that possible?
  14. "Ow, my neck." Always an effective negotiating tactic.
  15. Hey, just for information: What was the bullet grain weight on the Dynapoints?
  16. http://tinypic.com/i2ppfo.jpg Just something about those little things. There was one in Hot Rod many years back running low 14s. Sure, 14s are nothing really impressive anymore, but considering the stock Yugo ran the 1/4mile in something like 25 seconds...
  17. Falling forward and getting your head stuffed down your neck hole would be the BEST way to crash. If you fell over backwards, it'd be bonkbonkbonkbonkbonkbonkbonk all the way to the end.....
  18. That Antonov 225 is as big as they get. Damn thing is so large it causes crop failure at low speeds. They fly it in to Rickenbacker every so often, lots of countries in Europe buy their executive limos from Superior Coach and fly them back in it. BTW the front gear "kneel" to lessen the approach angle up the nose ramp, allowing longer cargo to be carried.
  19. I'm not a fan of shoulder holsters in general, but I do like Galco. I stick with my IWB all year round, but then again, I'm in t-shirts until it gets sub-zero.
  20. In seven years, she'll be that fat chick with 5 kids from 4 daddies, sitting in the bar begging for Jaeger shots.....and even the most desperate of the desperate drunken frat boys WON'T stoop that low.
  21. http://www.ehowa.com/youtubemovie.shtml?movie=NN75im_us4k Gimme the "Nuke the Whole Fucking World" button. The that-just-AIN'T-right is off the scale with this one.....
  22. Ick....I had a 5-speed FWD Mopar trans blow the differential apart at 90ish on me....Just before the start of the oil path, there were two fresh 15' skid marks on the pavement. Whatever happened inside the trans caused both wheels to LOCK UP AT 90MPH for an instant.....bit of a nervous-maker, that. Especially since I never even noticed at the time.
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