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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Beats + violin x tits= Miri ben-Ari. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tlGwKi3ISk&feature=related
  2. Oscar material. Gotta be better than 99.9% of other "movies" this year.
  3. Now, if that had been in an RX-7, then we'd have some REAL irony.
  4. Notice the other kids aren't wasting a seconds worth of attention on her?
  5. Actually, the trucks at 65mph makes a TON of sense. There have been many DOT studies that have shown a big DROP in semi/car accidents when speed limits are the same.
  6. Did they change ownership? Did my CHL course there back when, have to say that I was impressed by how well the guy handled the large number of idiots in my class.
  7. Blue Angels, 2007 Fleet Week: French Air Force along the Mediterranean coast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njyhTcqtmto&feature=related And the DEFINITION of "insanely low pass": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYfhC9ft_hk&feature=related Helicopters:
  8. Not enough to make inane lyrics and repetitive tunes entertaining. I pray every day that I never lose enough IQ points to enjoy the vacuous bubble-headness of the post-MJ pop-music era. Seriously, listen to WNCI for an hour, it's like a twisted, dumbed down version of the Pachelbel Rant. ( seriously, one of the funniest music jokes ever.) BTW Elvis wasn't any great shakes either. The only thing he was doing differently from MANY other singers of the time was being not black.
  9. Shit, looks like she gets all her money from not telling when Daddy bad-touches her.
  10. Ha, I remember making fun of the kids wearing those things. "Hey, does your Mommy realize she bought you a jacket with 200 zippers but no actual POCKETS?"
  11. He was the personification of everything that is wrong with pop music for the last 30 years. The ONLY good thing he did in his entire career was "Thriller", and it's VERY debatable how much of that was actually his own ideas.
  12. From what I've heard, if you do your prep right, it's great. But if you miss ANY rust, kiss the panel good-bye. It doesn't bubble up like paint does when the rust is underneath, and the first sign of rust is when something goes through the panel.
  13. Drive down ski ramp, scream "LAWN DARTS RULE!!!!" in mid-air.....
  14. I have no idea, but I think it would be funny watching it in traffic!
  15. "So there I was, upside down, one wing mostly missing, the fuselage perforated like a cheese grater, my engine on fire and my mask covered in oil...I figured I had now regained the element of surprise, so I applied hard left rudder, turning into him, and started firing. He blew me out of the sky, but I'll be damned if the bastard wasn't worried for a moment there!" ---RAF Squadron Leader Gilleston, World War 2.
  16. Wait, that shredder place is open? EVERY time I've gone by there, the gate has been closed. Weekdays, weekends, morning or afternoon, I've yet to see them open. I'd figured they had given up when scrap prices dropped or something.
  17. +1 on marking for at fault. One more thing.....when they hand you the other drivers insurance info, whip out the cell and CALL THAT COMPANY to verify that the idiot has CURRENT coverage. I got tapped a few weeks ago, just a scratch that I was going to let go, but the guy was an ASSHOLE and tried to call three witnesses liars, so he talked himself into police involvment. I called his company right there with the cop listening on speaker, turns out that his policy was cancelled for non-payment a month after he started it. He got a trip downtown and his car got towed too. I can't even see where the damage is when my car has a little dirt on it.
  18. If it even comes close to how well he did with "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Sweeney Todd", then it'll be freaky cool. Helena Bonham Carter so damn hot too.....
  19. I was looking at that Plymouth, but I had to pass on it. Hopefully, somebody reading this post will think my previous statement means that I thought something was wrong with it, and it'll keep floating around long enough for the price to come down......
  20. Wonder if you can get one complete with the frogs? Edit: Different plant. The one I was thinking of is large enough that a certain species of frog has evolve to live it's entire life cycle in the water pooled in the center of the plant.
  21. C'mon, you have to admit he'd be your FIRST choice in a demo derby. F1 is pretty much over as long as Mosley and Ecclestone are around.
  22. T-top notch...didn't even know there was such a thing! You gotta find some SVO Recaros for the interior.
  23. Drive into Westland. Nobody there to notice a car inside the mall. Just don't actually PARK it anywhere near the damn place.
  24. Okay, that may be a little harsh. In the greater scheme of things, owning an AK with a cheap thumb-hole stock isn't really all that bad. Oh wait, you mean the getting arrested thing? I thought he played for the Buckeyes, isn't that sort of EXPECTED?
  25. Make sure you check your front sight and the gas cylinder for looseness, HRAs tend to be loose, which affects accuracy quite a bit. It's an easy fix, just look up barrel peening for the how-to. And then go to Turner Saddlery's website and buy a m.1907 sling. I picked out a 5.7mil HRA in Service Grade last year, it had a SA bolt and some WRA parts. Throat erosion was a touch under 2, muzzle was less than .5! She's an AWESOME shooter, 1.5in groups @100 yards when my eyes let me be that good. BTW, just for the heck of it, when did you send in the order and get your rec'd and DBU?
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