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Everything posted by desperado
Well first of all, his numbers are off. We already have 300 million in this country, his estimates placed that at 2012. We are 5 years ahead of schedule. Second, he is talking about LEGAL immigration. 1 Million is not correct per year. Current numbers indicate between 2 and 5 thousand a day cross over the Mexican border illegally. At 5000 a day we are talking about 1.8 million illegals. Even if that's high, and we look at it at 2000 a day we are still at 730000 a year. I would like to remind all of you that we took over a sovereign nation with 140000 troops, with a population of now that is a country of roughly 27 million so the ratio of troops to total population is 1 soldier to every 2000 Iraqis. If his numbers are close and there are 240 million Us born Americans in this country right not and the other 60 million are Mexican immigrants the ratio is 4 to 1. Now I am not sure that is a reasonable number, but I do hear in some circles that it's being noted that many Mexican illegal immigrants and a few legals are attempting to force their culture on the southwest. The states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California are seeing this in a major way. As opposed to learning English and attempting to assimilate they are congregating in some area's buying up all the real estate and doing their own thing. Granted this type of grouping together is nothing new. New York and Chicago to this day have polish, chinese, black, and other nationality/race specific neighborhoods. But these were area's with a city, and the numbers were much smaller. I will say that Americans past, dealing with black Americans was not pretty, and we are to a point to blame because of our hate and fear of black Americans. I don't agree with this hate of Americans, nor do I harbor ill will to a specific race or nationality. I do however have a problem with two things, the first being ignorance to the level of out and out stupidity. The second is directed toward those that would have any group of people committing crimes against this country, especially when it comes to illegal immigration and the refusal to assimilate into our society.
After wnaplay's post about the concrete mishap, I figured a brush with death thread would be fitting. Simple enough, post about the time or times that you looked death in the face and shook his hand. I have a couple but the one that sticks in my mind was in Whitehall taking down a tower. We had unbolted the tower at the 40 foot level and then I went up in the bucket on the crane to strap the top to the hook. Once I got the strap on the operator swung me back and then over the tower. The tower was 70 foot with a 10 foot antenna. He started to pull and nothing was happening because the tower was rusted together. He then began to crank down on the winch and rocking the boom back and forth to get tthe sections to separate, and then they did. Of course because the boom had flexed under the original load that was no longer there it flipped back, then the tower passed the bucket because it was flipped up PAST ME. Then the bucket swung out horizontal and I was looking straight at the ground. with seeing the tower pass me and the weightless feeling I figured I had fell out of the bucket and was on my way down, nearly 100 feet to my death. I actually sat down in the bucket at that point and no one could see me. The bucket continued to swing back and forth and I finally felt my heart start beating again. I peared out over the top of the bucket and made some strong comments and ask to be put the hell down. I am to this day afraid of heights. Forgot to mention, I did NOT have a safety harness of any kind on either.
While I am glad you didn't get smushed, you're right it wasn't that exciting. Concrete cutting excitement is using a diamond wheel and finding a 600 AMP 480 service line in the floor. I was 10 feet away and watched the guy reach for the machine as the fire started flying and the building shook. The fuse blew before he got to the machine, luckly for him. Again glad you are ok though, I prefer hearing from you and not about you. BTW, are you guys putting anyone on right now? I have a friend tht use to cut concrete that's between jobs right now. PM me or call me at 989-2459 if you have any leads, and no it's not the same guy that cut the 480 service.
Hmmm, I have another side to this. I personally can't keep a schedule. If I don't tell the wife about appointments and shit like that I don't go because I forget them, it's just the way it is. Also, family with me comes FIRST! But refer to what I said before, there can be plans to do a family thing that I will have no memory of being told about for a specific date and time and will make other plans. Of course then I look like a fucking idiot (more than normal even). I don't know this guy at all so I can 't say if that's his deal as well or not. For me it's not a sex thing, or a being whipped thing, it's a "I don't ever remember what I am doing from one day to the next thing." Now I will say that early on in tha marriage, shit was pretty much her being possesive. And that shit didn't fly with me but I figured what the hell, then I ended up screwing an old GF and running off the wife for a month or so. But that is anpther story.
Linn, I love ya man... and shouldn't have went with the dumbass comment. I had a co-worker over my shoulder with that loaded.
If he ain't interested in the Victor Jr I am. And if the motor is stock, I have a Performer RPM dual plane that would probably work better for that application. Far as carb's I have several Holley's both vac secondary and double pumper, but there again, you really should stick to a vac secondary for a mild engine with a stock stall torque convertor.
Da dreaded double post monster reached out of da darkness and bit me on the ass.
Hey dumbass, can we get an NWS here? There's more bare titties on that site than Sam's list of receint date's.
How many drugs have you got to give a bitch to do that?
Not staged and VERY old. People tend to say the damnedest things when they are mad or believe they are out of ear shot of anyone that would be concerned with it. I sort of feel for the guy personally. How do you react to your brother fucking your wife? That's one of those drain the savings, go get an apartment and a couple hoes sort of things. There ain't a judge in the land that would give her one cent of his money in alimony
88 Ford Pickup. 4 speed though, with a inline 6 cylinder motor. Just got a new head gasket, some paint and a radio. It will be getting a brake booster (the one on it has a hole in it) Aluminium rims and good tires. I would take a grand for it or maybe a little less.
Whare to get a wrecked frame pulled back out on the cheap?
desperado replied to TheBussman1647545507's topic in Passing Lane
Is the car tweaked or just the end of the rail? If it's the rail bent, I can chain it and pull it with a porta-power but you need to know if the car is tweaked. Easiest way is get it on a wheel alignment machine. If it's in alignment or close, then you just bend things back into place, if it's way put of alignment, then the car is tweaked and it will need put on a frame rack to properly pull it back into square. The quick and dirty way of finding out it to cross measure the car. Find two points behind the damage, and measure across to the other side at the back of the car, but those two points need to be parallel as well. spring perches, the rear axle its self, or something similar, the measurements should match, if not it's tweaked. -
The wireless thing is not that hard to deal with. Either get an internal wireless card that will to configure to be an access point or go buy a simple access point (not a wireless router) and connect it to one of the router ports. If you do that you can also do some custom router configurations and protect your local wired network from your wireless network and disallow NetBIOS, SMB and other 'hacking' traffic. This along with the security configurations on the access point (mac address filters, WEP Keys and encryption) will get you a pretty secure network. To get even more out of hand with it and go balls to the wall with the security, you can put in a Radius server (freeradius or another opensource software) and an access server that would reference the Radius box to provide network access to anything including the internet from the wireless connection. Yes I realize this is just something for home. But if you do it at home and make it work, then when you are at work and need to do something like this, you can just bang it out and look real intelligent to your peers and bosses.
I think you all need to go back and read the bill again. Yes, it raises the minimum wage. But it also requires an increase of the minimum wage every year figuring in a cost of living increase every September as well... Except as provided in this section, every employer shall pay their employees a wage rate of not less than six dollars and eighty-five cents per hour beginning January 1, 2007. On the thirtieth day of each September, beginning in 2007, this state minimum wage rate shall be increased effective the first day of the following January by the rate of inflation for the twelve month period prior to that September according to the consumer price index or its successor index for all urban wage earners and clerical workers for all items as calculated by the federal government rounded to the nearest five cents. It's not the minimum wage increase that really hurts business either, it's the fact that everyone else is going to demand a $1.70 raise now as well. Look at a small company with 50 Employees. 1.7 X 40 X 52 = $3536 per employee. Now $3536 X 50 people = $176800 in payroll increases. Now if you look at it, figure that a company can only budget so many dollars for payroll and their patrol increased $175000. If all those employee's are making $10 an hour you are looking at 10 X 40 X 52 = $20800 so you take 176800 and divide by 20800 you get 8.5 more people in the unemployment line from that company. So they have a choice, lay off 9 people, which they can't because they need that many people to operate, so it's either raise prices to remain in business, which may not be possible so you have 50 people unemployed, or they move their business to another state that they can pay the people less to do the work, so you still get 50 people locally unemployed. I am not saying that every business will fold, but what I am getting at is think are going to be more expensive to manufacture, Unemployment will rise to some degree, and with the mandated raise coupled to the minimum wage, it will only continue to get worse. Granted, it will take a while, but what is going to happen in the future when fast food burger flippers are making $40000 a year to start because of the increases in the minimum wage that are now legally mandated? No one read this fucking law before they voted for it, or they did and thought they were voting a union mandated pay raise for themselves. Problem is that if the business you work for can't afford it, they voted themselves a 40% pay decrease because unemployment only pays 60% of your salary. Couple this to Strickland saying that he's gonna stop companies from outsourcing jobs, and there ain't but two ways of doing that, one is require the companies to pay payroll taxes for all employees even the one's not in the state, or create some screwly law requiring a percentage of your employees to be residents of the state of Ohio. Either way, the mandates will force some businesses to either relocate or close. Coupled with democrats running the show now at the federal level, the Bush tax breaks are going away, this includes the child tax credit, the repealing of the marriage penalty, the child care credit and all the rest. I personally am looking at some $5000 in additional taxes if this happens, and the democrats have said time and time again that they would not make the tax credits permanente. So what am I gonna think?
I been right here. I am on every night, just ain't had much to say. Far as the headers, you know of anything Scott? I need em for a 1 ton I have. You know how factroy cast manifolds are, restrictive as hell.
I am looking for a set of headers for a big block Chevy for an 89 truck (1 ton 2wd). They ain't gotta be pretty, just usable.
Praxair is the Miller guys in town. There is AGA/Linde over on Greenlawn which is who I use. And Delille, but I don't even know where they are.
The one that comes to mind for me is the guy in The Usual Suspects Kiazer Sosay. Not that he was all that in the movie but the way that he describes himself is pretty seriously bad ass.
The black tap crap is the gasket... just pull on it a bit and it should come off. I wouldn't pry on it real hard or anything though.
Cool, I was on your site the other night looking around. I personaly am more into the urban exploration set myself but I do find some of teh same sites interesting that you do, only for different reasons.
Every one sits here thinking this is sort of amusing, but if you think about the number of auctions, buyers and sellers on ebay. The amount of goods and services tht change hands every minute on the ebay site, this could have seriously screwed with the economy, and alot of peoples home businesses the sell shit on there.
Ain't the internet great. People with nothing beter to do than this sort of shit are now video taping their stupidity and posting it on the internet for everyone to see. As far as kicking this guys ass, na... someone should just figure out where the guy lives and email the link to this to every company that this guy might go to looking for a job. Figuring this would not only fuck him, but his worthless parents as well. So maybe when he's 40 and living at home because he can't find a job because of this shit, he will understand why being a douchebag and taping it for the internet is not a good course of action. My 2 cents
If it's the overhead cam one it can get a bit difficult. Otherwise pull the rocker cover off it, then there will be 4 10 MM cap nuts to remove and the head should slide off. Some models had a removable cylinder jug as well similar to a motorcycle engine. If you need additional help let me know. I worked on those Honda mowers some while I was at the rental company and still have access to all the parts info and microfiche for that stuff.
What condition are the ways in on the lathe and the mill? What amount of play, if any is in the tool mounts? What ability do you have to move the equipment? 2.5 tons is not going in the air with a simple engine hoist and picking a lathe up one end at a time ain't expactly good for it's accuracy. What is the diameter on the 3 and 4 jaw chucks? As far as the tooling and the holder on the mill, is it tapered shaft or something else? Finally, what tooling for the lathe do you have, live centers dead centers and cutting heads, and is it motorized to cut threads?
It's a good possibility that your thermocouple might be going bad. It's a $10 part that will cause all sorts of discontent. If this keeps up I would try changing it before you swap the whole water heater. As far as the washer, what is it doing? They ain't all that complicated and you shold be able to fix it if you are able to wrench on a car.