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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Yes, let the jury (or a judge in a bench trial) decide. But it's still not as simple as you're making it out to be. When an 11 yr old victim can give a detailed recitation of a sexual encounter, including what the perp's preferences are, where the incident(s) take/took place, etc., their credibility climbs quickly. In a case with an adult victim, yes, there is skepticism regarding who to believe, but with a child victim, there is a reasonable argument to be made when you say, "how and why would an 11 yr old girl fabricate this story? What is her motivation? How does she even know enough about sex to make up this kind of lie?" Physical evidence to corroborate the accusation is just icing on the cake at that point. I have never had a case where a victim had the perp's DNA on them. The closest I have come is DNA on the victim's clothing. But that certainly backed up the victim's story and made it a lot more credible.
  2. More relevant than the year might be how many gears the transmission has. I think that has been the manufacturers response to the fuel economy mandates. My wife drives a V6 Tucson. The newer models have an I-4, but two more gears in the transmission. The net result is equal 0-60 times, but 4 more mpg.
  3. I don't know anything about the hymen birth stat quoted, but I've tried multiple rape cases with child victims, I have questioned sexual assault nurse examiners in court; and Todd is pretty much dead-on with regard to the lack of physical evidence. To go one step further, I would wager you're all limiting your analysis of the facts to your own preconceived definitions of rape. I'm not going to dig up Louisiana law, but Ohio's rape statute covers any "sexual contact" with another person (not one's spouse) when that contact occurs by force, threat of force, while the victim is impaired by drugs/alcohol, or under various ages. Sexual contact to satisfy said offense wouldn't have to be what you're all likely picturing: As for forensic evidence, unless someone is taking the victim to have a rape kit done in a reasonable amount of time after a sexual assault, there likely isn't much to go on. Even then, it can be attacked. Real life is a lot different than CSI.
  4. I didn't think a Ridgeline or Pilot would be possible at $15k. They're both good vehicles, but they aren't "trucks" unless you've never driven a vehicle with a real truck chassis... That said, they ride a lot better because of it.
  5. After a few more months of riding my small single and I-4 750, I have decided that I want a ninja 250 motor in a 400SM frame. Light weight, will cruise on the highway, and won't vibrate to death.
  6. As much as people would probably applaud that choice (for the SOG guy, not you), I believe that would be tremendously damaging to the victim Her father has already abused her sexually and mentally. The last thing she needs is to feel as though she's responsible for his suicide.
  7. Arrested again, and now charged. The victim is now corroborating allegations. 12 year old daughter has told detectives she was raped almost daily for over a year. He should be hoping for a deal that includes a prison facility that allows him a chance to stay alive during his 40 or 50 year (minimum) sentence.
  8. short list of bikes to put on your long list of bikes you've sold? BMW made a phenomenal GSXR 1000 copy, with some marked improvements. I really think it's a great motorcycle, but I would by lying if I didn't admit some measure of disappointment in BMW for using the same formula as the Japanese manufacturers, rather than coming up with something wacky (or in a perfect world, revolutionary) that made it more interesting. Then again, above 7,000 RPM or so, I bet it feels pretty interesting to the nut between the seat and the bars.
  9. maybe he wants to build one that people would actually want to drive. over 100mpg, good acceleration, and a useable storage area that can fit a couple of duffle bags would be a hell of a commuter. I would consider an enclosed reverse trike for commuting duty for sure. It wouldn't replace my bike(s), but I could use it in any clothing and any weather. That would be huge.
  10. agreed. JB's truck will indicate 18+ on the trip computer, but I think that's optimistic. I have never seen it surpass 20 mpg. if you're open to smaller SUV's with AWD, the 2012 Ford Escape with the 4 cylinder will get well over 20mpg. The I-4 revs more than I was used to from an SUV, but it wasn't noisy or anemic feeling. I suggest the 2012 because I believe that was the last year for that body style. The kinks were worked out with that design, and the prices should be lower now that the newer (Hyundai Tucson copy) body style is out, and available used.
  11. the Baja is a hideous vehicle. But I would buy one as a fuel efficient way to transport a small bike. if 2 XR's can fit in the 'bed,' that would be a pretty killer little utility vehicle.
  12. Does it have to be a real truck chassis? Isuzu Rodeo and Toyota Tacoma might be the only real trucks that fit the bill. I'm a huge fan of the old Rodeos though. You can't kill them.
  13. you have to be the only car guy on the planet to post a picture without the laundry list of modifications. I'll bite: What's under the hood?
  14. my car has daytime running lights that do not illuminate the tail lights, but my car also has a sensor on the dashboard that turns on all the headlights and tail lights if it's dark enough. On my car, I don't believe this feature can be defeated. I find it mildly annoying when I'm under a bridge in traffic, and my headlights turn on, but it's otherwise a good safety feature (bad for stalkers though). Anyway, I'd still like a definite answer about the 2005 impala.
  15. so it's possible to drive with the headlights off, and think they're on, because the parking lights are on, and the gauges are lit, correct? I need hard info on the 2005 Chevy Impala in particular. without getting into details, I have a dispute as to whether or not that particular vehicle was driving with its headlights off. The answer will be extremely significant in how things go forward.
  16. Vehicle is a 2005 Impala. Is it possible to drive with just the parking lights on?
  17. I'm not sure "investing" in firearms is the proper term. If you buy ammo in bulk and flip it quickly for profit, that's not the dumbest idea I've ever heard though. I knew of some retired police officers who would drive to Texas, buy a pallet of ammo, then come back home and sell it box-by-box on Armslist at a small markup. They made enough to cover their expenses and still turn enough of a profit to keep them happy. I guess it would depend on how quickly you turn them around, but even a 10% profit (after expenses) would be a decent ROI, assuming it's not too time-consuming to package and ship things.
  18. Just shoot me a PM, or get my cell number from Todd. I think we have 2 weekends between now and our next race, then we race two weekends in a row. Brian, you could just come down and spectate or (gasp) ride with us ;-) I'll loan you my bike for practice and the Novice XR heats (assuming they're separate from the Expert heats) if you cover the Anderson Door Racing team's gate fees.
  19. And that is the single largest frustration I have with the "American" system. I think that people who successfully defend baseless lawsuits should be able to recover reasonable defense fees. The problem is that it just opens up a new can of worms arguing over what is "reasonable," and what is "baseless" etc.
  20. yeah, coming prepared to cut locks means they knew where it was stored and how it was secured. Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
  21. I tend to agree with the Chicago lawyer, as a human being. But courts exist because you can argue anything both ways. Casper's scenario is possible. Again, I can stand up and argue against liability and keep a straight face; even feel justified in my position - but insurance companies with staff attorneys aren't paying their lawyers hourly. Salaried in-house counsel is being paid regardless of whether they're working to collect money from a Website owner, or sitting on their asses in the office. For that reason alone, insurance companies have motivation to be (selectively) litigious, and go after their larger losses. For the entity being sued, the same cannot usually be said. That party has to hire an attorney, which is an un-budgeted expense. Even if you win.
  22. The suit is filed in GA. From his profile, he is licensed in Texas and/or New York. He can "help," but without permission from the court, he can't practice in states he's not admitted to the bar.
  23. Your grom will get destroyed by XR's at CRP. But please bring it out. It will still be fun to ride.
  24. My trailer lights are fucked right now, but let me know if I can assist with pick up and/or transport logistics.
  25. Same. Except that would only kill 60% or so of my debt. It would save me a ton in interest above the $50k capital.
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