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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I think the only way to settle this pissing match is to post up your best shot of your significant others' in the nude, or an ORDN member in the nude. Any of the ladies willing to volunteer for the sake of art, Mj, Gsxrgirl, ChickOn2?
  2. "Hi, I'm Tod, and I'm an attention whore with my Red Rider jacket!"
  3. I thought ZX was the Japanese word for homo? The numbers afterward were just how many guys you were willing to catch for.
  4. Just pop some Alli before taking the challenge. Anal leakage FTW!
  5. +1, I think I'd be able to handle that one. But, I don't know how thick they stack the cheese or crust, that'd be the concern.
  6. This is explains why I prefer sportbikes.
  7. I watched both episodes tonight. Funny at times, but it's no Boondocks. I noticed Adam Reed was the producer, didn't he do Frisky Dingo too? I do like that art style.
  8. Look, I just said that was the "official" answer.
  9. On an enduro, I'd probably attempt it. On one of my bikes, maybe the SV, not the 'busa. If the SV takes it to the drink, I'd only have half a sad.
  10. Disclaimer


    Yuppie American says: Japanese cars are the best built cars evar!!! If the Americans didn't build such crap boxes, they could compete. I'll never buy a GM or Ford.
  11. The official answer is: You pay for whatever damage results.
  12. I have had the same issue... sometimes if something crashes while you're playing flash or whatever, it'll kill the Microsoft Sound Device Service (Start->Run->services.msc), you'll need to restart the service and make sure your soundcard is properly selected in the Audio Devices tab
  13. True on the gear... that's additional monies. The price increase took it out of the "Gotta do it!"-range into the "Meh, maybe as the date gets closer and I've got $$$$ to burn"-range Especially considering I only got 3 sessions last year as it rained and cancelled the afternoon session. No refunds, and we couldn't ride in the rain.
  14. I want to do this again... Though it's a little upsetting it's gonna be about $100 more PER DAY this year. 50% price increase?!
  15. By that, she means she thought about how much it would suck for about 5 seconds after she read your post, and then didn't consider it ever again. Even if she had cold weather gear.
  16. Hmmm, wasn't as dramatic or nasty as I thought it would be.
  17. Disclaimer


    Did NHTSA know of Toyota woes back in 2004? http://www.autoblog.com/2010/01/28/did-nhtsa-know-of-toyota-woes-back-in-2004/ Funny Comment = "the further you sweep defects under the rug the more issue you have with the rug catching the accelerator..."
  18. I thought you were on hiatus? Happy birthday! Glad to see you stopped in.
  19. I'd tell your dad to man up and quit being a pussy.
  20. Disclaimer


    That's a good one!
  21. Disclaimer


    You fixed the quote, but I'll never be able to see that image until I'm at home. Blocked from here.
  22. I can't believe Casper is selling his other bike and didn't even bother posting it up here first. Wheezle... you should be ALL over this.
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