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  1. what

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I may have Friday off as well it looks like. If that's the case I was thinking of heading out towards Beckley on the 14th and taking the scenic route. If you fellers are doing the same, maybe we can meet up somewhere near Zanesville/New Concord? Or somewhere else. Also, got my Sena installed last night, interested to see how well it works.
  2. I've had the Sena SMH10 for about (6) years, when I first bought the units the communication had a lot of static, over the years the software updates have improved many issues including the static problem. Like someone stated, I have taken phone calls at 70 mph and people don't know I'm on a bike. I will upgrade to the 20 next season.
  3. I went to take off this morning on the bike. I hit the button on my Sena and tell Siri to play all. She says something stupid back. I try again, another stupid response. Now I am getting pissed,so I say, you stupid fucking bitch! Siri says language, really didn’t know she would do that!
  4. Any of you guys running Sena headsets (or other BT headsets - can cross brands connect? never looked into it)? I've been thinking of picking up the 10U for my Neotec helmet as my SMH10 mike doesn't play well with the helmet. I was going to wait until next season but if I go and it will come in handy, I might get one early.
  5. I used my Sena system in my Arai and linked with Danimal on a WV trip. It was a neat experience and made the ride more enjoyable, but I am not sure it wasn't the novelty of the day that made it neat. I like chatting with Dan about whatever is needling his noodle at the time, but most of you are too goddamn boring to even deal with..let alone humor all day long. No thanks.
  6. Nope, she needs to take safety foundation class. @RidersDiscount hooked us up with Sena 20S dual pack and some other gear and we've done about 750 miles together this year. The house is selling and she wants to travel the country for a month or two, so my bike is actually for sale. Will get another as soon as we return and have her take the msf class.
  7. There seems to be an obvious marketing move with these intercoms to purposely make them only intercom connectable with the same brand. Although that seems to be changing as there’s a Sena that has universal connectivity. They do make two way (cb band) headsets with better range but it’s push to talk and the cb radio needs to be in your pocket or somewhere. Not sure why there’s no app for your iPhone to have intercom capabilities without the annoying push to talk.
  8. It definitely needs some work, cause we couldn't get it all to work. 2 riders, Zumo 590, Zumo 660, 2 Sena 10U, 2 Samsung Note 5, and an iPod touch. Yeah we tried to make it way too complicated. Then the GPS kept trying to "optimize" the route which we didn't want. I think this was my fault for not placing enough waypoints.
  9. I haven’t used a gpx file in a looong time. I usually just map out on Google then download offline maps. I also have the TomTom app for when I don’t have signal or offline maps. I mostly wanted Waze. And the Bluetooth connection between the Zumo, my phone, and my Sena has been a constant pain in my ass. This just works.
  10. I recently bought a sport touring concours 14. It has a factory cigarette lighter style plug in in the dash. I bought a RAM phone Mount and a RAM cup holder. I also bought a sena 20s that riders discount hooked me up with four a good deal. I'm waiting for the 20s to come in but it has the ability to charge while being used. So I'd like the use the cigarette lighter plug in to charge the phone and maybe the sena 20s while I'm using them to listen to music on long rides. My worry is having a charger cord that can come loose and start flapping around that close to the handlebars and front wheel. Not sure if I should use the coiled type cord or a straight one. What kind of setups have you guys had success with? The port on my bike is to the lower right of the tach on my bike.
  11. My sena fits like shit in my rf1200... It's a nice product, but sometimes I don't even ride because I don't feel like wearing that helmet anymore... I took the removable ear panels out but the speakers don't fit in the recess for speakers so they pin my ears when I put it on....the more I think about it, I might put it up for sale on here
  12. Everyone I know with a modular helmet and a Sena headset uses the boom mic and does their best to curve it closest to their mouth. It's handy to them in a group when stopping for a quick fuel break - they can still talk while getting fresh air. The downside is when the helmet doesn't permit the boom to be close enough, so take care to clip the dial forward enough to allow the boom to get close to the mouth.
  13. Dug into the Nav and Bluetooth last night and tonight. Got the Sena paired to the bike and my phone paired to the bike. Phone is fully functional from the bike, music control and calls. Contact book is on the screen on the bike. Will be calling @NinjaDoc from the road Thursday. Nav on the bike is great, it accepts my system for making routes on the computer and transferring them over. Nav has something to say it lowers the music. It's all damn near perfect.
  14. I have a Nuvi in a SWMotech weatherproof pouch on my bike for now, but it doesn't BT to my Sena and far too dim to see in direct sunlight. I'm going to buy a Zumo660 soon, which should solve those problems. Read a lot of good about all the Zumo model Garmins, so it really just depends on the features you want out of your GPS and how much you want to spend
  15. I can't elaborate on why the SMH10 doesn't fit the Bell Star very well, but I know the Sena 20S fits just fine on my Star. I had some intermittent electrical contact issues between the base mount and the unit itself because I'd over tightened the mount clamp on the helmet shell, but once I loosened the bolts up a bit.....the problem ceased and it's been fine ever since.
  16. I have a Schubert and its pretty quiet, but not perfect. On my FJR1300 with the windsheild down its very tolerable without ear plugs. With the windsheild up I do get some noise. If I crouch down just a bit I get 100% silence. With just a lil bit taller windsheild I would have luxury car quiet. I have a Sena and can hear my music even at 100mph.
  17. I have a Sena SMH10 with the speakers in my Nolan N104. With speakers, you'll want to wear ear plugs to prevent the road and wind noise causing long-term damage to your hearing, but I can hear audio just fine even at highway speeds with them. There are a number of options, including simple and cheap wired speakers. Some speakers will have problems with bass or volume, so check the reviews when shopping.
  18. How does s voice work for you? Does the wake up command work without hitting the phone button on the Sena? The only reason I switched to the Google voice dialer is my last name is not good for voice dialing. Whenever I tried to call family members I was having issues. To be fair, I only tried it a handful of times before reverting to Google. It was what I used on my old phone.
  19. I have a Scala G9, but I'm about to upgrade to a G9x. I honestly don't think there's a "best" answer for this - I'd just personally avoid the Skullys and so forth unless you enjoy pissing money away. Just pick what features are best for you (and your crew), whether you want intercom with 1 other, or 9 others. All the top Sena/Scala models should be fine, noise-wise.
  20. I like the Sena SMH-10. have used them for several years and could even communicate at over 100 mph in full coverage helmets. they are bluetooth enabled so you can connect to phone, music, gps, etc. waterproof/stormproof and last all day. easy to use and can connect up to 4 units for intercom. we used them on a 4,000 mi. trip and we use them around town.
  21. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Here are directions through town from the turnpike. Guessing you will come across that. You need to go my way, regular Nav will take you through downtown where the street is closed and you will be pretty screwed because the streets in Elyria make no sense at all. There is street parking right where that destination is so you don't have to come on premises if you are carrying a Sena defense system. My office is right there, I will be geared up and ready to go..sort of. You will follow me as a co-worker drives me 2 miles to his house..it is on our way...so I can get my bike. Can't park it here that day as I will have my Sena defense system with me. So stashing it all in his garage. 216 5 3 6 1 9 6 0 https://goo.gl/maps/SW6NSMPRtr52 EDIT: Actually, I will go get my bike ahead of time and leave it on the street.
  22. B-Mac


    Jim's MORGAY Since moving here in 2011 I have enjoyed the Epic fast rides and some spirited pace rides posted by OR members. They have been super fun and executed safely. I am not on FB so I hope this forum will remain a place to join in on spirited rides. I will always show up for Jim's donuts and shenanigans. P.S. I do have a Sena and I can shoot from a Motorcycle.😜
  23. I have heard that too but mine was / is attached with the adhesive due to the shape of my shark helmet. Talking with a very helpful lady at Sena,she advised that the continuing removing of the unit from the baseplate may weaken the mounting tab over time due to the stress/flexing that it is subjected to. I was definitely guilty of this but they need to come up with a more durable mounting option imho. Love the smh10 and their customer service but disappointed by this and hearing the issues that Tim is having.
  24. I have been thinking about getting a Bluetooth communications system for my helmet. I currently use my mp3 player with foam earbuds for protection against wind noise. Does anyone have any comments in using a Sena SMH10 with ear plugs? I am open to other Bluetooth devices, but I would like to protect my hearing for the long haul. I ride a lot of freeway miles. Any advice is appreciated.
  25. I think the SENA 20S is the go to at this time. I have the 30K *upgrade from the 20S* but I've heard some people having issues with it, although I have not. 30K went with an additional second comm technology that isn't daisy chain technology but an additional mesh/star topology (but only works with other 30K users). Connecting you and your wife together is rather simple, but can get more difficult as you add more and more people.
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