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Incident at Dayton Mall Today


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Received a frantic call from my fiance today while I was at work.

She was out shopping and on her way walking back to her car when two guys in a car pulled up next to her and were yelling things to her. Two punk thugs in their ghetto clothes.

She kept walking and they told her to stop because they wanted to talk to her. They stopped their car and got out so she ran and they chased after her. One of the guys grabbed for her and missed as she got in her car and she locked the door and took off.

Have no idea what their intentions were but I'm really happy she got away. I called mall security and the police because she was to scared to go back to the mall to report it. She's still pretty shaken up and can't stop thinking what could have happened to her.

What the hell is happening in this country... :nono:

I'm just glad she got home safely.

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That sucks to hear that, hope shes ok, she will probably have some traumatization from the incident for some time. Does she have anything that she can use for protection, like pepper spray, stun gun, or even some wasp spray, Ive heard recently that shit will fuck you up and since its got a long range of around 20 feet, its cheap and easy to get.

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That sucks to hear that, hope shes ok, she will probably have some traumatization from the incident for some time. Does she have anything that she can use for protection, like pepper spray, stun gun, or even some wasp spray, Ive heard recently that shit will fuck you up and since its got a long range of around 20 feet, its cheap and easy to get.

lol wasp spray... that's good thinking there

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That sucks to hear that, hope shes ok, she will probably have some traumatization from the incident for some time. Does she have anything that she can use for protection, like pepper spray, stun gun, or even some wasp spray, Ive heard recently that shit will fuck you up and since its got a long range of around 20 feet, its cheap and easy to get.

She doesn't have anything like that. I'm gonna buy her some pepper spray tomorrow. Hopefully that will help her feel a bit safer. For now though she said she's never going shopping alone again.

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Wouldnt hurt for her to take some self defense classes either. There are quite a few places in the area that can help with that. Pepper spray would definitely be a help for her.

On a side note, I told my wife about this and she said that is the exact reason she refuses to go shopping in any manner by herself.

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Wouldnt hurt for her to take some self defense classes either. There are quite a few places in the area that can help with that. Pepper spray would definitely be a help for her.

On a side note, I told my wife about this and she said that is the exact reason she refuses to go shopping in any manner by herself.

:werd: My wife goes nowhere by herself to shop either. Her idea and I got no problem with it.

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: werd: My wife goes nowhere by herself to shop either. Her idea and I got no problem with it.

I have an issue with it as it takes time out of my free time when she can go. My wife is pretty damn tough, shes already broken my nose twice just playing around. And shes got no problem getting physical to beat on a man.

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If she isn't willing to carry some sort of weapon for protection I don't agree with her getting training in self defense. A weapon equalizes things; a woman fighting back is next to impossible to equalize a determined assailant. This often requires the assailant to up their game to cause more damage. Fight back if needed, absolutely but training almost never equalizes a woman to a predator’s physical prowess. A weapon fixes and changes the odds so much better to the point of being superior.

My girlfriend will no longer go to a mall alone after a scary incident. Thankfully I haven't been forced into being her shopping partner.

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Scariest part is they said they were going to "take her out". Not sure what that means but it all sounds bad. I have a fear of guns after being shot at by some idiot when I was a kid but I think it may be time for me to suck it up and take us to take a CCW class

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I have an issue with it as it takes time out of my free time when she can go. My wife is pretty damn tough, shes already broken my nose twice just playing around because I'm a giant pansy. And shes got no problem getting physical to beat on a man.

ftfy. :D

My wife hates shopping and she usually doesn't go alone anyway so it's not a big deal to me.

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If she isn't willing to carry some sort of weapon for protection I don't agree with her getting training in self defense. A weapon equalizes things; a woman fighting back is next to impossible to equalize a determined assailant. This often requires the assailant to up their game to cause more damage. Fight back if needed, absolutely but training almost never equalizes a woman to a predator’s physical prowess. A weapon fixes and changes the odds so much better to the point of being superior.

My girlfriend will no longer go to a mall alone after a scary incident. Thankfully I haven't been forced into being her shopping partner.


Contact Midget Todd on this site for your CCW, I think he has some openings coming up. Even if you take it for training purposes and knowledge it would be worth it, then if you don't get your CCW at least you would feel comfortable with a gun in your house. getting chased at a mall is one thing but having someone break in and not have a way to defend your family is another!!

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Wouldn't be a bad idea for you both to go through a ccw course together. But at least get her some pepper spray for now. Can't believe the tenacity of criminals sometimes :nono:

Good to hear she escaped unharmed

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She doesn't have anything like that. I'm gonna buy her some pepper spray tomorrow. Hopefully that will help her feel a bit safer. For now though she said she's never going shopping alone again.

The pepper spray will end up in the bottom of her purse and she'd most likely have a hard time getting it out in under 3min. Have you ever watched a women try to find a pack of gum in a purse? Or if you get the key chain kind she'll fumble with it and get over powered. Have you ever had to use the bathroom really bad and had to open a locked door? Fumbling with the keys seems like your fingers won't work. It's worse when your scared, you lose fine motor skills during fight or flight. Grabbing a key chain pepper spray would be next to impossible if not practiced in repetitive training. Pepper spray doesn't work to well if someone is determined. I've been sprayed at least 9 times (for work certifications) and it hurts but doesn't incapacitate. It gets me pumped up like getting hit in the face.I can still see enough to put up a fight. A guy that's already got his adrenaline pumping is going to be the same way. If they are bound and determined to do harm to a chick they aren't going to stop because they have been pepper sprayed. I used to work in a prison and have seen guys get sprayed alot. Some don't get affected at all others just fight harder. I have never seen anyone just drop to the ground and freak out like the pepper spray company wants you to believe. Plus with pepper spray especially the products made for civilian purchase they don't have the pressure to overcome the wind and you can actually spray yourself more than the bad guy.

So your left with few options.

1. Just keep her in the kitchen making sandwiches.

2. Buy one of those paracord things with a large ball bearing in the end basically its a slapjack. Put it on her keys but if anyone asks its for checking tires not self defense for liability reasons. There's someone on here that makes em. A three year old could knock someone out with one of those. An adult could crack someone's skull open. But the problem with one of these is she'd have to already have it in her hand ready to go and be willing to fight like crazy.

3. Both of you go take the training courses learn about guns. You've obviously learned crazy people and bad guys have guns out there. Why wouldn't you level the playing field. That's like going into a fight knowing the other guy has a weapon yet you don't bring one. Unless you and your girl are true badasses your leaving yourselves at a potential disadvantage. A gun is a tool the only time to fear it is when the business end is pointed at you and the person on the other end is going to fire. I've got several guns and none of them have decided to shoot people on their own.

Edited by cOoTeR
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That is fucked up, and I am glad she is alright relatively speaking. it's easy to say in hindsight and minus the incredible debilitating fear of the moment for her what she could have done. Realtiy is, she did what she should have done, and got away. She is safe and sound at home with you. Granted, the revenge aspect we all carry is that we'd like these two lowest life forms available for torture until life seeps from their carcasses, but at the end of the day, she is home. The lesson for her now is to arm herself with a measure that she is confident in being able to exercise in a similar moment should that ever unfortunately repeat itself in the future, be it a gun, a tazer, pepper spray, wicked kung fu, or driving over the fuckers once she gets in the car. As a husband and father of a young daughter, I am genuinely happy she is simply home with you otherwise unscathed.

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Learning to fight is a long intensive process and it can take years to become proficient against a determined attacker. Some people never overcome the physical size difference. I'm over 6'2 and about 215 lbs - teaching a 5'5 120lb lady how to fight off a guy of my size is not a trivial thing. Kicks and punches probably won't reach me, and I can always wrestle much better than her. There *are* women of that size who could beat me to a bloody pretzel-twisted pulp, but only after a lot of dedicated training.

Having said that, did her situation require a gun? Maybe when they tried to grab at her? Maybe not. Difficult to say form the description. It'd suck if she got all jittery and shot someone who she misinterpreted as a threat while she was still on edge from the recent genuine scare.

Had she been armed in this situation, where would she carry it and when would she have retrieved the gun? After he grabbed for her her main goal was to get away and she would not have had any chance to rummage in her bag for it. She'd need a holster of some description.

Her first response to this should be to learn more situational awareness. Try to avoid being in a situation where a carload of people can surprise you. Always know where the escape is, etc. Don't let yourself get cornered. Keep an eye for people approaching you. Know simple trucks like putting a car between you and the bad guy. Have your keys out in your hand before you go outside so you aren't stuck fumbling for keys. Does she have a camera phone? Once safely inside the car could she have taken pictures?

It's a difficult situation to deal with. If she is goign to carry a gun she has to do it all the time - carrying a gun only when you think you might be attacked is like wearing a helmet only when you think you're going to crash.

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Learning to fight is a long intensive process and it can take years to become proficient against a determined attacker. Some people never overcome the physical size difference. I'm over 6'2 and about 215 lbs - teaching a 5'5 120lb lady how to fight off a guy of my size is not a trivial thing. Kicks and punches probably won't reach me, and I can always wrestle much better than her. There *are* women of that size who could beat me to a bloody pretzel-twisted pulp, but only after a lot of dedicated training.

Having said that, did her situation require a gun? Maybe when they tried to grab at her? Maybe not. Difficult to say form the description. It'd suck if she got all jittery and shot someone who she misinterpreted as a threat while she was still on edge from the recent genuine scare.

Had she been armed in this situation, where would she carry it and when would she have retrieved the gun? After he grabbed for her her main goal was to get away and she would not have had any chance to rummage in her bag for it. She'd need a holster of some description.

Her first response to this should be to learn more situational awareness. Try to avoid being in a situation where a carload of people can surprise you. Always know where the escape is, etc. Don't let yourself get cornered. Keep an eye for people approaching you. Know simple trucks like putting a car between you and the bad guy. Have your keys out in your hand before you go outside so you aren't stuck fumbling for keys. Does she have a camera phone? Once safely inside the car could she have taken pictures?

It's a difficult situation to deal with. If she is goign to carry a gun she has to do it all the time - carrying a gun only when you think you might be attacked is like wearing a helmet only when you think you're going to crash.

This is true. You can't make Marines out of soccer moms with one CHL class. But one needs to find a way to exercise some sort of defense as fight or flight ensues. You reinforced my casual comments about finding out what form of defense she is comfortable utilizing in that kind of situation. What can she access almost reflexively when a threat occurs. Being able to have the relfexive response is more difficult to acquire than the proper defense weapon.

Situational awareness is something very few people think about, and mainly women from my experience. I don't mean to speak critical of them in saying so, as most simply aren't even taught what it provides, or even what it is. I have conditioned my wife and am trying to teach my kids now about it. It's a habit one has to employ consistently. As you do that, other considerations for your safety follow suit.

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learning what to watch for is the first step.

pay attention to your surroundings. Is some one following you?

can you see all the way around your car as you approach? if so look under the car, be hind the tires, and around it as you walk up. know what is going on around you and look inside before getting in.

if not - try another approach walk from the isle next to where you are parked so you can see before you get to the car. make sure you always have an escape route.

always park in a well lit area, dont park where you can not see your car, have your keys ready when you walk out of the store. watch behind yourself as you walk and drive off.

just a few things you could try.

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