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Once again need your help


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Earlier this month I had mentioned that 10 years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She got called in today for a second mammogram which again came back abnormal. They are doing a biopsy next tues to see what it is. I need your thoughts prayers anything that it is just scar tissue and that the cancer isn't back.

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Earlier this month I had mentioned that 10 years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She got called in today for a second mammogram which again came back abnormal. They are doing a biopsy next tues to see what it is. I need your thoughts prayers anything that it is just scar tissue and that the cancer isn't back.

Hang in there. My wife literally finished treatments for breast cancer 2 weeks ago. It was not a fun time but it's pretty amazing the amount of support given by friends, family and organizations like the American Cancer Society. The good news is they are light years ahead of where they were 10 years. There are so many more effective treatments today and new options and treatment regimens are coming out every day.

Still, I hope your mom doesn't have to re-live life with cancer again. Once is plenty. Positive thoughts her way!

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Thoughts go out to your mother and you/your family. As mentioned before, the tools we have now to fight are far better than 10 years ago and with your mother being a survivor she knows how to fight especially hard. Best wishes for a negative biopsy though!

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Thank you all for your help. It was much appreciated. Results came in today. Thankfully it was just scar tissue. So she's good to go.

I was reading through this thread, said a prayer . . . and then I see this!

It doesn't usually work that fast.

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